Do you think that I had my reasons to do this? - Comments

  • JeremyTheThirteenth

    JeremyTheThirteenth (105)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    I did the same thing throughout elementary and half of middle school. I first started to get violent when I was nine because at this end of the school year party, these guys were splashing water in my eyes and pushing me off an 8 foot waterslide. They kept hitting me with pipes and stuff and I got sick of it. I wasn't really violent but I scratched them up pretty bad to the point you could see blood. The principle was two of the boys grandma and they all acted like little snitches. They try to make themselves look like the victims and even had the word if I could stay or not, of course they all said no. I told the principle what they did and they said they were just playing. I guess the principle didn't acknowledge that I was a girl and one of the guys was three years older than me. Emotionally it really does hurt and one of these guys continued to taunt me all up until I left that school.
    June 25th, 2013 at 03:04am