Sociopathy: Explaining The Difference Between Empathetic and Sociopathic Motivation. - Comments

  • Cerbera.

    Cerbera. (100)

    United States
    Hmm, this is certainly very interesting. Thank you for sharing Smile
    I don't think the media is very kind in its portrayal of sociopathic individuals. It may only be me living under a rock or something, but most of the things I take from media make me associate the very word "sociopath" to something bad. So I'm very glad I came across this blog---gave me some food for thought. It still will take me some time to change the negative connotation of the word.
    As someone who's very sensitive to feelings (are we on the opposite sides of the spectrum? lol), I can't say 100% that I "empathize" with how you feel, how it's like to be a sociopath. I can't imagine myself not being able to relate to people that way. It's interesting to me, really, how there's so many people in this world with so many types of thinking and personality. Maybe personality isn't the right word here. But I'm reluctant to call it a "condition," as if it's a disease. That being said, do you feel lacking because you don't feel that same instinctual reaction?
    If this is not too blunt of me to ask: do you feel anything, anything at all, when you see someone hurt or sad? Can you describe to me how you feel in those moments. Sorry if I'm nosy, I'm just really curious! And it's not everyday that I meet someone like you who's so clearly gave me an opportunity to discuss these things.
    June 26th, 2013 at 02:04am