What If I Were Gone Tomorrow? - Comments

  • MamaZ

    MamaZ (100)

    United States
    I know that we don't talk a lot, but when we do I enjoy it. Your stories always find a way to make me laugh or cry, you're an amazing writer. If you suddenly left I would notice and I would most likely cry. With how my mind works I tend to think the worst of things...so yeah I would notice. We all love you and even though it may not seem like it, I do consider you a very good friend.
    June 29th, 2013 at 12:19am
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    I would notice! :( You're awesome and I am always here if you need someone to chat to !! Love ya ♥♥♥
    June 28th, 2013 at 11:48pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    The Queen has spoken, you're not allowed to leave! Nope, not letting that happen!

    I would miss you terribly Cry who would I talk to every day about my crazy ideas or disgusting thoughts lol. I seriously don't feel comfortable talking the way we do with anyone else (BHJ is the exception because she appreciates weird shit XD) but yeah, you can't leave. I will start an ambush and barricade the front door so you physically can't! Lol

    Don't doubt yourself sugar, lots of people love you very much, me included. So chin up beautiful, wipe those pretty eyes and show Mibba how awesome you are!

    Hug <3
    June 28th, 2013 at 10:31pm
  • mollymoshpit;

    mollymoshpit; (100)

    United States
    None of us are going to allow you to leave. We'll blow up your messages and then you'll have to get on and talk to us.

    I would honestly miss you so much. Even though we talk on Facebook sometimes, this is we're you belong. And anyone that tries to run you out of here will get a personal visit from me and I will kick their asses.

    You are an AMAZING writer. Everyone has something that they lack in a story and everyone has something that's really good in a story. You're good at what you do so stop doubting yourself missy.

    Now, go do something fun. (:
    June 28th, 2013 at 10:12pm
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    You are not allowed to have such thoughts young lady. I do not allow it, and as Queen, my word is absolute Snob

    You should never doubt how much you are loved and wanted around here, because you so very seriously are. Arms

    Now no more depressing talk, smile, you're beautiful.
    June 28th, 2013 at 05:28am
  • Madam Shadows;

    Madam Shadows; (100)

    United States
    I've been where your at before. It's hard for a writer sometimes. Some days that I have major writer's block, I think: "What's the point? No one reads this or they don't like my writing." The list goes on and on, but then I'll get an alert on here. It's a comment on my story from a person saying how much they miss the story and love my writing. That right there makes all the bad thoughts disappear.

    In totally honesty if you have even one person commenting on your story and giving you compliments, then you know you're doing something right.

    About the leaving thing...

    I definitely would be upset, because you're not the only person I know that did that. Just know you would make a lot of people sad, including myself. We may have had a misunderstanding in the beginning, but I've grown to accept you. I've accepted the way you write and your ranting blogs. It honestly wouldn't be the same without you.

    Hope that helped some how. If you need to talk my messages are always open.
    June 28th, 2013 at 05:12am
  • Miss.J.isamonster

    Miss.J.isamonster (100)

    United States
    HEY! I would notice in a heartbeat. You always sem to offer words of support in my blogs when I've had a shitty day and I've seen you do so in others' as well. You are an amazing person and I hope to see your posts everyday when I log on.
    June 28th, 2013 at 05:12am
  • Ne0nAbyss

    Ne0nAbyss (465)

    United States
    I'd be sad if you left honestly :(

    I have to say I've never read any of your stories simply because I'm not in your fandom or anything, but your blogs are something I look forward to, I don't always comment or recc them but I do read them even if your blogs topic doesn't peak my interest. I love reading your opinions because they're a lot like mine and it's nice to have someone that even though I don't talk to you much, I share similar opinions with.

    I don't know you a whole lot but from what we've talk about those quick mini-conversations we have are always fun. I'm a loyal fan to you. I love your blogs and your personality.

    Hell, if you have any one-shots that aren't Avenged Sevenfold or stories that are chaptered but short, I'd love to do a review on them if it will help you feel better :)
    June 28th, 2013 at 05:08am
  • Ne0nAbyss

    Ne0nAbyss (465)

    United States
    I'd be sad if you left honestly :(

    I have to say I've never read any of your stories simply because I'm not in your fandom or anything, but your blogs are something I look forward to, I don't always comment or recc them but I do read them even if your blogs topic doesn't peak my interest. I love reading your opinions because they're a lot like mine and it's nice to have someone that even though I don't talk to you much, I share similar opinions with.

    I don't know you a whole lot but from what we've talk about those quick mini-conversations we have are always fun. I'm a loyal fan to you. I love your blogs and your personality.

    Hell, if you have any one-shots that aren't Avenged Sevenfold or stories that are chaptered but short, I'd love to do a review on them if it will help you feel better :)
    June 28th, 2013 at 05:08am
  • Ne0nAbyss

    Ne0nAbyss (465)

    United States
    I'd be sad if you left honestly :(

    I have to say I've never read any of your stories simply because I'm not in your fandom or anything, but your blogs are something I look forward to, I don't always comment or recc them but I do read them even if your blogs topic doesn't peak my interest. I love reading your opinions because they're a lot like mine and it's nice to have someone that even though I don't talk to you much, I share similar opinions with.

    I don't know you a whole lot but from what we've talk about those quick mini-conversations we have are always fun. I'm a loyal fan to you. I love your blogs and your personality.

    Hell, if you have any one-shots that aren't Avenged Sevenfold or stories that are chaptered but short, I'd love to do a review on them if it will help you feel better :)
    June 28th, 2013 at 05:08am
  • Chairman Meow

    Chairman Meow (925)

    Ever since I got back from hiatus late last year, you're the first person that have ever really talked to me and made me feel like a part of the community again. I was so used to just lurk in the corner, reading what everybody else has posted without really wanting to comment or anything. And I'd read each and every one of your blog. I'm not sure how I started talking to you but it really made me want to participate again aside from just posting my stories.

    You are an amazing person and don't ever forget that. As for your writing, I think it's amazing. I may not comment a lot on your stories, but I do read them. I'm just waiting for the perfect words to come to comment because I don't think it's fair to leave some hollow comments. I want to put efforts in my comments as much as you put efforts in writing those amazing chapters.

    Don't feel too bad now, okay? Hug
    June 28th, 2013 at 05:06am
  • kyojin;

    kyojin; (100)

    United States
    I'm bad at this whole cheering people up business, but I'm always here, boo, if you want to just... vent. I really such at witty flippant comments that will make sad people laugh, but I'm just over here, chillin', so don't think you're alone. Arms I promise that you have no reason to feel discouraged about your writing, either. There's no such thing as bad writing (unless you're like spelling every other word wrong... OMFG ). It's jsut a matter of taste. If you like it, then it's good. Don't worry about other people. Shifty
    June 28th, 2013 at 05:03am