Dashed Hopes & The Sickness That Follows - Comments

  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    Cats are funny animals, and when you take in the set up of their hierarchy, we know nothing really XD What we think is hissing and mean and "get the fuck away from me," is probably "Back it up a bit mate, we ain't friends just yet." Jasper is getting a bit better with Thor. Thor idolizes the shit out of Jasper though, he's always following Jasper around with a bright look on his face. Jasper deals. He sprayed my door today and I was like "Dude, did you seriously just piss on my door!?" He's never done it before. But then when Thor was out of my arms, he was following Jasper around like Jasper was a god or something. They both enjoyed some ham then Cute My spoiled boys tehe
    And I haven't got that thing yet, haven't been paid. But if I have money left over, I'll look at it. I don't want Jasper spraying all over the house all stressed and such.
    I'm glad your girls stand up for each other. Jasper stands up for Holly when she's being hassled by a cat in the neighborhood, which is always hilarious because Jasper is fucking huge and just struts on over and stands there and the other cat slinks away back into its shadows lmfao

    Yeah I had to fill out a "questionnaire" when I was adopting Thor. Just telling them how many cats we have, how they are health wise, how much I think it's going to cost to look after him a year. I'm like "Is that just the ham I'll be feeding him or all up?" lol. I put down 400 for food minimum and about 300 vet just in case. I was glad they did something like that. I would have been suss if they just handed me the kitten with a "have a nice day." I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow to be checked out. He's a little sniffly and has a watery eye, I hope he's not sick Sad

    @ RachTheBat_
    Lol yep, give her a big GT stripe. "You wanted the skunk look right?" lmfao
    I'm hoping, just for lols, she gets that hideous orange look going. We'll all have a right laugh then tehe

    He is, completely. He's a total baby.

    Thor has a habit of farting when you pick him up, and you can always tell because a) it stinks and b) he squeaks when he farts lmfao He doesn't notice it himself either XD
    July 11th, 2013 at 06:21am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    I've never heard of that, but I hope that stuff works. I'm glad that for the most part my cats all get along. Sure sometimes they don't get along (usually it's Onyx against either Luna or Destiny) but the girls are protective of each other. If one of them is getting picked on, the other jumps in to try and help/break it up. It's very rare that they do fight but it's just what I notice when it does happen.

    I know what you mean! At least some people I have talked to that were interested in some of the cats have cats of their own and they do take care of them. I tell them a little about the cats, but I give them the information how to contact my bosses if they plan on adopting the cats. They handle all the adoption stuff I just help take care of the kitties while they're there. I'll have to try and post a picture of Bruiser and Blaze when I get on my computer as of right now I'm on my phone. They are both very cuddly, but Blaze is a bit more shy and will hide under his cat bed sometimes. Bruiser seems to love being the center of attention.
    July 9th, 2013 at 05:05pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    She's got black hair and she wants to go blonde so yeah, that'll work XD
    I've been through the whole ginger warning with her and she doesn't care so she deserves patchy hair Snob

    Awww bless! He sounds a right cutey!

    It was really loud too! I think it scared her a bit cause she jumped a mile and then looked at me like "what?" and tried snuggling me, while I'm choking at the smell lmfao
    July 9th, 2013 at 04:37pm
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    Some cats I think just don't want to get along with other cats, or animals, at all. I'm looking at getting this "Feliway" diffuser system. You plug it in and it emulates the "calm/safe/happy" pheromones cats put off and rub against us/surfaces when they're happy and feel safe. It's meant to help relieve the stress in cats, so having multiple cats is said to be made easier and more peaceful with this. Maybe look into that, it might help her. Sometimes, also though, it's just the breed of the cat. I'm actually finding Holly is taking to Thor better than Jasper and I'm putting it down to her having to fight Jasper for the "crown" and now that Jasper has it, she's just like "lol, whatevs. Not my problem." and it's now Jasper's turn to keep the crown. Thor's already desexed, so I don't think Jasper has anything to worry about. I just hope they start to get along soon. If not, then I hope this stuff works. It's expensive-ish, so it better haha.

    Ugh, I hope they didn't get any animals at all then. It's sad to see animals in shelters, but I'd rather them in a shelter where they'll be safe and fed than in a house where they're going to be abused and neglected.
    Bruiser is a perfect name for a big male kitty!

    @ RachTheBat_
    Psssh, just don't dye the backs so she's walking around wit a big undyed patch, if it's a noticeable color XD

    Thor had a rolled up piece of wrapping paper before, he's shredded it and uses it to play catch. I shit you not, you roll it back up and throw it, he'll go after it. You call out "Bring it back Thor." And he does. He'll drop it right at your feet. My boy is so smart! tehe

    Thor does that to me all the time. It's gross but he seems to think it's a nice way to be affectionate. Um no lmfao
    July 9th, 2013 at 03:02pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    She has asked me to dye her hair for her Shifty oops did I leave it on too long and cause you bald patches? My bad. XD
    I can just watch them for hours chasing bits of fluff and what not haha. Bella's found a new hiding place, behind the toilet. Lol
    She farted in my face this morning, fucking stunk lmfao
    July 9th, 2013 at 01:33pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    There is another cat named Jenny I took care of quite a bit. I think she's with one of my bosses/co-workers at the moment, but she never would leave her cage and if she even saw another cat out of theirs, she'd hiss and/or growl at them even if they were nowhere near her which is weird because I guess in her previous home there were other cats. She doesn't like dogs either from what I can tell. There were even days she would try and scratch at me if I tried to pet her, but at least she wasn't like that all the time. As far as Lily goes, that definitely sounds like her. She definitely seems to love being like the queen and she seems almost sassy at times (I guess it's the best way to describe her?) but she's a sweetheart. I still remember years ago, my sister's cat hated when we brought two cats home. She didn't seem to mind the boy kitty as much as the girl though. I think she just wanted to be the only girl cat in the house now that I think about that.

    I'm not sure if they were just being dicks or not but one of the people just seemed like the kind of person that may not take care of a pet if they had one so I was just hoping they wouldn't come in asking about a cat. Luckily, I didn't have to worry about that though. Big kitties are cute. Two of the cats there named Bruiser and Blaze are 4 years old and they're pretty big cats. I love 'em to death though XD

    You're welcome :D
    July 9th, 2013 at 03:03am
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    I think Cat's are fine with most dogs because they're smarter, they see themselves as better. But when another cat comes in, they're threatening that crown and the first cat isn't happy about it.

    I think they just were that smart as humans lol. Unless they were being dicks for a laugh. Yeah, big kitties are always gorgeous.

    Thanks, he's a little terror but he's a cutie. And thanks :D

    @ RachTheBat_
    I know right. He's so crazy though xD
    Yes, accidentally Shifty When something someone does starts bothering you, everything they do will follow. Cat's are hella amusing when they're entertained but things we'd look at as rubbish xD
    Thor's already started trying to scare us to death. Pouncing out of no where, trying to get aside, the little shit xD

    I love when kitties purr, it's so lovely Cute

    lol thanks :D
    July 9th, 2013 at 02:33am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    Wow Thor is gorgeous!!
    Yeah, I'm so tempted to "accidentally" kick her down the stairs or something haha. I'm not letting her get to me any more, she's making me rage at everything! XD Bella's favourite thing to play with at the moment is the ribbon that comes with those Lindt chocolate bunnies haha she loves it. She scared me half to death earlier. Not content with scaring the shit outta me by running away, she jumps onto my window will and tries to jump out the window. I think I aged about 20 years! Haha.

    Awwww that's so cute! Bella only likes to do that when she's sleepy, then its full on purr mode lol. Its so soothing it sends me to sleep too Cute

    Nice jacket too! Lol
    July 8th, 2013 at 01:39am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    I know the 10 year old cat Lily we had at the store did not care for the other cats at all. One of my co-workers is fostering her right now and I guess Lily doesn't mind her dogs it's just the other cats she can't stand.

    Haha I know right? I'm just wondering though, what made them think he was a dog? Like every other cage around his were cats and not to mention, we don't let dogs in there because it freaks some of the cats out. I'm not quite sure how much Gabriel weighs, but I think it may be around that weight considering he seems to weigh as much as my Shiba Inu. She only weighs 16 or 17 pounds.

    Yay!! XD Dance Thor is adorable!! By the way, I love your hoodie :)
    July 7th, 2013 at 06:47pm
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    @ RachTheBat_
    Just smack her and say your hand slipped haha.
    Kittens are very simple...and if I may say, easily distracted creatures. I got a kitten today, I'll attack some photos of him in a mini, but I got him this toy and nope, not interested, he wanted this piece of plastic and boy did he love it. He was carrying it all around the house going crazy with it. He's a simple darling.

    This sister or "whatever" sounds like a right selfish twat. Kittens are difficult to get down. And more difficult to keep down. To just wake one up because is like, the worst thing you can do! Not to mention incredibly rude!

    Yes Catwoman, it is my true calling tehe
    Well he hasn't completely ignored me. He snuggled with dad for a bit, smished mum and slept on her lap for a bit and now he's sleeping on my boobs and purring away happily. He just yawned in my face and his breath smells lmfao But he's such a loud purrer, its adorable. And he loves smoodging your face, like full blown nuzzling and smishing you, it's adorable.

    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    I'm glad. I feel so sad when there's grown up cats being abandoned and left alone. It's horrible. There was a 10 year old one there today and dad said he was gorgeous. I wish I could have taken him home but he just never would have gotten on with Holly and Jasper.
    Psssh, no dog is worthy of such a feline look Snob lolol. ermm 8kgs is about 17.6pounds Shocked
    And i did get to bring him home!! Hes gorgeous and so affectionate!!!

    And this is him. Meet Thor!!
    Just ignore my ugly mug in it lmfao
    He's currently attacking my toes tehe
    July 7th, 2013 at 12:33pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    A few cats that have been adopted have been at least 1 or two years old. One of the cats I help take care of named Gabriel is about 4 years old and he's a big guy. Some idiot who came into the shop yesterday for some reason thought he was a dog Facepalm I'm not sure how much 8 kgs is exactly but I'm sure he's adorable. I hope you get to see the kitty and get to take it home with you.
    July 6th, 2013 at 07:07pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    None taken, I agree with you! XD
    If she wasn't related to my boyfriend I would've kicked her ass by now. Don't get me started on her.. haha. She's a complete drama queen.
    I laughed my ass off when she bought all these expensive toys for her, Bella turned her nose up at them and went for the little ball of foil I made her Con
    I know! How can anyone not love to play with them! I've just spent the past few hours watching Bella chase a fly around the room and played "hide the mouse (it's a stuffed toy thing), it's hilarious! XD Now she's snoozing in my lap cause she's knackered poor thing lol.

    I just had another go at her, she comes in from her "fun" day out and wakes Bella up. What the fuck?! She was sleeping soundly and bitch face comes in and fucking scares the shit out of her! Ranting took me ages to calm her down. She keeps on she's gonna have my size three boot in her face XD

    Haha, CATWOMAN TO THE RESCUE! She swoops in and steals all your kitties then ends you lmfao
    Yeah, I know the ones. A woman a few doors up from me has one. It sits in the window all day every day like "this is my house" Snob they fascinate me! They look like they've been skinned, but they're cute in their own weird little way haha.
    Poppy does that whenever my brother is home, she leaves me and goes and snuggles up to him, the lush! XD

    Poppy high five!!

    And because I couldn't leave Bella out, this is how she sleeps when I'm at work lol

    July 6th, 2013 at 05:06pm
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    @ RachTheBat_
    Ugh. No offense, but your sister is a bitch. I probably would have knocked her on her ass. I can take someone having a go at me, but have a go at a kitten and it's fucking game on. I won't stand for it. How exactly does your sister think playing and caring for a kitten is unfun, or a waste of time? The fuck is she smoking? If Jasper didn't run the other direction, I'd coddle him all day! I adore when he's in a playful mood! She should be so fucking lucky that the kitty wanted to even be near her! Cat's are very good judges of character. If my cat doesn't like someone, I don't. I'm glad Bella is safe in your boyfriends room now and not being terrorized by who sounds like a total prima-donna. File

    People like that just make me wish I wasn't so afraid of going to jail. Seriously, if I was a little more twisted and a little less caring, I'd probably be in jail by now with the amount of people I'd happily, out of my mind, "get rid of." People who harm cats are the first on my list when I finally go batshit lmfao Then I will horde all the kittens and become CATWOMAN!! Wow
    kurbgiuwrg Poppy sounds flippin' adorable! Even the "ugly" kittens are flippin' cute! Even the naked ones! You know which ones I mean! They're cute in a...cutely ugly kind of way...Facepalm
    I just hope he likes me too. And doesn't betray me and get all cozy with my dad like Jasper did. The traitor Grr My boy will have a little brother Cry
    July 6th, 2013 at 02:16pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    That is exactly the row I had with my niece this morning. She paid for Bella to have her injections and what not, so she was parading around telling everyone Bella was HER cat and for everyone to stay away from her because she paid for the jabs, even though I was the one to catch three buses with her to the vets and back and took care of her afterwards. I was like okay fine, when she shits YOU clean out her litter tray, when she cries you see to her cause I won't, thinking she'd step up. So this morning, she bursts into my boyfriend's room (which is another thing that pisses me off) and says "I'm bored of the kitten now, I haven't got time for her I should be out having fun not stuck at home with a fucking cat" and threw the poor thing at me. I went absolutely nuts at her. So now, Bella's bed is in his room, with all her toys and she hasn't cried once. Evil fucking bitch. Wow that was a big rant! XD

    That's how I got my cat Poppy, she was unwanted too Sad people round here are so fickle, they take the "pretty and cute" looking kittens and leave the rest to fend for themselves. I'm always seeing people posting pictures of their cats on Facebook asking if anyone wants them because they have no time for them, don't get a cat or any type of pet if you can't give it 100% commitment. No one wanted Poppy because she's all black with a white patch underneath her chin, which I think is ridiculous, so I swooped in and saved her lol. She's loved now though, I had her when she was eight weeks old and she's a little over one now, she really is my best friend XD
    July 6th, 2013 at 01:13pm
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    I was looking at adopting two, just so I was separating brothers. I'm glad you, and your "co-workers" are so into helping the kitties find forever homes that will actually be forever. Not until they hit 2 years of age and are no longer kitten looking and "appealing." What a crock. My Jasper is close to 8kgs and 5 years old, he's a big boy, but he's still my baby. Fuck the haters.
    But in good news, I'm going to the RSPCA tomorrow to look at adopting a kitten that was left in a box under a tree when it was born. It's litter mates have all already been adopted, so I won't be splitting them up. He's 180 dollars, but that covers his vaccinations, micro-chipping, vet check up and desexing. He's 3 months old and a little gray tabby. I hope he's still there by the time I see him tomorrow, it broke my heart when she said he was "an unwanted litter cat." That's depressing Sad
    July 6th, 2013 at 08:51am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    The two ladies that are in charge of the cats where I volunteer (I guess you could say they're my bosses even if I'm technically not getting paid) make sure they are going to places where they're going to be taken care of. I know one for a fact is very into animal rights and stuff like that and takes care of quite a few cats and kittens. I hate how people treat cats like that Sad My mom didn't want to separate the two sisters but then again I wouldn't want to either. I don't think I ever could.
    July 6th, 2013 at 03:23am
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    @ RachTheBat_
    The problem is, people are self entitled. They'll always think they're more important than pets, or animals in general. Rolling Eyes
    Jasper was similar this morning, except for the bashing XD He got right up in my face and just, meowed so loud to wake me up XD

    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    I wish I could do that. I wouldn't want to let the cats go with anyone I didn't feel was actually going to take care of them, and sadly, we have a lot of people like that in Tasmania. If they're not buying the kitten for a present for a little kid who will grow out of the cat and abandon it, then they're under the mentality that kittens/cats are of no use besides dog toys and crab bate. This is why I couldn't work there. The kittens would never leave because I wouldn't want them to and that wouldn't be fair on them Sad
    I might have to look in the newspaper and just adopt a moggy, not a pureblood.
    July 6th, 2013 at 02:17am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    I have 3 cats. 2 I've had since they were born. I'm not quite sure any of them would like me getting another kitty though lol
    July 5th, 2013 at 06:50pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    Me too, me too! I have one cat and a little kitten at the moment but I'd definitely take in more if the rents let me!
    July 5th, 2013 at 06:43pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ RachTheBat_
    I will! Trust me, if I had a bigger house or at least lived on my own, I'd probably at least foster a few kitties. I love cats.
    July 5th, 2013 at 06:34pm