Girl Code || Comment Swap || Random Questions - Comments

  • Favorite TV show: Boy Meets World!
    Favorite band: Goo Goo Dolls! ^-^ And The Beatles, of course :3
    Best thing that's happened to me so far this year: Going to see a Goo Goo Dolls concert with my Sister, and getting a job. lol.
    Guilty pleasure: I honestly don't know xD
    Favorite story on mibba: I haven't really been keeping up with a lot of stories, I'll read the first few chapters and be like, "That's soooo good! I'll read more of it later!" and then I'll forget. But one of my friends has an account on here and she has two really good stories that I like, "The Ideas of When" and "Strung Together", she hasn't really updated them much recently though ;_;
    July 10th, 2013 at 01:43am
  • @ Diligence
    comment on my profile and we shall talk about shows okay! AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF GIRL CODE AH. subway is God sent honestly. idk if i told you but my sister works at the one across the street and its so hard for me to resist the urge to go use her discount every second of every day. and okay! we can discuss stories. i have a few ill rec to you because they're super good and i think you'd like them

    @ Arabian Nights.
    those were the best shows back in the day! you met your best friend this summer? AWESOME! tell me about him/her :D! and no its not bad at all :). i have a LOOTTT of favorites.

    @ LanaDelGay;;
    I used to watch that show like it was my damn job. wait i didn't know you liked rockish music omg i love both of those bands. I THOUGHT YOU ONLY LIKED POP I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MORE NOW Weird wait you only joined mibba this summer? whhhattt. oh and link me to that story gaylord
    July 10th, 2013 at 01:33am
  • 1. There are too many, we will have to have a discussion bout this. File
    2. I don't listen to bands Facepalm
    3. Hanging with Kiana I suppose
    4. Tuna on anything, Subway, Cookies n Creme chocolate and mint chocolate chip ice cream
    5. Ohhh i'll get back to you on that, we'll discuss that too.

    July 10th, 2013 at 01:19am
  • 1. There are too many, we will have to have a discussion bout this. File
    2. I don't listen to bands Facepalm
    3. Hanging with Kiana I suppose
    4. Tuna on anything, Subway, Cookies n Creme chocolate and mint chocolate chip ice cream
    5. Ohhh i'll get back to you on that, we'll discuss that too.

    July 10th, 2013 at 01:19am
  • 1. A tie between Teen Titans and Danny Phantom
    2. Evanescence
    3. Meeting my best friend
    4. Watching cartoons
    5. Is it bad that I don't have a favorite story?Shifty
    July 10th, 2013 at 01:06am
  • Omg I want to answer the questions!
    1) My Wife & Kids never gets old.
    2) Falling In Reverse or/and Bring Me The Horizon.
    3) Nothing at all, maybe joining Mibba.
    4) It's so guilty, I can't admit it.
    5) I really like the story The Unconventionals. Idk, I find it good. :)
    July 10th, 2013 at 01:02am