I Have This Writing Problem... - Comments

  • I'm the exact same way when I write. Like you said, in the begining when you actually just get the idea and start writing it out, it's like, "This sounds pretty awesome!" And then you get your first comment, and you get all nervous. And then when people actually look forward to it, you feel that little bit of pressure and ask yourself, "What if they don't like it?" So, yeah, you're not alone. I always feel a little bit of pressure when someone tells me that they actually like what I write and I always get nervous when I post a new chapter. But honestly, my thing is, write whatever you want and whatever comes to mind. Write what you're comfortable writing. If someone doesn't like it, who cares? There's always gonna be people out there that don't like what other people write. But there's also other people out there that love what other people write. And the only opinion that matters when it comes to what you wanna write, is your own. Granted, constuctive critizism is nice, just not someone whose downright hateful and says hurtful stuff. Just write what you wanna write and don't worry about if people like it or not. As long as you like it, that's all that matters because it's your work, no one elses.
    August 2nd, 2013 at 03:20am
  • I am so like this all the time but writing's been a lot harder for me lately with me having no time to actually write. Cry
    August 1st, 2013 at 08:25am
    August 1st, 2013 at 02:19am
    August 1st, 2013 at 01:26am
  • i totes feel u, yo.
    August 1st, 2013 at 12:36am
  • Nope, you're not alone at all. That's how I feel every time I start a story. And most times I end up deleting them because I just can't figure out how to start the next chapter and I get frustrated because I don't know if it'll be good enough. So, no, you're not alone. :)
    July 31st, 2013 at 07:26pm
  • You're not alone, trust me. This is how I feel when I post anything at all. What I do for the most part, it try to have five or six chapters already written and that way I can focus on the other chapters and not worry about if they will like what I write because I wasn't worried about people when I wrote the earlier chapters.
    July 31st, 2013 at 06:34pm
  • Oh my god, I feel like this!

    I felt like this the first time I wrote Asphyxia with my bf, we honestly got so stressed over it we seriously started fighting over it. This time though wrote like half the chapters before posting it and it helps so much.
    July 31st, 2013 at 08:52am
    I find the first chapter the easiest, it's the chapters in the middle that I struggle with because people have all these expectations and ugh it kills me. The only thing I can suggest is pre-writing a whole story before you post because then there's no expectations to keep wowing them - well, there is, but I find that it's lessened because you've already written the chapter so you don't have to think about said pressure and stuff? Does this make any sense sorry if it doesn't Facepalm
    July 31st, 2013 at 06:49am
  • I know exactly how you feel.
    July 31st, 2013 at 05:20am
  • I completely agree. People always say that the first chapter is the hardest to write, which is somewhat true since it's what hooks readers in, but it's the second chapter that's the worst because you gotta keep hooking them in and continue to wow readers.
    July 31st, 2013 at 05:16am
  • I totally get you! I find that it really helps if you outline how you want the story to go and prewrite, like tom riddle. said, that way even if you do hit writers block you still have something to give them whilst you sort it out. Cute
    July 31st, 2013 at 04:58am
  • No you're definitely not alone there. I feel like that with one of my favorite stories I'm writing now, Your Eyes Are My Safe Haven. I really wish I didn't feel this way. It's one of my most popular stories, actually my most popular, and I've made it so far into the story-line and now I'm questioning whether or not I'll let everyone down with the ending. It sucks so much but no you're def not alone.
    July 31st, 2013 at 04:50am
  • You are not alone. Seriously. I have the exact. same. problem.
    I'm with tom riddle. I am trying the same thing.
    It does seem to be a little better.
    July 31st, 2013 at 04:12am
  • Nope. You are definitely not alone.
    July 31st, 2013 at 04:10am
  • Have you tried prewriting what you've written, rather than writing the first chapter, posting it, and then having to type up the other chapters later? I've had that problem before, and after I switched to prewriting it's gotten a lot better for me. That way I can edit over it if I need to without having my readers be like "wait a second it wasn't like that before", and all of that fun stuff.

    I have difficulty finishing things, and for my story Poison, I'm prewriting it until it's finished. And it's a goal that I'm actually proud to say that it's getting done, because I'm on my 10th chapter, and that's the farthest I've ever gotten on anything.

    Anyways. Try prewriting a couple chapters first. It helps with me. Cute
    July 31st, 2013 at 04:06am
  • THIS!
    I feel you, I get this feeling all the time.
    It's worst than when I have to take a quiz at school lol, that makes me feel a bit pathetic.
    But I know what your talking about. Wink
    July 31st, 2013 at 04:02am