I shall most likely be posting more regularly soon and Pokemon X and Y - Comments

  • @ LettersToNormandy
    I literally have no shiny legiandaries, but I do have a couple of other shinies. I have a shiny Meinshao and a Gardevoir (which I actually called baby) and they're my angels, but I do have a couple more that I don't use. Oh thank you! You're super kind. I breed starters with mental egg moves so if you want any of those... :)
    August 11th, 2013 at 10:08pm
  • @ Airi.
    I was just studying a picture of it and I think it might be a ginat bird. I'm really excited about how they use the legends in the new plot. They were really big in Diamond/ Pearl/ Platinum and Black/ White/ 2. So I wonder if they'll be like that or be sort of more of a side quest like in the original games. I think they're probably going to be big in the plot. And I'm excited for the new baddies, they better not be boring >.<

    I'm so excited for the baby too! It's so cute, it better deal some awesome damage!
    August 11th, 2013 at 10:04pm
  • I am so excited for them! I've already got a shiny Giratnia but another one wouldn't hurt. I actually have a friend who breeds shinies. He breeds me what I want in exchange for me letting him borrow my original DS to do it my shiny Chandelure is my baby. If you have a shiny you want hit me up and I might be able to get you one (omg it almost sounds like a drug deal offer with pokemon)
    August 11th, 2013 at 10:00pm
  • @ Hey_ Assbutt
    Well Yveltal is class as the "Destruction Pokemon" so.... Maybe it's a dragon monster thing? I dunno. Funnily enough, it's not even part Dragon, it's a Dark/Flying dual-type. I'm looking forward to see how Yveltal affects the story considering it's a Destruction Pokemon. Sounds fun. Weird I just think Froakie looks weird. I just can't get used to it lol. xD

    Mega Kangaskhan is awesome. After 17 years, the baby finally has a use! Crazy
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:58pm
  • @ LettersToNormandy
    It toatlly is, right? :D

    Yes, I am really excited about that. I want another Palkia, as I lost my one from Pearl somewhere. I think it's on my Soul Silver but I don't know where. I didn't know they were going to be shiny, so that's awesome!
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:53pm
  • Omg. That is freaking precious. Also you know about the shiny creation trio that's being given out as part of the "celebration" for the new games or whatever yes???
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:49pm
  • @ LettersToNormandy
    YES! I think it was only announced yesterday but I'll be awesome!
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:48pm
  • @ Airi.
    It makes a lot more sense now, I literally thought they named the games after the shapes of the legendary Pokemon.

    If I only get one I'm going to get Y, I like the thing (I don't know what it is really, a bird/ dragon??). It's a good cololur combination. It's looking more than likely I'll get Fennekin, and I don't like Froakie much either. They have too many frog pokemon if you ask me. >.<
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:47pm
  • Did you just say Mega Kangaskhan?? Pardon me while I go look this up right fast because now I'm really curious
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:45pm
  • @ LettersToNormandy
    The Mega Pokemon do look cool, but I see what you mean that it's becoming too much like Digimon. I'm really looking forward to the Mega Kangaskhan, because you get the use the baby!
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:43pm
  • The names are actually references to the planes of a 3DS system. The 3DS has three planes it uses which are X, Y, and Z. It's a reference to Kalos being the first full 3D region. The names are actually a lot better than people think, although I suppose most people don't know about the planes of a 3DS so it just goes over their heads. XD

    I'm so excited for X and Y. It's only two months away and those two months are going to pass by so slowly. D: I'm planning to get X. Can't pass up a giant deer with giant glowing, rainbow antlers. tehe I'll get Y eventually, I just can't afford to buy them both on release. Sad I'm stuck between Chespin and Fennekin. I don't like Froakie much so that makes it slightly easy. But Chespin and Fennekin are both sooooo adorable. I don't know who to choose. D:
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:27pm
  • Pokemon X and Y I am so insanely excited for this.

    The only thing that bugs me is this "Mega Pokémon" battle evolution stuff. It almost seems like they're venturing into the realm of Digimon and I'm just like Umm. So yeah. I'm super excited for the game just rather wary of this battle evolution stuff.
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:08pm