At a Lost For Words - Comments

  • First I must say, welcome back :) I agree with what you're saying. I joined Mibba when I was 12, and it hasn't really been the same. So now I try my best to be the user I'd want to see. I welcome all the new members, respond to all my reviews, make friends, lift people up, give support, review stories, raise awareness for others, and simply just make it a positive place to be. It's not the same, and I wish it was.

    My English teacher and I are really close, and this summer she sent me this quote, I'd thought I'd share it with you. I was feeling pretty de-motivated but this quote really lifted me up. Here it is:

    I have my original story on here called Quiescence. It's pretty light, and very unique. I update as much as people want me to, and I try to get readers involved in the story (naming characters, surprises, etc.) But no one (I mean NO ONE haha) is getting into it which sucks. I'd love for you to come check it out, only if you want to of course :)

    I'm praying for you, hope things get better!

    God Bless!


    August 14th, 2013 at 03:53am