AS Results and why I don't think I'll make it into Uni. - Comments

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  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ it's monroe.
    Exactly! Apart from the head of sixth form, although when he dresses as a Death Eater for Children in Need it kind of hard to see him as an authoritative figure now. XD

    We had quite a few compulsory lessons at GCSE, like P.E, Religious Education and IT on top of the ones you listed and Welsh. But then I skipped a lot of days during year eleven and still managed to pass every subject except for the foreign languages which is good in my opinion. My Science class was pretty pathetic despite being in top set for double award. But I rarely did work so I can't really blame them (though I did a lot more work in Chem and Bio than Phys because I actually had science teachers that knew the subject in those).

    A few weeks into year seven, for some reason the kids in my form thought I was a lesbian even though I didn't know anyone because I was the only one from my primary school to attend that secondary school, and it kinda went round my year. Then it died out and I think everyone's forgot about that but then in year eleven, in my Psychology class, I say something that indicates heterosexuality and this guy is like "I thought you were a lesbian!" so it's made me wonder whether I was thought of as a lesbian for the entire five years of compulsory education. I wasn't given any trouble over it if I was, but I'm still shocked that someone thought that of me for five years! XD

    You're so lucky! I wanted to not go back after our exams were done because we'd had study leave and going back after study leave always sucks. I don't know whether my school broke up on the Thursday or Friday because I was off at my local primary school for work experience that week. The biggest thing I took from that week was that primary school teachers are underappreciated because they're so tiring! Shifty

    The closest uni to me is Bangor uni which has a creative writing course but my mum was like "that means you can stay at home" so I lied and said they didn't have a course! But Aberystwyth uni is the next closest uni but I'd have to take English as Joint Honours for that and I'm iffy about English. Unsure I think Trinity Saint David is next closest to me but it's in the south of Wales so I think Chester might be closer.

    Me and my friend are thinking of going to the same uni and before our results, we were in love with either Keele or Staffordshire, but now I think TSD might be the best option. tehe
    August 17th, 2013 at 02:14am
  • orange county.

    orange county. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ castiel's vessel
    That's definitely the case with my school too, the teachers are so much more relaxed and it's more like your equals then a big scary authoritative figure. XD

    I loved French, but we didn't have any compulsory languages. The only compulsory lessons were English, Maths and some form of Science.

    I managed to pass everything, barely. The only reason I got my C's for Chemistry and Physics was because of the ISA's. I don't want to say that we cheated... but, yeah, we basically cheated. I asked to move to Double and they wouldn't even let me because I was 'too good' at Science. I got three U's in exams... Shifty So good.

    I convinced two people I was a vampire for months, but that was in Year 7, haha. It's because I'm moody and pale and have dark eyes.

    There's construction on my school, so we go back a week later than planned. We broke up a week earlier too. tehe I love construction.

    BCU is too close for me not to consider it. I'll go check out Trinity Saint David, thank you, I hadn't even heard of that Uni. Keele was recommended to me, as was Staffordshire so they'll probably go on the UCAS form as back-ups.
    August 17th, 2013 at 01:53am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ it's monroe.
    The class difference between GCSE and A-Level is amazing because all the immature people leave to go to college so it's not constant disruptions, although Religious Studies was always brilliant this year because our class clown wasn't annoying but was actually really funny and it's great to have a laugh in class. Even one of my RS teachers said that if you had a teacher in GCSE and have them in AS/A, you see a big change because they become more relaxed and it's more personal, in a way (which totally happened because I had her for RE for GCSE and skipped almost every RE class each week and still got a B at GCSE XD).

    Me too. I mean, sure I got two D's at GCSE and an E but GCSE was the years I found out that I'm not good with learning languages, with the E being for French and the two D's being for Spanish and Welsh (the latter being compulsory because of living in Wales), but the rest I passed with C's, B's and even one A. I would love to find Science interesting but it's so boring that I could fall asleep! My entire class failed in year ten so we were basically all put into foundation tier so I got two C's because I was Double Award Science.

    I moan about typical things because I can and it's a great relief, however I only ever rant about really bad things/categories other than typical things on Mibba or when I'm alone in my room because I am seen as someone who is sarcastic/bitter and doesn't show emotion and it's easier to just keep that appearence up than not for one year. I mean, in year eleven I was actually asked whether I was a vampire. I kid you not. This guy in my English class asked me and I just couldn't not believe it and pretended that I didn't hear him. XD

    The 9th?! So lucky, I'm pretty sure school opens back up on the 3rd for me, though I don't know because I totally skipped the last day of term. I think I would prefer Wife of Bath because we only watched The Homecoming and we haven't read it yet but it looks to be a bore when reading and I suffered with that with Oleanna for year 12! Twitch

    Yes, my teacher loved being mean. It didn't even count towards anything except for, apparently, the English key skills or something like that.

    My first look was Trinity Saint David because it looks beautiful, has a Creative Writing course and is based more upon an interview rather than grades which is totally amazing for me. I then looked at Keele University and Staffordshire, which allows three C's which is absolutely grand! I hadn't looked at Anglia Ruskin so I might look at that, but I looked at BCU and didn't really become interested.
    August 16th, 2013 at 03:04am
  • orange county.

    orange county. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    See, that's a good way of looking at it. Plus, the less people in the class, the more time the teacher will have for you if you need it. That's probably my favourite thing about the huge change from GCSE to A-level, the classes are so much more intimate. At least, that's how it worked out with my options.

    I have always got by on C's and B's, but never been a straight A student. My friends are so intelligent and my one friend Charlotte is doing the same with the Maths and Science's and she finds it so easy and interesting and I absolutely detest all Maths and Science related subjects. I find Biology really interesting, but I suck at science anyway. XD I managed to get a B and two C's in my science GCSE's after getting U's for a year and a half.

    I'm exactly the same. I moan because I know what I want, and I expect it. XD My friends think I moan too much, but I think it's healthy, or you end up bitter about all the things you kept inside.

    You're so lucky! Wife of Bath is literally killing me already, and school doesn't start until the ninth of September. What on Earth? OMG NO! That sounds terrifying! XD Wife of Bath is just about a old woman who loves to talk about her five husbands.

    We never had to do anything like that? Think Was it just your teacher being mean?

    I first looked at East Anglia, but A is not going to happen for me so I started looking at Anglia Ruskin and I think I love it to pieces. Here's a link to the course I was looking at, it only needs a C grade in English and a total of 280 UCAS points, so it's pretty good to get into. Cute I was also looking at BCU. What about you, where were you thinking?
    August 16th, 2013 at 02:41am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ it's monroe.
    Considering that four people dropped Law following the January exam and like five more people aren't carrying on with it, I am kinda okay with the D because I can learn it again and spend the extra free periods I will now have dedicated to Law/English.

    Me too! I mean, loads of people can't do A-levels and that's okay so they go to college or they get a job. I will never be one of those people who can get straight A's (which my friend did for her five AS subjects, wait for it - Maths, Further Maths and all three Sciences!) but if I pass all subjects with at least a C then I will be happy because I tried and I passed and there's nothing I can ask for than to pass.

    I spend 95% of my life moaning. XD

    No, we're doing Catcher in the Rye with The Homecoming for the play but it's so weird because there's a woman in it who is a brother's wife but allows her husband's brothers to kiss her and then agrees to be a whore for the brothers and their father and it's like what! Twitch I think we're doing King Lear for Shakespeare but I'm not sure because I avoided my English lessons following the exam because we had to do a presentation in front of the class about something to do with Shakespearean times and I cannot speak in front of people. Facepalm

    Also, I forgot to ask, but which uni are/were you looking at for Creative Writing? Some I've looked at say you need an A in English Lit and it's like there's no way that's happening. File
    August 16th, 2013 at 02:31am
  • orange county.

    orange county. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ castiel's vessel
    Be proud! That's so amazing. It sucks that your family don't see it that way, but it's probably just because they want you to do the best you can. I hope they're not trying to put you down or anything because you are obviously not stupid, a-levels are tricky and getting a D on Law and History of Art is much better than what I would get if I took those subjects.

    I'm trying to be positive about my grades because a-levels are so damn hard! Not everyone can be super clever and I know that I can do this if I just forget about last year and look towards working for the grades I want. Even if I don't get A*'s for everything, I know that I will push through because it's my future, and if I don't try then no-one else is going to do it for me.

    Please do, my friends don't moan enough about their subjects! tehe

    I'm not looking forward to A2 English. Are you doing the Wife of Bath, do you know? 'Cause that's what my class is doing and it's going to be so freaking difficult. Not to mention the Shakespeare, which we're probably studying Measure for Measure for. The only good part is going to be the coursework. XD
    August 16th, 2013 at 02:18am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Antidote.
    I don't think we have any subject where there's just coursework - not even Applied Science. But wow, congratulations on the two A*, that's a great achievement! Cute

    I think I had a lot going on last year, especially following an incident in March so my exams didn't come in the right period of my life, so hopefully I can do better when I resit Law because I already spoke to my Law teacher in June and she said that because I achieved a C in January, I can resit unit 2 if I get an E, which I did.

    And thanks! Very Happy

    @ it's monroe.
    I'm disappointed in the C for English. I felt really confident in my coursework because my teacher loved it, and then discussing the exam after it, I found that a lot of the points I put many people in my class put as well so I figured I had more chance of being right than I did wrong!

    A2 I'm not looking forward to because I had a friend who was doing that last year but was in my AS History of Art class and she had so much work for it that she took off a day a week for mental health because it was so much pressure. OMG NO! And I love moaning about my subjects so I might just take you up on that offer. tehe

    I really want to be proud of the A for Religious Studies because it's my favourite subject because it's so interesting, but literally all my family members who have found out about it basically brushed it aside because it's "nothing" and I "should have got it for English", not to mention their disappointment as well at the two Ds because they're not a "pass" despite that fact that they are according to my teachers. It just really gets me down and I think I spent five minutes with my friend actually happy about the A because she was happy for me too - my family, yeah, not so much despite the fact that I'm the only one out of all my siblings to take four subjects for AS (my brother took two plus the Welsh Bacc and all my other siblings didn't pass their GCSEs) but obviously that doesn't even matter. Grr
    August 16th, 2013 at 02:07am
  • orange county.

    orange county. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I was so considering doing a blog like this today because I seriously hated my A-Level results. I was disappointed with myself for the C's I got in Media and English because I know I could've done better. Especially with Media.

    I also want to do Creative Writing at Uni and got a C on my English literature results. Just think, you have another year to drag that C up to a B and you can and will do it. Aim for high mark on the coursework and it's achievable! If you need anyone to moan to about English A2, I'm around, and I love moaning. Cute

    Also, you should totally be proud of that A you got! I wish I could've picked Religious Studies but my school didn't give me the option.
    August 16th, 2013 at 01:35am
  • antidote.

    antidote. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I've just completed my a levels with 2 A* and a C. My AS consisted of D's and E's so don't beat yourself up about them (I know it's hard, I was in your place and it feels like the end of the world). I'm not goin to uni this year but my friend went through clearing- she basically found her course on the clearing list, rang up and had a little chat with them and she got in- no tests or formal interview.

    A levels are hard and I only got two A* because I did a subject where there was no exam, just coursework- I can't do exams very well Facepalm keep your chin up and use this as a chance to see where you went wrong and change it. An example for me being my revision techniques, I found what worked best for me and what didn't. Also, using the resources given to me. I took advantage of sessions, the library and just didn't have a social life tehe

    Good luck for A2 Smile
    August 16th, 2013 at 01:03am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Looking at Stars
    AQA no longer allows resits in January so if I resit any, I have to do it in June on top of all my other exams which doesn't look to be a successful resit in my eyes. I don't quite know what clearing is entirely, just that if you don't get accepted you can find courses that way but does that mean they accept lower grades? And I've been told that personal statements are terrible to write, and last September/October the year above me had so much trouble doing theirs so an awesome personal statement doesn't seem too promising, but I never know!
    August 15th, 2013 at 11:45pm
  • Looking at Stars

    Looking at Stars (100)

    United Kingdom
    I got B,D,D at Alevel two years ago. I had to go through clearing. I found an awesome uni and have had the best two years of my life so far. Also, you have a chance to retake the coursework/exams you didn't do so well on in January, and then again in June. So don't give up just yet. Universities know that people retake, and are rather quite lenient. I think what you could concentrate on is writing an awesome personal statement and being different if you get asked for an interview by a uni. Oh and of course the retakes. Haha.
    August 15th, 2013 at 11:38pm