Ashlee Needs Advice (And Gets Personal) - Comments

  • It's not a problem, at all. Live long and happy with him at your side. Very Happy
    September 3rd, 2013 at 03:30am
  • @ mirror bomb.
    Well I did what you said and was just gentle with him about it, thanks so much for the advice!! Arms
    September 3rd, 2013 at 03:16am
  • Aww, I'm so glad it all worked out for you in the end. Arms
    September 3rd, 2013 at 03:09am
  • @ mirror bomb.
    @ psychotic secrets;
    So I talked to him yesterday and everything is all good! The problem is that he might be going back to school in Chicago after Christmas, and even though he really does like me he was nervous about that. But I told him that I was willing to work through it and he said okay, so now we're dating! Thank you both so much for all your advice, it really did help Arms
    September 2nd, 2013 at 10:29pm
  • No problem! Hug
    August 25th, 2013 at 03:38am
  • @ mirror bomb.
    I'll try to be gentle just in case! Thank you so much Arms
    August 25th, 2013 at 03:35am
  • It's no problem, but for your sake, I hope nothing horrible happens. Perhaps he just doesn't know where to go after having taken something of yours away from you. Maybe he's just starting to feel like you're more innocent than him and he's not sure where to go now.

    Having sex is a major step for anyone, I'd be gentle about things if it is all a misunderstanding. Good luck, doll!
    August 25th, 2013 at 03:33am
  • @ mirror bomb.
    That sounds like a perfect idea! I haven't really been paying attention if he uses my name a lot, I'll pay attention to that when I see him

    @ psychotic secrets;
    I'll wait a few days and then I'll talk to him! Thank you so much for your help
    August 25th, 2013 at 03:23am
  • I'd wait a while before confronting him, basically guys hate confrontation straight up after a major "life changing" event. Guys behaviours usually become apparent over time, believe me it's how I found out I was being cheated on.

    First, does he use your name when referring to you or talking to you? They distance themselves that way, makes it easier to not attach to you. There is also the exact opposite where they overuse your name and become too hands-on. This is so they don't lose you to someone else; making you think your special.

    Second, the reason I said to give it time is because over time you will notice certain patterns in their behaviour towards you, especially if they're becoming distant of you. In a few days I would ask him to hang out, now when you do ask him to hang out, listen to his tone of voice, distinguish what his voice is saying - not his words.

    Third, good luck! That is all my advice.
    August 25th, 2013 at 02:38am
  • Make you look clingy? You gave the boy your virginity. You deserve to get a reasoning behind why he's acting weird. It's one thing to harass someone, but it's a simple question and a simple conversation. To make things fair I would wait a few days and see if it gets any better.

    If he still continues to act weird, I would talk to him. It's not right for someone to act that way, with or without sex. Also with him only responding to dirty things is weird too. The whole thing is weird from my POV, I don't know why he would act that way.
    August 25th, 2013 at 02:33am
  • @ psychotic secrets;
    Thank you so much first of all, I'm glad I'm not just going crazy thinking this is kind of weird. And trying to talk to him about it is what I've been thinking of doing actually, but I asked my dad about it and he says it'll just make me look clingy, so I'm kind of nervous
    August 25th, 2013 at 02:25am
  • This is just what I would do.

    I would lay down how I feel, and how I feel with him treating me like that. I'll ask him what's up and I want an honest answer. If he gives a shitty one, I'll tell him he has one change to fix things or I'm gone. It will hurt if he says for me to go, but I rather leave than stay and get hurt more.

    That's extremely odd that he didn't want y'all to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. That's extremely fishy to me. Then after sex he starts acting weird, even more fishy. I would advice to make him talk to you, and do not let him turn it around about you not trusting him. That's how many people try to manipulate you. It's about you right now and only how you feel.

    I hope that helps.
    August 25th, 2013 at 02:18am