Mibba as a "Creative Writing" Site - Comments

  • To be fair, Mibba has never been a democracy and has always been a dictatorship. We don't pay for the site, unfortunately, so we get no say.
    August 28th, 2013 at 09:20pm
  • I think there is a lot of censorship here on Mibba.... It makes me angry that the open line of "offensive" or "Bashing" be misconstrued if someones feels get hurt even a little bit. Even real debates people get ugly, people attack others to get their points across..

    However, because the average of people on Mibba are so young,I can see why they'd have so much censorship but in the long run I don't think it's doing many favors - there isn't anything we can do about it though, so we've got to live with what we're dealt.
    August 28th, 2013 at 09:04pm
  • People seem to think that just because they've got an opinion, it's entitled to be respected. Which is bollocks. When someone says that they have an opinion, it's often used as a way to say and think whatever they like. And by extension, if someone continues to argue with them it's seen as disrespectful.

    This really infuriates me, as we're all tip-toeing around each other so that we don't hurt someones feelings. It's as if having an opinion gives you the right to silence others. No one has the right to anything, all they have is the ability to argue for something.

    Maybe you and I should have one our famous heated debates, and show Mibba what having an opinion is really like? :D
    August 28th, 2013 at 07:51pm
  • I don't think asking people to quiet (not voice) their opinions should be allowed if you're requesting the level of openness you are. I don't think people should write challenging blogs, tell people not to comment, and then get mad that others have opinions they want to voice. That's a two way fucking street and don't dish what you can't take.
    August 28th, 2013 at 02:35pm
  • I think you've said this perfectly. I don't think it's fair that we can say whatever we want in stories, and because it's a creative thing, we don't get banned, but if we say it in a blog, we immediately get banned. I don't think it's fair that users should be afraid to post their opinions in fear of getting banned. And I agree with Lindsey;, there have been some inconsistencies and I know people are going to get mad at me for saying that, but I've seen it personally. And about the rumors thing, that's not true at all, at least not from what I've seen. I'm sure some people are lying about how long they've been banned and what they were banned for, but the people I'm friends with who were banned for no reason, including myself, would never do that. What motive do we have spreading rumors on a creative writing site? This isn't high school, which brings me to my reason for commenting. We are all adults here. If we are mature enough to be writing stories and poems and what have you, we should be mature enough to handle an insult if said. Now, I'm not condoning bashing in any way, I think bashing is wrong and shouldn't be used at all, because people will still get over-emotional if their favorite fandom is bashed, god forbid, but if someone aggravates me, I want to be able to make a blog about it, not using the user's name, and not be banned immediately for "bashing" that user. If my parents make me angry, I want to be able to write a blog about it, and say how I'm feeling without getting banned because I was "badmouthing" them. I can't go on Facebook and do that because that's for everyone I know to see, and I'm friends with my parents on there (kill me). Mibba should be a free, open site where you can post whatever you want, and however you're feeling, within reason.
    August 28th, 2013 at 12:03pm
  • I really don't think they're restricting writing at all (given that I only read the first 2 paragraphs because I have to get ready for school) but they're just restricting what we have to say. Like, they're making it a safe environment so no one can go to your profile and comment,
    "Oh, you're a faggot and you suck at writing, go kill yourself, no one needs you here."
    without getting in trouble.
    August 28th, 2013 at 11:50am
  • I think they can have their strict rules if they must, but make sure they apply to everyone and that all users - as well as staff - get treated the same. As it is now that's hardly true, and depending on who you are or who you know you're excused from a lot of things others would be punished for. So yeah, restrict people's ability to express their opinions on a more passionate level, but make sure it's equal for everyone.
    August 28th, 2013 at 09:37am
  • I agree with Airi. All of the rumors flying around about people getting banned for their opinions are just rumors. People have been misinformed about why the level of banning or rather why the staff has taken the level of disciplining the users and reinforcing the rules a bit harder than before. It's because little warnings didn't work. It used to be that people would get like one or two warnings whenever they did something that was ban-worthy but the users would ignore the warnings and continue with what they do or something to that effect. And while I agree that people shouldn't be quick to anger over words over the internet and in the blogs, especially when the writer didn't mean to be offensive, I do disagree about Mibba being restrictive about what we can say in the blogs and everywhere else on the site. The rules and guidelines were created so that there wouldn't be online bullying on this site. While there are a lot of wonderful users here on Mibba who are mature enough to handle a good discussion, there are those who would easily misunderstand the intentions of what's being said by the first party and they would start harassing the person endlessly. thus creating an unfriendly atmosphere on Mibba that would further serve to encourage other people to join in on the "bullying" and start even more trouble.

    There's a reason why sites like Mibba have these rules. It's so that we can have fun and grow as writers. And Mibba isn't like a government. Mibba is pretty much run by all of its members if you actually think about it because as far as I know, Dujo, Audrey, and the rest of the staff have always taken time out from their duties as staff members to joke around with us, check into some problems on site and off site for us, and to even listen to our ideas and feed back from the site.

    I don't know how many times I've talked to Kurtni (back when she was an admin) or Dujo or some of the other staff members about stuff that was troubling me Mibba-wise. So, really, I'm glad that the rules are being reinforced now and to be honest, I think that the staff are always fair because I'm pretty sure they know what it's like to get riled up and let loose all of their emotions when something is bugging them.

    I know little dove. has gotten riled up over her boyfriend and accidentally said a few things about him but that's human nature. It's within human nature to get angry and act on emotions or instincts just as it is in human nature to create rules and adhere to them.

    We all agreed to the rules and guidelines of Mibba when we signed up on this site, so, it's only fair that the admins and the rest of staff get to reinforce them, and they do look at both sides of the story before deciding what course of action to take. It's not at school where some teachers favor certain students over others while outright singling a few out. It's just the way Mibba is run and the Staff are just doing their jobs to the best of their abilities.
    August 28th, 2013 at 07:06am
  • Yes yes yes. I can write a story about Miley Cyrus being a whore but I can't write that in a blog. I dare say Mibba would NEVER censor stories but blogs, they do, and it makes discussion here too padded and unrealistic.
    August 28th, 2013 at 06:11am
  • No one is being banned because of voicing an opinion or being involved in a heated debate. The rumors flying around lately that people are getting banned for that are nothing more than just that- rumors. People are spreading misinformation because they don't fully understand what has been going on lately. People are not getting banned for being in discussions, they're being banned for bashing. We cannot allow people to go around and calling each other things like douches, idiots, and stupid. We can't let people go around call others that, regardless if they have a Mibba account. We can't allow people to bash each other.

    Well we can but if we did, what kind of site would be Mibba? It certainly wouldn't be a community any longer. The admins aren't restricting anyone's freedom, they're trying to keep Mibba peaceful. Not allowing people to bash each other isn't restricting anyone's freedom in any way. This is a blog posted by Audrey earlier today that answers what's been going on with the new zero tolerance policy on bashing and what's been going on lately in general.
    August 28th, 2013 at 06:03am
  • Mibba is the way it is for the good of people. Mibba doesn't allow its members to insult, bash, or be condescending towards one another. If someone wants to bash another person they can go on another website. We all agreeded to the terms when we joined. Mibba didn't force us to do anything, we agreeded to the rules.

    That being said, yeah it sucks we can insult people in our lives we hate. But they are not there to defend themselves. If they are, then its users bashing users. It's messed up. Mibba is supposed to be peaceful, not hateful.
    August 28th, 2013 at 06:03am
  • I. LOVE. YOU. <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
    August 28th, 2013 at 05:34am
  • I feel like they're babying us because we can't handle it. I understand this is not Facebook but I want a little bit of leeway here. It's like saying I can't read certain books because of their topics, um no, when things are not censored they allow us to learn more things, get a better perspective. Idk anymore, I don't want Mibba to hate me, but I don't want to agree just because they tell me to.
    August 28th, 2013 at 04:49am