Forever Alone - Comments

  • Stuffed elephant Peanut...

    I have stuffed turtle Benjamin. He's my cuddle buddy. lmfao

    I'm forever lone too. But what kind of stories do you like? I'm in touch with almost all types here. I can direct ya :)
    September 9th, 2013 at 06:09am
  • Firstly, you will never be 'Forever Alone', what you are doing personally in my eyes is a smart thing. Yeah sure you fancy the odd guy every now and then but the most important thing is that you are living your life by being able to do the things you like. You don't have the drama of falling out, breaking up and getting back together or create plans to go on dates and movies and be super psched that he took you to a really dull movie. You sound like a smart girl and at the moment, studying will be your key thing and eventually when the time is right, you'll find someone. He won't be some loser after sex but someone maybe willing to see more to you that your panties. I recommend you sit in with Peanut, I'm sure he would totally dig Bridget Jones Diary right about now. I'm still single and I'm 21 and I have never had a boyfriend but when I look at my best friends who have or are in a relationship, I realise that when we should be studying for college FOR OUR FUTURE, they are too busy reinacting some soap opera.
    September 9th, 2013 at 02:06am