It can wait. - Comments

  • gothique4

    gothique4 (100)

    One of my friends is obsessed with her phone. and it's gotten to the point where we pretty much have to surgically remove it from her hand. I'm amazed that she hasn't killed someone yet because she just can't seem to put it down. We're out for dinner - she's on the phone, driving - she's on the phone, I'm driving - she's trying to shove her phone in my face for me to look at a picture, and don't get me started on her endless selfies.

    I nearly got rear-ended in the car in heavy traffic last night by a woman who I saw in my rear mirror was looking down every few seconds. If she had of hit me she would have been introduced to my fist
    September 14th, 2013 at 08:49am
  • Quiescent.

    Quiescent. (125)

    I feel exactly the same way - it's not exactly along the same line as this but it's about texting and not being able to wait. I have a friend who went through pregnancy, gave birth, you know, the whole deal. I was visiting her with my five-month old son and her little girl was crying over the monitor and all she would do is sit there texting her husband, not even moving an inch.

    I sat there thinking she'll only be a few seconds but she sat and sat and sat, texting and texting and texting, eventually her phone rang and she answered. I got tired of sitting there acting like nothing was going on, went into her daughter's room and picked her up. She was in hysterics the poor little girl, she was only two weeks old. I cuddled her until she calmed down enough so I could change her nappy.

    I went out there, after that, and gave her piece of my mind. I didn't care if she was still on the phone. She needed to know that there is only so much a baby can take before you actually need to go in there and console them. I should know, and I do. She went beyond the point of "letting them cry out".
    September 14th, 2013 at 06:05am