Having Mental Disorders Is Not A Contest. - Comments

  • Gee, multiple post, I'm so sorry Facepalm
    September 22nd, 2013 at 09:22pm
  • I don't understand how mental disorders even became trendy...
    September 22nd, 2013 at 09:21pm
  • I don't understand how mental disorders even became trendy...
    September 22nd, 2013 at 09:20pm
  • I don't understand how mental disorders even became trendy...
    September 22nd, 2013 at 09:20pm
  • @ Queen of Suburbia
    Gosh, I agree so much with that. I've been around many people who think it's great to have their 'disorders', and magically get them all of a sudden. It's like they want to be different so badly that they have to create problems within their own minds in order to achieve 'success'. Sick of people who laugh at themselves and talk about how bad off they are yet really only want attention. Sadly, that's what it comes down to for many in the end.
    September 22nd, 2013 at 10:05am
  • I couldn't have said it better myself, my parents are ashamed at me for having bp disorder as well as depression, and they always told me that people would be afraid of them of I told them, so I was always embarassed by my changes, because they would shift so dramatically and I did not know what to tell people after my parents warnings. A lot of people have this stigma about mental illness and they don't take it as seriously as they should for some reason. I appreciate you for speaking the truth, because some people treat depression like it is something funny and that makes me mad, because I am not laughing and I don't get why anyone would.
    September 22nd, 2013 at 04:20am
  • @xMandiblesx EXACTLY!

    I've started to learn to ignore people who would tell me to stop being sad. Now it's more of people looking at me with almost pity and I want to smack them because I'm obviously okay now. I wasn't years ago but I am now. My mom has depression and my brother had it for years. It runs in the family so mine is a lot of chemical imbalance. But yeah it's rough to deal with it. All mental illnesses or medical disorders or ANY kind are serious no matter how severe it may be. Any illness can be crippling whether it's mental or not. My brother has a mild form of aspberger's (?)which played into his depression for a while and it explains so much about my brother growing up. But he's completely happy and relatively normal. He's happier than he was and he's getting me back for not being a pain in my butt older brother growing up. *grumble grumble*

    I was going to say something else but I go distracted by my cat...dammit what was I going to say!

    Oh now I know!

    I heard this line in the movie "The Perks of Being A Wallflower" and it's in the book too but I love it because it explains how I feel when my depression kicks in for no reason sometimes despite me being on meds and everything.

    "I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."
    September 21st, 2013 at 06:43am
  • @ Durch-Den-Monsun-87
    Aww!! Arms Thanks hun! Don't worry about rambling because I had wanted to hear people's thoughts on this. I don't care what people say.....Depression is a serious thing. It's not some weak and mild thing that should be taken lightly ya know? Some people try to say that I'm not trying to be happy and I'm just being so negative sometimes but it's not like that~! I literally just feel sad for no reason. It's like a deep....dark pain emotionally and mentally for me. It comes on all of a sudden.

    Depression can be crippling and so can Bi Polar Disorders. It just makes me annoyed when those who don't have it try to down play that people with it as "faking it" or that they are crazy.
    September 21st, 2013 at 06:32am
  • psychotic secrets;:
    I also don't like it when someone who has x, y and z disorders they automatically superior than everyone else and no matter what you say they are better than you because they have more experience or something. Like, on Facebook I've seen friends jump down each others throats over their "disorders". Because Jane Doe is bipolar she is better than John Smith and everything he says is crap because he doesn't know "real pain".

    No one can assume one disorder is worse than another (well in their personal lives looking upon others. I'm not talking about doctors or scientists. Just regular people) unless they have experienced every single disorder in all the ways the disorder can be experienced. I also do not like the people who self diagnose, then tell everything they know everything. Or when people only heard from one doctor and think they know everything too.

    I dunno, it just bothers me when disorders are a contest too. I don't think people should toss them around assuming things. People suffer each and everyday, it's not a game. So this whole "I'm cooler/better/smarter than you because I have x, y, or z disorder" is ridiculous to me. Also no disorder follows the books word for word, we are people we all experience things differently. So it wrong to say one person knows everything.

    That's what I think at least.
    I agree with this 110%. Just because someone has one disorder, doesn't mean it makes them more superior than anybody else. Like I saw someone say "Eating disorders are stupid and they are not serious. I've had a mental issue so I know it's not as important" and I just thought wow, of course it's not a problem? It's only an illness that kills hundreds of people ever day. I don't know, things like that honestly annoy me.
    September 21st, 2013 at 06:28am
  • first off love the layout for this blog. love it!
    also I again applaud thee for writing a very true post that i agree with 100%.

    I have at least one mental illness but I don't advertise it because a lot of people look at me as if i'm a freak so I just don't tell people. I mainly have depression and have had it for years now but now I tell people I have depression and a lot of them go: "No way you don't have depression. You're never sad." No shit Sherlock I'm on medication so I'm NOT horribly sad all the time and have no ambition to do anything. People are still so in the dark on mental illness and it's just crazy how people with and without them are just so...bleh!

    And whenever I have a friend who tells me their feeling depressed I just say how I know how that feels and i'm there if they need me. I've never once tried to tell a friend that they shouldn't be sad or what not because we all get sad and we all deal with depression at some point in life at least once. Mine just happens to hang around and never want to leave.

    I also might possibly have bipolar two disorder but it's hard to tell when I'm on medication. But I rarely like to mention that I might have that because again I get weird looks and it's almost like I see their thoughts saying how messed up I must be if I can't always control my moods. Erg. Now I'm just rambling. Sorry.

    I really never tell anyone unless I need to or I feel okay with saying it because people don't understand and honestly "bragging" that you have a mental illness isn't cool because lots of us do and it's really not fun to have things messed up inside for no reason and you can't fix it. I hate having depression because I just have weeks still where I just want to sleep and cry. It sucks and I wouldn't wish it on anyone to live with it every day of their life. I hate that I have to take medication to make me happier because without it i'm 10x worse. I hate having to tell a potential employer that I have depression because they look at you as if that automatically makes you unreliable. It sucks but I can't fix it. I'm totally off topic now and just...well...ok bye! ^_^

    September 21st, 2013 at 06:05am
  • *applauds this post*

    Apparently someone came up with the rule that because several people I know suffer from depression, I'm not allowed to be sad because I should be grateful that I'm not depressed like they are. Which makes no sense to me, because last time I checked, human beings are allowed to be sad sometimes.
    September 21st, 2013 at 05:35am
  • I really dislike the term 'disorder', I think 'mental health' or 'mental health issues' is a much better way of putting it.
    September 21st, 2013 at 04:11am
  • amazingly said!

    I have to agree, but what really ticks me off is when people who don't even have it try and make it sound like it's no big deal to have it
    September 21st, 2013 at 03:31am
  • Thank you, because this is so dead on. I don't know why having a disorder has been glamorized as being an "In" thing to have, but it has become this way.
    I do hate when people make themselves into having a mental disorder...like the whole "emo" wave and how "you had to cut to be so totally emo"...that just really pissed me off.
    It's not at all a fashion statement or a "in" thing to have.
    September 21st, 2013 at 03:01am
  • @ therevsbartendingjeh
    Thanks for the compliments and you are absolutely right....Why would some of us WANT to have mental disorders and the obstacles that go along with them? I don't know about you but I don't look upon mental disorders as being something fun to pass the time exactly. tehe
    September 21st, 2013 at 02:47am
  • I feel ya. Not only that but I am friends with someone who uses her Bipolar as an excuse to treat everyone like crap. Any time she says something she really shouldn't, she blames it on being "sick"....

    I also have bipolar, but unlike her I can control what I say to people, and I don't use it as an excuse to be a jerk to everyone. I also have agoraphobia, which she says is just an excuse to not go anywhere and doing anything.

    Do people think I WANT to have this stuff going on in my head? No. I just now started telling people I have these disorders.

    Sorry I rambled, this is your blog -_- but I understand EXACTLY how you feel. It's frustrating... So this blog was VERY well said.
    September 21st, 2013 at 02:38am
  • @ xMandiblesx
    It is very frustrating. I don't understand why people try to put others below them like they're so much better. It doesn't make sense. If you have to make people feel like crap to feel good, then something's really wrong with you.
    September 21st, 2013 at 02:03am
  • @ darko.
    Dude....Arms You totally hit the nail on the head lol. I know people like that and it can be very frustrating. If someone starts talkin to me about their disorders and how they're hurting....I first listen and try to help them and then share mine. I don't try to "one up" them like you said because that's just kind of senseless in my opinion to try and do that to people who are hurting.
    September 21st, 2013 at 01:57am
  • @ darko.
    Dude....Arms You totally hit the nail on the head lol. I know people like that and it can be very frustrating. If someone starts talkin to me about their disorders and how they're hurting....I first listen and try to help them and then share mine. I don't try to "one up" them like you said because that's just kind of senseless in my opinion to try and do that to people who are hurting.
    September 21st, 2013 at 01:56am
  • I have manic depression, and my friend was in the hospital about a year or so ago because she tried to commit suicide multiple times and she kept telling me how she had bipolar and her life was so much harder. She was the one who always asked how I was feeling and whenever I told her, she'd try to one up me like oh yeah, well I had a worse day because I'm bipolar and depression is stupid like wtf. Who does that? :/
    September 21st, 2013 at 01:50am