Having Mental Disorders Is Not A Contest. - Comments

  • I also don't like it when someone who has x, y and z disorders they automatically superior than everyone else and no matter what you say they are better than you because they have more experience or something. Like, on Facebook I've seen friends jump down each others throats over their "disorders". Because Jane Doe is bipolar she is better than John Smith and everything he says is crap because he doesn't know "real pain".

    No one can assume one disorder is worse than another (well in their personal lives looking upon others. I'm not talking about doctors or scientists. Just regular people) unless they have experienced every single disorder in all the ways the disorder can be experienced. I also do not like the people who self diagnose, then tell everything they know everything. Or when people only heard from one doctor and think they know everything too.

    I dunno, it just bothers me when disorders are a contest too. I don't think people should toss them around assuming things. People suffer each and everyday, it's not a game. So this whole "I'm cooler/better/smarter than you because I have x, y, or z disorder" is ridiculous to me. Also no disorder follows the books word for word, we are people we all experience things differently. So it wrong to say one person knows everything.

    That's what I think at least.
    September 21st, 2013 at 01:38am
  • @ gatsby;

    @ gatsby;
    Oh you're welcome and no need to apologize! A.D.D. is a serious disorder. I know people personally that has that and it's tough to watch how it affects their everyday lives. I have a hard time remembering things myself and I'm just worried that what if someday....I will forget tons of things like how/when to take my medicine or other serious things.
    September 21st, 2013 at 01:38am
  • Thank you so much.

    My friend always likes to tell me she has anorexia and that anorexia is the worst and that everyone else probably has this perfect life. I'm not trying to say anorexia isn't a serious issue, but, to say that you have the worst life ever is just... Maybe it's because I don't think that way.

    I always get this (being told I have a very unimportant mental issue) because of my ADD. But what people don't get is that this society is so geared towards remembering everything and sorting everything and doing one thing sitting at a desk all day, that every time I forget something, I feel like I have ultimately failed at being a person of all things. I'm so anxious because I am going to fail if I forget something, and I'm just not going to be able to remember everything and pay attention all day and get straight A's.

    Everyone has their struggles. We're all fighting our own wars... Does it honestly help our battle if we're always putting down others trials?

    Sorry, this blog really spoke to me.
    September 21st, 2013 at 12:44am