Relasping Anorexic - Comments

  • Emaciated_Ana

    Emaciated_Ana (100)

    @ witch
    I cant answer those questions because i dont know the answers to them. But i do know i want my anorexia to be with me always. I want to take it to my grave with me. I know the side effects of starvation i've been throught this before. I dont think i wanna grow up.. Thats my problem i think.
    September 29th, 2013 at 05:33pm
  • notrelevant

    notrelevant (150)

    Hong Kong
    I know I'm supposed to be sensitive to people with eating disorders, but honestly, why do you want to be 76 pounds? No, really, why? There is no logical explanation for wanting to be that weight, and any reason you have is completely illogical.
    Why do you want it to be the death of you? Do you know that it's not just a quick death? Death from starvation would be a luxury. You'd have a lot more issues than just starvation. There are heart issues, etc., that are going to linger.
    Sorry, but if you actually want to be sick and feel like shit, and you like the control of losing weight, you have lots of problems that losing weight won't solve for you.
    A sign of maturity and part of growing up is conquering those issues you have deep down within you, no matter how deep set they are. Your weight loss may give you a superficial satisfaction, but it's never going to get to the root of the problem, whatever it may be.
    Besides, you only have this one life, why not be as happy and healthy as you can be? There's much more to life than looking a certain way, or having control.
    I recommend you see a counselor, maybe not a counselor who's just gonna halfway listen to you and then tell you what to do, but one who actually knows what they're talking about.
    Or you can message me! I can't help much, but I'm at least someone to talk to.
    September 27th, 2013 at 11:47pm