Interview: Videl - Comments

  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    I had forgotten to comment on here with my part of the interview so here it is. Cute

    Would you tell us your full name?
    My name is Sabrina, and I'd like to disclose my last name unless you want to become personal friends with me, then I'm all for friends!

    Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?
    I post here and Wattpad activley. I used to post avidly on Ficwad before this, about 3 years ago, before the site became a barren wastetland in the Fall Out Boy section.

    What inspired you to write each story?
    The Car Crash Hearts is the most personal to me, based off the things I have gone through in my life and the lessons that I learned. The main character, Videl Marquee, is based directly off myself. I began writing it when I was 14 and it was very incomplete, and I stopped. Now, years later I have totally redone it, I think its kind of like closure. I had a rough childhood; I was given up by my mom at 5 to live wtih my grandparents, and from there went to live with my father's sister, my aunt, and her husband. From the time I was 6-12 years of age, my uncle molested me and did many horrible things to me, all while lying to me that he 'loved me and knew what was best for me, he was my father'. And I believed him. Finally, at the age of 12 I finally learned that what he was doing to me was considered abuse, and I thought in my head that it was all my fault, and I was a horrible person. I didn't want to tell anyone because I was ashamed. I became withdrawn from my friends and the world, thinking it was my fault. I didn't want anyone to get too close, for fear they would see how messed up I was. I had depression, suicidal and homicidal thoughts about killing him and then killing myself. My aunt had no idea, I let her think I was suffering from ADHD and pressure at school and started seeing a shrink. When I finally turned 15, I learned that my uncle was keeping child pornography when he accused me of taking naked pictures of myself and putting them on the internet. He showed me the pictures, and it wasn't me. That's when I decided I had to stop him, because I didn't want what happened to me to happen to other girls. I told my mother, who I had started recently visiting again after 10 years. When I went to visit her in Texas, where I now live, she called the police where my uncle lived and had him arrested. They found enough evidence to put him away. About a week after this, he called me from holding and jail, and told me I had ruined his life, and taken away everything he had to live for, and he was going to commit suicide because of me. That rattled me; I requested that charges not be pressed as long as I never had to see him again. Because even though he had done what he did, I didn't want to be responsible for his death. We flash forward 6 years and I'm now 21, and I still haven't recieved closure from it. It still bothers me that he has a hold on me mentally and emotionally. When I was 13, I first heard of Fall Out Boy, and I really liked them, but it wasn't til I was 14 and I saw the music video for Sugar We're Going Down and first laid eyes on them that I fell in love. I clung to them, listening to their music was one of the only things I had to be happy about when I had nothing. They talked me out of giving up, they gave me infinite hope and helped me get through every single day. They were my security blanket, my drug. Even now, I am and will forever be a diehard fan, thus The Car Crash Hearts. This story is an outlet for me, but I also wanted it to be a reminder of hope to anyone reading, who might have been what I have been through, even when you're going through the worst things in your life, there is a light at the end. A way out. You will make it out alive. You just have to be true to yourself and always have faith, and these are the central themes in CCH.
    Fall Out Boy truly saved my life, and I will forever be grateful.

    I Want To Teach You A Lesson In The Worst Kind of Way: The inspiration from this came from the lyrics of Just One Yesterday and a thought that what if Patrick Stump was secretly a sexual dom, because he's so sweet and demure in public? So I ran with that.

    Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?
    My favorite character has and probably will always be Patrick Stump, although I do also have a strong side for my OFC and main character of The Car Crash Hearts, Videl. I only have one ongoing-series fic as of right now, although I am adding more very soon. As soon as my inital fic, The Car Crash Hearts, takes off and becomes as far-developed as I hope, I'm going to hold off on posting anything else.

    How often do you update?
    I try to update at least 2 times a week, I'm getting out my main story as fast as I can so I can open up other avenues.

    What's the story you are most proud of?
    Of mine? The Car Crash Hearts. I'm going to blow your minds, just you wait ;)
    November 21st, 2013 at 12:04pm
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    @ Videl
    You're welcome. I'm glad that you enjoyed letting me interview you.
    October 3rd, 2013 at 03:00pm
  • sailorapril

    sailorapril (100)

    United States
    Thank you! I'm honored :))
    October 3rd, 2013 at 07:03am