Ouija boards and broken glass - Comments

  • Synderella Vengeance

    Synderella Vengeance (100)

    United States
    @ HerNameIsAlice I don't believe they are evil. You just have to be really careful. I am sorry for your loss though.

    @ Unnatural Angel I'd rather not bring in a paranormal investigation team. They only seem to agitate spirits. They are just looking for proof. You don't sound crazy though. The ex I mentioned in this blog is actually part of a local team around here and they just piss things off. I lost count of how many times they've called my parents asking for cleansing. Thanks for the offer though.

    @ Join The Masquerade I admit parts of it could just be my mind running wild, but it's hard to explain some of the things happening. If there is a spirit in your house that isn't nice at times and you don't want it there, simply ask it to clean. Or cleanse the place. My sister has one in her house, but she allows it to stay because it's not harmful in any way. It is a possibility that I didn't give it enough attention so something attached to me, but with my job I don't have time to honor it. I have to get 3 bins done per minute, so my hand just skims every item. I'm honestly terrified to acknowledge it directly; like trying to listen to or for it. It can just give them a better foot hold to stay. Thank you for letting me know about your grandmother though. Was she able to rid herself of it?

    @Brian Haner Jr I spent the day with my parents and best friend cleansing the place since John is at work. My sister owns a Wicca shop in Knoxville, so she sends me anything I need. I got a hold of her not long after I posted this and she said if the board wasn't closed properly, it could still contain the spirit. Or since my last session ended badly, the entity has just been dormant waiting for a sign I was willing to talk again. My dad confirmed this when he came over. So unintentionally, I might have set it off. If it was something in the board, I just feel bad for anyone who gets it. But everything has been quiet, though I've not been left alone yet.

    As for the women in your neighborhood who were drinking while using one, I'm sorry they lost their lives. You should never be drinking or on drug while using a board. It conducts negative energy which things can feed on. You're smart to stay away.
    October 5th, 2013 at 05:53am
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    Cleanse your apartment. I know your fiance gets sick off of it, but perhaps do it when he's not home for a few hours. If your parents know about it, let them help. If they can't find someone who can; be it a priest, or witch, whomever. Go to your local Wicca store and ask if they can help at all. Also, don't buy from them if they feel off. Really listen to your gut, if you don't feel comfortable with them, don't buy from them, just leave the store. Find someone who, at the risk of sounding silly, feels good. Try whatever help they can give. If it doesn't work, try something else. I'll contact one of my friends, she'll know more than me, her family are really knowledgeable and she should be able to help or give some advice.

    I personally won't go near them. When I was young, there was a homicide four streets over. These two women were messing around with one, they showed it no respect, they didn't read the rules properly or take steps to safeguard themselves and they let something bad out. Ignoring what it was saying, they just topped up their wine and went on talking. When the cops founds them, one had had her wine glass shattered and sliced through her throat and the other one had had her neck snapped from being thrown across the room. That freaked the hell out of me so I won't ever go near them.
    October 5th, 2013 at 03:51am
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I don't know how much I believe about the typical "paranormal" to be true but I do very much believe in it. My mind would be inclined to feed on my ideas of the paranormal if I ever did find an ouija board lying around. Kinda like yours has.

    I don't really have any advice. I'm not sure I believe in demons as such but I believe in spirits. There's one in my house and it's not so nice sometimes so I get how you might be freaked out. I certainly wouldn't be trying to communicate with what is in my house and I think it gets that vibe from me.

    One thing that you might be able to grab something from is this: my grandma went to a sort of witch doctor character years ago who told her something that came true about a family member's death so I sort of believe her more than most. She told my grandma that as she had been to a graveyard recently, that she may have offended by the way she passed through it too quickly and a spirit had attached itself to her body. Perhaps that by touching the ouija board and paying it no mind and no respect you've just angered something a bit. Maybe make amends by just listening extra hard for a while at anything on the other side.
    October 4th, 2013 at 08:18pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    Maybe see id you can get in touch with a paranormal investigation team if you're serious they'd be able to tell you and maybe help! Or get a priest to cleanse your house! (I sound crazy I know)
    October 4th, 2013 at 06:56pm
  • HerNameIsAlice

    HerNameIsAlice (100)

    United States
    I hate those boards. My sister's godfather died the next day after using one. They're evil.
    October 4th, 2013 at 05:39pm