Questions about Stories [ANSWER THESE PLEASE] - Comments

  • 1st: I have quite a few that are set in other countries. Cold is initially set in Russia (the Soviet Union really, the story is set during the Cold War) and Unit 731 is set in Japan / China. I also have my upcoming NaNo project (Nuclear) is set in Chernobyl. I also have an upcoming oneshot set in Russia (Soviet Union. I liked that time period) that I'm really excited to write. Fopr published books, try Battle Royale by Koushun Takami (set in Japan), Empire of the Sun by J.G. Ballard (China) and Tokyo Year Zero by David Peace (again, Japan).

    2nd: I tend to steer away from psychological because it's not something I'm very good at. I tend to be more action than anything, but I'd love to try my hand at a psychological horror one day.

    3rd: I tend to do it without realising. For example, I've started writing a McFly fanfiction based around one of the singers and one of my characters from my other McFly fanfiction (about the bassist) has made an appearance already and I didn't notice I'd managed that! Also, many of the characters from my drabbles are the same people. The man that is pushed into the water in Dive is the same man that forced the young girl from Hardly Golden to drown. I just didn't connect them as sequels because I don't see them as such.

    4th: I'd love to see some pieces about Japan's involvement in WWII. I also don't see enough realistic war fiction (I do have one or two which I think are fantastic) that doesn't have a plot revolving around romance and that does sadden me.

    5th: I don't really mind. I'm comfortable writing in either first or third, although I do tend to write in third person past tense as a general rule of thumb. I don't think either is more professional than the other, though. Both are used in published writing and both bring something different to the table.

    6th: I tend to actually enjoy longer chapters better, but I write shorter chapters myself. I've found that the more information I'm given in a chapter, the more hooked I get. I do have a soft spot for drabbles though.

    7th: I don't really think I have an opinion on them. My inner story editor constantly thinks they are breaking the rules, but I know that they aren't. I don't really read them though, so I couldn't possibly comment!
    October 6th, 2013 at 08:03pm
  • 1st: I don't know much about other countries. I would write it if I had time to research it, but honestly, I don't like to write out of my "comfort zone". I do think it's wonderful when authors can do that though. It shows great talent.

    2nd: Mostly I shy away from stuff like that, but I'm not sure why.

    3rd: A lot of my characters are similar. I have certain characters I adore and I add in their qualities with my new characters. Because I have never completed or came close to completing a chaptered story, I've never done this. I think it's an awesome idea though.

    I don't believe I've found a realistic story set in the time of war, which is something I would love to read. There may be stories on here like it, but I've never run into one. I would probably like to read a story set in Russia though.

    5th: I don't prefer to write as though I am the character. It's frustrating to me because you can't see in the other character's minds.

    6th: Medium. I don't like short chapters unless it somehow fits the story. I also find that most people who write long chapters add in a ton of fluff and incredibly unnecessary details.
    October 6th, 2013 at 07:23pm
  • On the 2nd topic:
    I have tried to write something somewhat psychological but I ended up stopping part way through as it was a fan fiction and I want to write it as an original story one day instead. The things currently stopping me are research. Lots of research D:

    On the 4th topic:
    I don't believe I've ever seen anything set in Russia on Mibba. Maybe, maybe, someone has mentioned it in an Avengers fic with Natasha but even that I don't remember having read...

    On the 5th topic:
    I've done the same as you; I started out writing in 3rd person and switched to 1st as I read more of it on here. I find 3rd person hard sometimes because I like to be inside people's heads and that's a lot of why I write, but 3rd person I think can say a lot more about everything else in a story. I don't think it's a question of which is more professional. It's all about how you personally write it.

    On the 6th topic:
    I don't really care. If it's something I've found that's many chapters in then I prefer longer ones as I have to click and reload pages less often but if it's something I've just found and am reading as I go, short chapters are sometimes easier to find time to read. The only think I don't like is when people have long chapters of dialogue that doesn't go anywhere or explains something that's been previously explained. It does my head in.
    October 6th, 2013 at 06:59pm