Sobre mi cadaver's "candy bowl" - Comments

  • Trick or Treat?

    Could I have a Pan de muerto for London Leaks (a rec would be nice)?

    And I totally understand the last bit of your blog. I don't like seeing people wearing headdresses, (I'm Native American). We don't wear them often, only when we have traditional gatherings where there is dancing. I don't even like seeing pictures of people wearing them either. XD
    October 10th, 2013 at 06:52am
  • @ colour me perfect. and
    @ dougie poynter;

    Sure, I have the deadline for November 2nd, so if you don't hear for me by that time, let me know and I'll get to it.

    There are two celebrations going on in November. November 1st, we celebrate DĂ­a de los inocentes (day of the innocents) in which we celebrate and honor the death of children; then on November 2nd in which we celebrate and honor the death of adults.

    The type of celebration depends much on the family's own personal traditions within the culture's tradition. Some people go spend the whole two days in cemeteries building altars and spending time with the dead. An altar consists of a memorial of all the deceased once liked when they were alive.

    For example, for my grandpa's altar, we place a table and cover it with jamoncillo (a traditional candy that he loved), cigars, pictures of his grandchildren, and sometimes we bring him mariachi or just put his favorite music.

    The intent is to encourage visits by the souls, so the souls will hear the prayers and the comments of the living directed to them. It is not a sad time, though. It can be humorous and this is why me and my brother love to do; we remember funny things the deceased did or said and we remember the good times with them.

    My family does not go to the cemeteries because my grandpa was cremated, so we make our own altars in the privacy of our homes. My favorite part is decorating the altars and in the schools here we commemorate the death of an important character in our history, so we hold contests on altar-making and we choose specific people. My favorite one was when I got to choose my favorite author, Jaime Sabines, and we created an altar based on everything he liked. The one who wins is the most accurate one and that honors the deceased.

    We also have contests of calaveritas literarias. These are poems that talk about the death of someone; it can be a completely political issue, too, since you'll see a lot of satirical calaveritas mocking the death of a political figure or even killing a political figure in one of them. I absolutely love making them because they're just so much fun. We normally share them on newspapers, magazines, radio stations, schools, and cultural festivals.

    Pan the muerto is a bread that is made specifically for this celebration. It is offered to the deceased alongside with the sugar skulls, called calaveritas de azucar.

    I'll make either an article or journal about this to explain more because I can go on forever XD
    October 8th, 2013 at 04:30pm
  • I totally get the issue you have with people dressing up and being ignorant of culture. It isn't so much culture any more, but each year I can find at least one person dressed as a 'Scotsman' on Facebook. Thing is, it's just cultural stereotyping because the person always wears a ginger wig, a kilt and drinks as much as they can and it really doesn't sit well with me because kilts are only really worn on special occasions and Halloween doesn't seem like the time to start ridiculing a country's national dress, even if the men only wear kilts very occasionally. It's a different thing altogether than what you explained (obviously yours is more seated in culture and mines is more seated in stereotyping) but I definitely get where you are coming from with that because it annoys me every year when I see people dressed up in Scotland's national dress and coupling it with the stereotypes that I hate. On the positive side of things though, I learned a lot through your blog, so thank you for sharing that. I knew very little about Dia de los Muertos and I always find it interesting to learn about other cultures. It sounds like an amazing time of year.

    Treat-wise, could I please have a Calaverita de azucar on anything that you want to read? I'm not too fussy, so just choose whatever takes your fancy. Cute
    October 8th, 2013 at 11:34am
  • Latin culture isn't really that prominent down where I'm from -- we don't celebrate Halloween either, really -- but all of that actually sounds really nice. It makes me wish that I had more of a culture myself, but I tend to (along with a lot of other Australians) tack on to the best of others'. What do you do on the day? (is it a single day of celebrating?)

    If you could, I'd really like an Altar de muerto for The Symmetries of Salem or The Lost. Whichever interests you more, because I'm not really sure what you're into!

    And could the author recommendation be for her? Thank you so much!
    October 8th, 2013 at 07:26am
  • Trick or Treat!
    Could I please have a Flores de Cempasuchil,
    Also I find Mexican culture fascinating, it is a really beautiful culture in my opinion :)
    October 8th, 2013 at 04:29am
  • @ LettersToNormandy
    Of course! And thank you for reading the blog!
    October 7th, 2013 at 07:22pm
  • You give such better information on Dia de los Muertos than any of my teachers ever did. I was always curious about it and they only ever spent like thirty minutes of one class session on it all year which was really disappointing. So first off thank you! I actually enjoyed reading about it in your blog. :)

    Uuum is there any chance I could get Calaverita de azucar on my story 'The Perks of Dying'? I would provide a link but I'm on my phone. :( Thank you!
    October 7th, 2013 at 06:36pm
  • @ sobre mi cadaver
    Haha, sure thing sweetheart. Laughing
    October 7th, 2013 at 06:21pm
  • @ XXXataktoulaXXX
    Sure thing. My deadline is until November 2nd, so if by that time you still don't have anything, pressure me and threaten legal action or something tehe no seriously.
    October 7th, 2013 at 06:13pm
  • Trick or treat! Vampire

    Can I please have Altar de muerto on Immortal Kiss? The full package please.
    October 7th, 2013 at 06:06pm
  • - ignore please cause of double post Sad -
    October 7th, 2013 at 06:06pm
  • @ Fonsi
    Weird Who do you want dead and who shall I give flowers to (who should I recommend)?
    October 7th, 2013 at 05:40pm
  • Calaverita de azucar and flores de cempasĂșchil pleeeeease Lee c:
    October 7th, 2013 at 05:33pm
  • @ iggy.
    Sure! I forgot to add, but if by November 2nd I haven't finished doing what you've asked for, put pressure on me! That is my deadline Weird
    October 7th, 2013 at 05:10pm
  • Trick or Treat!

    May I please have an altar de muerto Safe? The review, the recommendation, and the subscription on the same story? And can the recommendation for an author be for this girl Please?

    Oh, and feel free to go get some candy from my candy bowl, too.
    October 7th, 2013 at 05:07pm