I Guess I should tell you about me - Comments

  • AllexusAri

    AllexusAri (100)

    United States
    No problem :) Oh, cool! I'll read a few of them sometime!
    October 16th, 2013 at 02:49am
  • tony.perry's.wifey

    tony.perry's.wifey (100)

    United States
    @ AllexusAri
    Thanks but you can call me Deja, I used the Dahlia name to make me not think of those things that's wrong with me. Therapists and couselors do the same they have suggested I write to express myself and my feelings. I'm trying to get out there more believe me I do but in this state once I get out there the more vulnerable I become and the more I get picked on, yeah I do agree I should give myself new thoughts but it's not that easy. Thank you for the compliment hopefully you can read my stories if you want it is not mandatory it's just suggested. But seriously thanks :)
    October 15th, 2013 at 07:57pm
  • AllexusAri

    AllexusAri (100)

    United States
    Hi, Dahlia! I read your blog just now and thought I should tell you first-off that you seem like a good writer and honestly, a kind-hearted person. :) I'm not here to tell you that "life gets better," I'm sure you've heard that a million times. And I'm not going to "write you a novel" through this comment (well, I'll TRY not to! Writing gets me carried away hahaha). What I DO want to say is that Dahlia, life can get easier, but you need to MAKE it easier. Change your perspective maybe. Open your eyes to the people around you who DO care ( I know there is at least one person!!) Surround yourself with positive friends and most importantly, make new and better experiences. Being a teenager f****** sucks, I know, I hate it. But you won't be 14 or even 15 forever. In other words, the things that are hard now, may not be in the future. When I was 14, I had jealousy and acceptance issues; at times I felt like a mess. But you know what? I changed my perspective through the years. I made an EFFORT to stop feeling jealous and start celebrating the things I DID have (a family, my pets, friends, a loving personality, a home to live in...) I gave myself new thoughts. Find a hobby you enjoy. It can seriously help with the self-harm and negative thoughts. Listen to music, take a walk, write poems, play videogames, call a friend...whatever you do you need to find your outlet (your positive escape when things in life get difficult). Along with a hobby to partake in when your self-harm/suicidal urges come about, I advise maybe talking to a therapist or counselor. Maybe you'll be surprised in what you'll learn from them (they can change some of your thought processes). In all, things CAN become easier, but you have to let them. Best luck, Dahlia, I believe in you ( I really do!). Very Happy
    October 15th, 2013 at 05:21pm