Time For Another Rant, This Time About Music - Comments

  • Usako

    Usako (150)

    United States
    I feel like aesthetics has always been a huge part of music, regardless if it is warranted or not. Thinking a rock star is hot not a new novel idea and symptom of music's degeneration. Like, I'm sure there were fans of The Beatles, Aerosmith, and other "old bands" that only dug them for looks instead of music. Plus, there are probably lots of fad bands from back then that nobody remembers because they didn't make it. Just like now, there may be things you deem quality but in the future nobody even knows who they are. Who knows?

    As well as, it's all about opinion. What you think is quality and what others think is quality may not match up all the time. I think Taylor Swift is genuine, and I love her music, but others think she is fake and cliche. Same as the band Blood on the Dance Floor, I think they are absolutely terrible, but there are other people who think they are inspiring.
    October 16th, 2013 at 06:47pm