Confessions of A Liar - Comments

  • Keep your head up. I went from being devout Catholic to wicken. I was shauned by the great majority of my family. I still struggle w/ it though I were a pentagram I still keep my rosery on my person at all times. Its okay to be who you are and have your own beliefs. The south is a very hard place to live when your different but your doing great be proud of yourself. You first have to except you before others will. Good luck in all your ventures.
    October 17th, 2013 at 11:34pm
  • You sound like you are struggling, but the few things you listed that were good, focus on those. Your religion or lack of is your choice and don't regret it because others don't approve. You've got the right to believe what you want and it does not and should not matter to anyone but yourself.

    Be proud of who you are! Smile
    October 17th, 2013 at 07:47pm