So four years ago I joined mibba... - Comments

  • I've been a Mibbian for 6 years now, although before joining, I had read stories here via the MCR site someone else mentioned, and I'm disappointed in what Mibba has become. People used to come here to read and post quality writing, but it seems to have all gone downhill. I met some of the best people when I first joined, one who remains my best friend to this day. Finding a good story is hard because they're buried beneath the ill-written smut that is so popular (anyone else feel that maybe 50 Shades is to blame? Sex sells, and all that). Occasionally, I can dig one up that someone else has recommended, but for the most part, I don't bother.

    I joined this site to broaden and enhance my writing skills, and to receive the con-crit I needed. Once upon a time, that is exactly what happened upon posting a story. Over the years, time has erased the originality that once bloomed here. There was always a genuine camaraderie here before, but some of comments on stories, articles and such has gotten outright rude and hateful.

    I used to feel at home here, surrounded by people who have the same passion about writing and creativity as I do. I can't say that I do now, and it is only by chance that I decided to log on here today, where I saw this blog from a friend recommending it.
    October 21st, 2013 at 06:57am
  • @ Deus Ex Machina
    I don't even bother looking for stories on mibba anymore. I'll read the few by my friends that I know are worth it, but other than that, nope, I got else where. No one on here knows how to create something new, they hit up the 100 page and haunt it like a ghost. "Oh, this hasn't been updated in over three years, better take that idea and put my own spin on it." And by spin, I mean replace the existing female with a poorly veiled version of themselves.

    I write one-shots, they contain smut, but I always put back-story to them, I always work on every detail to make it as 'full' as possible. Where does it get me? No where. Stuck at the back of line because someone's posted another smutty one-shot that's 10% the same as what they posted three days previous. I give up on posting because what's the point? No one gives a shit about how hard worked on plot, they just want sex, over and over, no matter how poorly it's written and executed. As to my full lengths, sex is something that my characters share together, it isn't something that defines who they are, or something the story depends on.

    What gets me is, she has the gall to snap at someone who knows what they're talking about, and when others agree, "ok" and she's gone off to post a new blog within which she bad mouths the original commenter and bitches about her(who she calls he) in the comments. Smart move. Rolling Eyes
    October 18th, 2013 at 08:38am
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    I noticed that, too. All of my stuff peaked in views years ago and it has trickled away. Now all I see are the same rehashed bullshit stories over and over again clogging up the stories area. There's been an influx of those stories with vague summaries and even vaguer plots, too, which I absolutely cannot stand.

    YES, smut has gotten way out of hand. This is very prevalent on as well. I have a bit of it in my stories; not much, though, because I feel it damages the integrity. I've started getting actual demands from people to have more and make it more detailed. I browse through other fanfictions and see these godawful ones with literally no plot; just sex. I want to rip my fucking hair out, I swear to god. I'm just trying to make a good, coherent story and you're writing about sex and being renowned as a "great" writer. You're right, sex does not make a good story, but it certainly does sell them. :/

    Hysterical. I need to stay away or I'll get the banhammer again.
    October 18th, 2013 at 08:28am
  • @ Deus Ex Machina
    Yep, blogs came with the new mibba. Now, mibba is a social media site, it's all about how you blog and who you know, not how you write and how well you do it. I miss the stars, and when I say that, so many of my new friends have now idea what I'm talking about and then I remember that I am an old mibbian, collecting dust on the shelf with the other old mibbians. Gone are the days when good writing actually got praised over the recycled rubbish. Now though, you're lucky to find a new story that hasn't been done fifty times before in that same month. This isn't a test people, stop copying off of the person to your left! Twitch

    It took me years to get any kind of "major" exposure, you know, back when you had to actually work hard for it because people wouldn't settle for b-grade. Now, now you just have to slap a poorly written smut in front of people and they'll happily claim it's the best thing they've ever read, all the while completely ignoring the errors, the overused plot, the one dimensional characters and the pure lack of any kind of tact. Dirty words does not a glorious story make. File

    I saw that. I wanted to say something but I'd have gotten banned for being a horrible cave troll or something. That wasn't the only time she was rude either. She has a habit of "ok'ing' people she doesn't deem worthy of her time Rolling Eyes
    October 18th, 2013 at 07:38am
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    That's a really recent thing, right? That drives me up the fucking wall. Some of us pour our heart and souls into our stories and it really hurts seeing these dimwits with these blogs being vaulted into popularity.

    ME TOO. I remember when I came here and started writing because I wanted to share my story. The comments and stuff were an afterthought. Now it's all that matters to the newbies. They wonder why no one comments on their stories and complain relentlessly. And you're right, they can't take any form of criticism. I watched a girl throw a tantrum because someone politely told her that she needed to fix her grammar.

    October 18th, 2013 at 07:28am
  • @ Deus Ex Machina
    It was a happier place. None of this "Blog for fame" rubbish that's going on. Mibba used to be that you'd write a story and be recognized for it, not you just have to post some blogs and boom, you're suddenly the best thing since sliced bread.

    I liked it better when I was intimidated by the big dogs back in '06, not annoyed by the sudden influx of users who believe you owe them something and that it's their gods given right to demand everything now. And you better never give them con-crit because they never want that, it's all about cap feathering here. Stroke that ego, dammit. Rolling Eyes

    Sorry, ahem, I seemed to have lost myself tehe
    October 18th, 2013 at 07:20am
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    Oh god, so much. That and the whole layout of the website... People reviewed way more and it seemed like a happier place.
    October 18th, 2013 at 07:16am
  • @ Deus Ex Machina
    Don't you just miss the blue and orange? Cute "Newbies" have no idea what they're actually missing out on Sad
    October 18th, 2013 at 07:13am
  • Same here. I joined in 2009 and it's changed dramatically.
    October 18th, 2013 at 06:25am
  • How I miss old mibba Sad
    October 18th, 2013 at 01:55am