Not Knowing Your Sexuality - Comments

  • I can relate to this blog a lot because I was in the same situation as you for a very long time. I'm pretty sure I'm demisexual in the sense that I can only have sex with people I feel a connection to and I don't experience sexual urges very often (actually, I feel asexual more often than not and I'm pretty sure I was aromantic for a while, too.) And I only just realized I'm attracted to other genders recently, so add pansexual to the list as well, haha.

    Sometimes it takes a long time to discover parts about yourself, so don't feel out of place if you can't find a single answer right now. Just remember that people are constantly evolving and all our preferences are fluid. That's the best part about it; you don't even have to pick out one distinct answer because humans are such complex creatures!!
    May 31st, 2014 at 04:21pm
  • I am bisexual, after putting myself in the situations, i realised I like it all. I hog the love. haha
    October 24th, 2013 at 12:30am
  • I'm bisexual... I think...? Or I guess just bicurious...? Not sure. Shifty

    October 23rd, 2013 at 06:25pm
  • This is similar for me. I had a very high sex drive for a few years when I was 18, but then it was like a switch was turned off. I'm not sexually driven/attracted/whatever you want to call it towards anyone at all anymore and I don't think it's a problem to be honest.

    I've never had a long term relationship either because of that lack of connection which, while other people don't seem to understand, I'm not really bothered by. One day maybe, but right now? No.

    I think I identify most with being asexual, simply because of the lack of sexual drive/attraction, but labels don't mean anything in the end, do they? :)
    October 23rd, 2013 at 04:44pm
  • I get what you're saying. And I too have been single. Expect for 19 years. People don't believe me when I say that I have not been in a romantic relationship. I'm sorry I haven't formed a connection with someone in that way.? Uhhh. It's really no one's place to label another person's sexuality.
    October 23rd, 2013 at 04:43pm
  • I definitely feel this way. I've had one boyfriend but I didn't have any feelings for him whatsover and there was a time where i had a crush on my best girl friend bur it was more out of friendship than than a romantic one. I've never really felt strong feelings for anyone really because I'd much rather be friends with everyone at this point.
    October 23rd, 2013 at 04:29pm
  • I don't know what my sexuality is. I don't think it's important. People will make all these names up to describe sexuality and in the end what does it matter? It's sort of weird, I think, that when it gets that hard to put it into a description like... why would I bother to do that? No one has to understand it but me in the end.
    October 23rd, 2013 at 04:18pm
  • I can totally relate to this. I didn't know my sexuality for years. It was just all over the place. First, I thought I was bisexual. Then I thought I was a lesbian, because I was more attracted to girls. I also thought I was trans at one point. And, then, I thought I was bi again. And, finally, I ended up with pansexual. But there were definitely some bumps throughout that journey. It was complicated. And it was probably one of the most frustrating things ever. Keep your head up! I'm sure that you will find the right label for you. But, really, try not to put too much stress on yourself over it. In the end, labels really don't matter.

    I like your gif, by the way! And I will respond to your message as soon as I can. Sorry that I haven't been online very much.
    October 23rd, 2013 at 04:18pm