Why God Doesn't Exist - Comments

  • adam driver.

    adam driver. (100)

    United States
    we won't find out until we die. i understand the whole carpe diam & yolo & live life to the fullest, but what happens when you die and you've lived a sinful life and then you're stuck in hell? i have battled with god vs. no god for a long long time. i was raised in a strict Pentecostal church & left that church for a non denomination church. i still believe in god just because of so many things that have happened in my life & other's lives. things that i cannot explain. things that maybe wouldn't have happened if i hadn't prayed about it. god is love. god is not cruel. the world is cruel. SIN is cruel. that's why people are raped & tortured & abuser & that's why people battle with addiction & depression... because of sin.
    October 25th, 2013 at 10:43pm
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    I believe in God very much, however I absolutely respect you not doing so and what you posted in this blog.

    Honestly, the thought of the not believing in a God is scary. Not just for me, but others as well. I want there to be someone to take care of my family and friends when they pass on, my brother who's already deceased, and one day myself. I believe souls have to go somewhere; I mean if they don't, how would it explain sightings of angels and ghosts/demons (I would like to say I have seen neither, and you hear more about the sighting of demons but I believe both to be very possible).

    Overall I believe that everything happens for a reason, bad things included. I don't believe that just because there is a God that we're all supposed to be heavenly beautiful with no flaws and no bad things ever happening. I believe that sinners will pay for their sins - child molesters, rapists, etc. People who can't take back what they've done.
    October 25th, 2013 at 08:59pm
  • semolina

    semolina (150)

    United States
    @ dru brings sexy back
    @ Queen of Suburbia

    Honestly for the longest time I believed just the same thing, that god was an energy and everything. But I guess I kind of had an epiphany last night. Yes, there may be a god, in energy form or otherwise, but there's no way for us to truly know. That's the bottom line. There's no way for us to know if there's really a god or if there's really an afterlife or if we're really going to be rewarded or punished, and that doesn't matter. What matters is what we do know. We can basically make earth heaven if we want to and we don't need god for that. We have the power within ourselves.
    October 25th, 2013 at 08:52pm
  • kim wonshik.

    kim wonshik. (2255)

    United States
    Agreeing with this.
    October 25th, 2013 at 07:18pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    God is love. Defined by the Bible. I'm a believer. (New Age Progressive Christian.) I don't believe in a big man in the sky. But I do believe in conscious energy that flows through all of us and connects all of us. It is measurable my science that there is connective energy within all of us. (The cells in your body are connected to the cells in mine.)

    Either way, I think your viewpoint only comes down to Earth. I think that anything that is trying to figure it all out needs to look further than just our planet, our lifetime. One death is significant to the individual people it touches, but not to the universe as a whole. What cog are we in the machine of this universe and what purpose do we serve as a whole? Not individual. I think that's how we need to look at anything trying to answer these questions.
    October 25th, 2013 at 04:25pm
  • GGGG.

    GGGG. (150)

    United States
    I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet.
    I agree with you, regardless.
    October 25th, 2013 at 04:10pm
  • Drop_Dead_Gorgeous

    Drop_Dead_Gorgeous (100)

    I love this okay?
    I do believe in God and Jesus just because that was the way I was brought up. No i'm no Catholic or Christian I just believe in him.

    About your first paragraph, nobody knows if God exists because we will never see God.
    God probably sits on his chair and shakes his head but its not his work its our work, We do stuff because we feel like it.
    God cant stop it because if he could we'd all be dead so he lets it go but they will get their punishment when it comes.
    But Gods punishment is better than Satan's sentence so who knows what will happen to them but its not for us to worry about because we could become what we saw. I know we should care and we should but I think that God will have a better punishment for them than we could ever give.
    October 25th, 2013 at 03:48pm
  • Queen of Suburbia

    Queen of Suburbia (315)

    United States
    I see any god figure or archetype as more of a force rather than a being or an entity with human-like qualities. Back when I was a practicing Christian, I tried to rationalize the why behind everything bad in the world and how could God let this happen--why is a child born deformed, blind, deaf, and without a voice? Why do child molesters exist? Cancer? Why are animals tortured? The Bible never really gave suitable answers to these questions for me.

    Instead though, I feel now that God is the life force. Energy that passes through all of us and that we all share. Bad things happen because there is a reason behind it. Suffering happens to make us question why and to make us stronger. When someone dies from cancer, we are brought into question why and try to come up with a cure for it. When an animal dies of cruelty, we make organizations that try to stop it from happening. It's all a learning lesson.

    At least, this is my opinion on the whole God and suffering debate.
    October 25th, 2013 at 03:12pm
  • Usako

    Usako (150)

    United States
    I think most religions recognize this actually, and believe that they get their just desserts in the next life. You get rewarded or punished on how you act in accordance with your God(s). And many religions I'm learning about acknowledge the wickedness and chaos of this world.

    Typical religions do not focus on the secular, but do acknowledge it.
    October 25th, 2013 at 01:29pm
  • miser

    miser (100)

    Neutral Zone
    I don't agree that God = karma. We don't necessarily need God, but we 'need' something for accordance. People believe in God, because because it is easier to believe in a divine being who creates morals for us than to grasp morals from absolutely nothing. Because, we don't need love, either. Morals are a social construction. Nobody is telling us to make the world work, to be kind to each other. And because nobody is telling us anything, not everybody believes in love.

    Some think we need God, others think we just need morals / love. All in all, we need something to 'make this world work'. Unless if you don't give a shit, then that is where it falls apart.
    October 25th, 2013 at 12:09pm
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    People need god, they lose hope otherwise. I however, thankfully, found another religion I believe in, wicca. I believe in the earth, and mother nature, because she is proven to exist, she may be cruel, but shes real, and she does some wonderful things sometimes. I think, after going to a roman catholic all girls school, that i learnt it's not actually about faith in god for most people, it's just the belief of having someone watching over you, but if that same person slaughters millions, is he really watching over you....? Love this blog. x
    October 25th, 2013 at 11:07am