There Are Full Sites Dedicated to Fanfiction... - Comments

  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    Please remember to keep all discussion respectful.
    October 26th, 2013 at 04:05pm
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    So am I. Like, I really got you completely wrong at first and I understand that but something made me read your blog like you were complaining that there is too much fan fiction here and that it doesn't belong. I don't know. I see your intent now.

    My first comment was not an answer, no, because I didn't understand what you were actually trying to say and I wanted to breathe fire down your neck. I was mad and reminded of an argument I got into ages ago on here where someone was saying that people who can't write in perfect grammar/spelling shouldn't be allowed to post here. I don't like the idea of people being left out on Mibba.

    My second comment was more to say that the mini sites are more like an add-on. An expansion. Like they're nice for what they are, but I think most of the stories on there would still be on Mibba, regardless. Mibba is just nicer, and fuller.

    I think people on here will already almost exclusively only get comments from those in their fandoms. I, for one, don't go commenting on anything I'm not interested it. Unless it's for a comment swap. I would agree with your point if people here got negative, mean comments from people outside of their fandoms like "omg why would you write that" but that just doesn't happen.

    I think most of the people that complain about having no comments are in a place where either their work is just not interesting or unreadable, or their particular fandom is too small to receive a large amount of feedback on. It would mostly be the latter. I don't think that the audiences on any of these mini sites would be bigger than Mibba for any of the fandoms there is a site for. If it was, I wouldn't understand why. Mibba has so many more features, it would be silly not to use both unless you really disliked Mibba. People could try the mini sites for more feedback, for sure, but Mibba is larger and statistically, you would be more likely to receive a comment on here.

    It just took me a while to get my whole head around what you meant and I was angry for thinking you thought you had the right to tell people to leave. I get that you aren't trying to say that at all now, but it took a bit. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this comment, something just rubbed me up the wrong way about how you went about asking your question. I felt a certain way and I am willing to admit I was wrong in thinking that way, but I had every right to be that mad over what I falsely accused you of because that's not something I have control of. I only have the control to say I get you now and no hard feelings this way.

    I just wished that when you realised I'd taken you the wrong way, you'd explained yourself clearer without telling me how to feel. If you'd just said "I think you understand me wrong what I meant was..." then my attitude would have dropped straight away.
    October 26th, 2013 at 03:57pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ Join the Masquerade
    Okay, got it. Facepalm I am just so wound up, not even gonna lie.

    Well no, I mean, lots of people I know do use the search function. I use it all the time when I want to read stories.

    Is it wrong for me to think that your first comment was not an answer? It didn't seem like one to me. Second comment, a wall of words. Maybe I misunderstood what I read but that do much for me either.

    I didn't say it was a good idea to move people's works onto different websites. I also didn't expect anyone to. I wanted to bring attention to the mini-sites. My only argument was that maybe if people posted their works on the mini-sites, they would get more feedback from people within the same fandom. I'm not saying they don't get feedback, I'm not saying that a move is necessary, I'm just saying that when I see people complaining (people being fanfiction writers) that they haven't got many comments, they could try the mini-sites.

    Really, I don't see why this is a huge issue. Whether not people use the mini-sites is way out of my control. Acting as though me, one person, one face behind a keyboard is going to push or move people off of Mibba and onto mini-sites is ridiculous. Acting as though that's my plan, ridiculous also. I don't see why you fail to accept the fact that those were really not my intentions, you bring them up in every post as though they are.
    October 26th, 2013 at 03:23pm
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I am aware you did not say these things, but this is how your blog made me feel without actually knowing what was on your mind exactly when you wrote this blog. And I have a right to that. Just like I never said I was rude, or trying to change people, but that's how my comment made you feel.

    Well then maybe your question should be "why don't more people use the search function to find original fiction" because it would be much more feasible to encourage people to search for original fiction that it would be to get fan fiction to leave. There are places out there for original fiction. They are not as big as Mibba because fan fiction makes this site bigger.

    I am giving you an answer. I gave you an answer in my past comment. Instead of acknowledging that and arguing that, you are digressing and calling me out for being "rude" for misunderstanding your intent and being rightfully mad over that misunderstood intent.

    Here are more answers to your question, as someone that reads and writes both fan fiction and original, and who is a part of many different fandoms:
    - I find that I can stay better organised if I keep everything in one place, as opposed to writing many things in different places. I don't use mini sites because I would be too disorganised.
    - I like making layouts and banners for my stories and occasionally, I enjoy other peoples'. I don't use mini sites because they do not have these features.
    - There are stories I read on here and do not wish to have to go to more than the necessary amount of sites to read/write online. It'd be as annoying as having to go to a different library to buy a different genre of book. I don't use mini sites because it is one more account, one more website I don't need.
    - Many of the fandoms I write for do not have their own site. Even if I did post on these sites, I would still post on Mibba. Mibba has a larger audience and not everyone is interested in joining another mini site for a particular genre. I don't use mini sites because there is a smaller audience for my work there, a lot of which already has a small audience over here.

    I genuinely want to know why you think it's a good idea to move work to these sites and take it off of Mibba and how you can know this as you have not had experience with posting fan fiction on Mibba before.
    October 26th, 2013 at 03:05pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ NeverWakeMeUp
    "I'm just complaining/venting," I wrote that, in this blog so I know what the blog was about. I didn't write this blog for the reactions, trust me. I wrote it because I wanted to know why the sites aren't being used (as much). I get what you're saying, but I'm not complaining about not getting readers. I'm not complaining about anything but the fact that I didn't understand why fanfiction writers didn't post their fanfiction on the mini-site for the fandom.

    I'm not surprised, I'm not even really upset except about the fact that words are being put in my mouth when that wasn't what I was implying.
    October 26th, 2013 at 02:58pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    I'm just saying that your blog is basically just a big rant and it seems like the entire purpose of it was to provoke a reaction and start drama. I use some of them but this site gets me more reads, feedback, etc. Not to mention that the original fiction stories would probably still be getting the same amounts of reads etc. even if fan fiction wasn't on here because you're still going to target the same audiences (this is not bashing in any way, I'm just stating a fact). Also Mibba has a lot of guidelines and rules that fan fiction sites don't have and a lot of times there are loads of stories that are posted with absolutely terrible grammar, spelling etc. People complain about grammar and stuff on this site but you haven't seen bad until you've been on fan fiction sites.

    I never said your opinions shouldn't be posted, but if you post a blog stating your opinions and asking questions of those you may be offending don't be surprised when you get comments back that have the same feel behind them as your blog.
    October 26th, 2013 at 02:43pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ NeverWakeMeUp
    That's what I do, it's a little hard to ignore the colorful mini-site icons on my My Mibba page. Not my fault if I'm wondering why people don't use them did you miss the question in this blog or are you just telling me my opinions shouldn't be posted at all?
    October 26th, 2013 at 02:35pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ Antidote.
    I didn't, but it wasn't like I was hoping for there not to be one. I wanted to know why there aren't more people posting fanfiction on the mini-sites and I've got answers with reasons for that, I'm not telling anyone to move anywhere and that's what people keep acting like I'm saying.

    I don't mind what people write, I write femmeslash and people prefer slash and I accept that, I don't care, I didn't say fanfiction shouldn't be here but I'm not going to sugarcoat my opinions to appease other people. I'm frank with people I expect straight responses, it only irritates me when the response is about something else entirely.
    October 26th, 2013 at 02:32pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    If you don't like it, ignore it and don't read it.

    It's that easy.
    October 26th, 2013 at 02:32pm
  • antidote.

    antidote. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I personally believe that you knew this uprising of opinions would happen when you posted this blog. You can't state such a strong opinion and expect no reaction. People on here are passionate and considering this is a writing site and the subject of this blog is writing, of course you're going to have people react to what you said. I will say I disagree. I've not even glanced at those mini sites because I like it here and nobody will make me move just because it seems like the logical thing to do.

    This site is full of diverse people and diverse opinions- so why can't the style of writing be diverse too? You may not have meant it as fan fiction can't have a place here, but it is very easy for people to take it that way. Just be careful how you word things next time, that's all I will say!
    October 26th, 2013 at 02:27pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ Join the Masquerade
    The thing is, if I didn't say those things, don't make it out like I did. I wasn't thinking that at the time I posted this blog and I'm not thinking it now so you saying all that and grouping me with other people that have those views, is wrong and irritating itself.

    If fanfiction left, obviously original fiction would be noticed actually, because there would be no fanfiction to offset it, but the point of the blog wasn't about whether not there are more fanfiction or original fiction stories so I don't see the point of bringing it up.

    I've been on Mibba for a long time, I left and came back, I honestly don't care very much about why Mibba started and things like such, but if it'll help me understand parts of my question, about the mini-sits by all means, inform me.

    I'm not trying to push anyone anywhere. I'm asking a question and hoping for an answer. If it comes off that way, I can't help that. If you want to group me with a bunch of fanfiction haters, I can't help that either. You act as though I don't write fanfiction, but I just haven't posted any on Mibba because I don't see the point.
    Join the Masquerade:
    don't be another person to say we don't have a place in the world.
    I'm not saying that, you're taking what I posted the wrong way and I honestly don't care but to come at me about what you thought I meant, is wrong because it's not what I meant at all.

    Again, not trying to change anything, asking one simple question.
    October 26th, 2013 at 02:23pm
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I'm not the one on here that has more than one person in a huff, believing you are trying to say that fan fiction is "irritating" or "unwelcome" or "better off somewhere else". You didn't say any of this, I realise, but after having read this same fan fiction vs. original fiction argument from a dozen different people on here at different times in different words, that's just how it comes across. I admit that every once in a while there is the odd fan fiction writer that goes off on a rant believing that original fiction doesn't have a place here, but it's almost always the other way around. The same message comes across, and it's that fan fiction is not as good as original fiction. People seem to think it's unfair that their original stories are drowned out by fan fiction.

    Personally, I write both. I enjoy reading both. On Mibba. I don't want to have to go to separate sites to view/post the different stories I may be interested in when I can do the same thing all on Mibba, by using tags when searching and posting. Stories must be labelled as original, fan fiction, or true. It's not very hard to find what you're looking for. I would argue the same for comment swaps and competitions. I believe there are a decent number that are exclusively original content only and a great deal of people don't mind both.

    If every fan fiction writer up and left tomorrow, original fiction would be no more recognised on here. I would compare it to a smaller fandom on here. It's a small minority. For example, I enjoy writing Placebo fan fiction. There are THOUSANDS more original stories compared to Placebo fan fiction stories. But the point is, if every other fan fiction was gone, there would be the same number of readers for Placebo. It's just that the online community hasn't a high demand for it. I understand that. There may not be the demand for original fiction here that people desire.

    Then why are you posting this, if not to say that it would be great to have more room for original fiction to be noticed? I can't see any other point to arguing it.

    There is so much fan fiction here because that's how it started off. I can understand your blog if you haven't been around here very long to know much about Mibba's history. Basically, there were a few sites that Dujo owned for a My Chemical Romance fan site and a Green Day fan site. There may have been another, but I'm not sure. He created Mibba and many of the people that had been writing on these fan sites shared their work here, too, because you could post for anything and not just that fandom. It was a place to share the same things they were already writing about, other fan fictions, and original fiction. I, like many others back then, came here because more and more people were posting their fan fictions here to reach a larger audience. There was more incentive to use Mibba over the fan sites because you could post a story, tag it "imo", and it would be posted to both Mibba and to I' It was real neat. So you could bump into other things on here, talk to people about different things, and still ensure you had an audience over at the fan site for what you posted.
    But those sites are now a lot less active. Mibba got bigger. Now it's massive in comparison. It's full of many fandoms now as well as original stories. I mean, MCR nowadays is a rather small community on here. Green Day is even smaller. A7X is massive. Things are always changing.

    These sites you talk about were added only recently when looking at Mibba's history. It's not as if they've been here from the beginning so people could think, 'hmm, I might join that instead'. Many people have built a relationship with this site and the people on it. People have grown comfortable on here knowing that they can post whatever material they like and perhaps knowing how their story might be received. These mini sites were created as an option for people that may only want to focus on one fandom, and as a way of introducing new members to Mibba, like how GSB and INO introduced me to Mibba. These mini sites are missing many of the key features that make Mibba a great site and a great community. Loads of these have already been mentioned in the comments below me. I never once thought that the mini sites were at all designed to be used instead of Mibba.

    This is why there is still fan fiction on Mibba. Lots of it.

    What I meant by that last part was that writers of fan fiction are constantly told that it is downright wrong to write fan fiction. On many online communities, it is not accepted. MOST official band forums will not accept fan fiction as a part of their forum. It's not socially acceptable to write it. There was something in the blogs recently about how hockey fan fiction writers were talked down to in the media. This is not unusual. As a fan fiction writer and reader, another voice telling me that I don't belong somewhere new is unsettling. Especially seeing as this site is for all fiction, and writers at every level. I just feel, personally, that you are trying to push certain fandoms out or suggesting that this is okay, when this site is for the use of all. Until Mibba says "____ can not be posted on this site" then you will always find it here. People like it here. When it comes down to it, it's as simple as that.

    So please don't call me "rude" for voicing my opinion or tell me I'm trying to change the world because I am not the one trying to change anything here.
    October 26th, 2013 at 02:08pm
  • synthian.

    synthian. (100)

    Just my view that's all. I know that you're not intending to say "fan fiction writers, get the hell off this site!" This is my feelings, as many have pointed out previously. There is already fan bases established, there is the hassle of changing accounts and Mibba actually offers more features/options.

    We're simply answering your question why we are not putting fan fiction to those mini sites.
    October 26th, 2013 at 01:55pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ Vincent Price.
    I'm not saying you have to.
    October 26th, 2013 at 01:51pm
  • synthian.

    synthian. (100)

    I hate moving all of my stories to another sites where people don't always see them. I have my base here. No way I am moving my stuff.
    October 26th, 2013 at 01:48pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ calliope.
    That's the thing, I couldn't be sure. (Obviously they weren't, but I had left mibba and returned and here were the mini-sites)
    That's all I was wondering, why the mini-sites aren't getting used as much. freaky fred; made it known to me what they were for and I appreciate that because it makes sense as to why they're not used as much.
    If you feel the need to state your opinion in a way that changes mine or what I said, maybe blogging about this would just be better overall but it's fine, no harm done, forgotten.
    October 26th, 2013 at 01:09pm
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    Yeah, I mean I think that they are in theory a good idea, but in reality, it's just not really gonna happen, I mean I have only just started to get interest in one of my fan fics, I have NEVER had many readers or anything on any of my stories, so im happy about that, I've got some original stuff coming out soon but I not sure they will do so well, but in the end, it aint about the readers or anything. :D Its just putting a lil peice of me out there. Dujo should really look into just making an OF mini site though, I mean, I would use that... O_O
    October 26th, 2013 at 01:09pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    @ Miss Jackson
    I can see your point had the mini sites been around before mibba was. They are what they are, mini sites, so not a lot of people are going to use them. Plus, people crave feedback, and there are so many more people on mibba than there are on the mini sites, so that's why they don't use them as much. They're there to draw more people to mibba, as freaky fred; said, and as Dujo has stated before. It wasn't my intention to add a different meaning to your blog, but I felt the need to state my opinion anyways, so sorry for that.
    October 26th, 2013 at 01:04pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ Tholomew Plague
    That I understand, I am not trying to say that all of the fanfiction should be erased from Mibba though. Facepalm It was just a thought that "Couldn't you post your fanfiction on a mini-site?"

    I don't know. I see tons more fanfiction than original and I don't care because I don't read it but it's just silly to me to see all of the same fandoms writing the same kind of stories again and again and maybe that's why I'd rather some make their way to the mini-sites.

    The whole point was though that I was wondering if any fanfiction writers really used the mini-sites at all or if they knew they were there for them to post fanfiction on. I could care less whether not they use it, if they don't, they ought to delete them then.
    October 26th, 2013 at 01:01pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ calliope.
    @ calliope.
    You guys seem to be all coming at me with the idea that I'm saying I wish I saw more original fiction on here. I do not care. I'm saying I find it silly that there is so much fanfiction on Mibba when there are mini-sites you could post your fanfiction on. I didn't know the whole idea behind the mini-sites but I found it weird and a waste that people post so much of their stuff here when the sites for those fandoms are still sitting there.

    You can't actually tell me not to complain and it do anything for you or me. I'm going to say shit no matter what, my opinion won't just go away and I post it as I feel. I also don't read fanfiction, but that's not the point of this blog at all. You're making it solely about how much of either type of story there is on Mibba, when I'm simply stating the mini-sites aren't being used (to my knowledge) and the amount of fanfiction here, is a reason for that.

    This wasn't original fiction vs fanfiction, that wasn't the intent of the blog but honestly, I could write one about that too. I didn't just say, "All you fanfiction writers, go off and only write on the mini-sites," but I did ask why not.

    @ Fandango
    I don't take into mind fans because if you move your writing onto a mini-site for your fandom, most likely you'll get people that like to read it, reading it. I understand that other people may enjoy it, but that depends entirely on how you write your fanfiction.

    Disheartening, so be it. Fanfiction writers could say what you all want but there would be many points for us as original fiction writers not to move onto those sits.

    No one is ganging up on anyone. If it's wrong to have an opinion for and against something on Mibba, that one group of people might hate me for then maybe I'll stop writing blogs like this but I see no problem. Me as one person might be saying fanfiction writers could move their writing onto the mini-sites, but tons of original fiction writers could say the opposite. I honestly, do not care. I didn't know what the sites were for except that they also had stories but specifically on one fandom.

    You wouldn't only be posting your fanfiction on the mini-sites if you had fanfiction without a site. I just feel that the mini-sites are a better way to organize fictions, and therefore you wouldn't have to add that one more tag to tag it in a fandom. Though maybe I shouldn't have added that in my blog because it's really not a big deal.
    October 26th, 2013 at 12:56pm