Fanfiction Cliches - Comments

  • poison and blood

    poison and blood (100)

    United States
    Here's what I think:
    Fan fiction is definitely thin ice to tread on and it is exceptionally easy to make a boring, cliche story. Even so, two happy people falling in love is absolutely no good. No one would read that, unless, of course, it is jam packed with interesting details and shit. More often than not, however, these details tend to be darker. Darkness is generally the most alluring thing about literature of all kinds. There has to be something with at least one of the characters that makes them real. No one is truly happy. If they say otherwise, they are liars.
    Despite this, I very much see where you are coming from. It's O.K. to have mental disorders of all sorts, but if it is a common re-occurrence that seems to have no worth at all when it comes to the story, then why put it in? I've noticed this whole self-harm thing going about in select fandoms, and it's not impacting or anything, which is what makes it dull.
    What would be effective is if they have the male character have a little more depth than just a slightly tormented bad boy. The really fucked up guys are my favorite of all characters. Women are made to look weak enough as it is...why not take away soem strengths from the boy? That's where the good stuff is at! And I totally agree that the cliche of a damsel in distress needing to be saved by some delinquent who is totally not her type is absolutely ridiculous. Perhaps I'm a tad contradictory, as I also have another story where I suppose you could put it into this cliche category, but at least it's different. You don't usually put a 40 -year-old unhappily and unfaithfully married punk with a gold digging, cheating 23- year-old fake. She's very sad, but at least she doesn't show it like the attention whore characters one might read in these cliches.
    I don't really know what I'm saying anymore...rather I'm just telling you all of my thoughts, so sorry if I'm digressing or not making any sense.
    This is not me saying I disagree with you, either. It's definitely the most annoying thing to start reading something and it begin with a something as basic as pointless depression...
    Did you ever notice how most of these authors aren't even depressed? That is, perhaps, one of the more destructive things when writing. Stereotypes are no fun and they make zero sense if you are trying to write something you don't know a thing about.
    Sorry, went on a rant there. I have a lot of feelings ahaha
    November 4th, 2013 at 11:23pm
  • CartoonBanshee

    CartoonBanshee (100)

    United Kingdom
    @Queen of Suburbia I couldn't agree more. it also ends up feeling almost discriminative. for instance, many BVB fanfics include a girl who self harms. People often associate BVB with the 'emo' clulture although a large percentage of fans do not self harm. I'm not sure aboyt anyone else, but that makes me feel like you are not considered a fan if you are not part of the 'emo' scene.
    November 3rd, 2013 at 06:36pm
  • CartoonBanshee

    CartoonBanshee (100)

    United Kingdom
    @Queen of Suburbia I couldn't agree more. it also ends up feeling almost discriminative. for instance, many BVB fanfics include a girl who self harms. People often associate BVB with the 'emo' clulture although a large percentage of fans do not self harm. I'm not sure aboyt anyone else, but that makes me feel like you are not considered a fan if you are not part of the 'emo' scene.
    November 3rd, 2013 at 06:36pm
  • Queen of Suburbia

    Queen of Suburbia (315)

    United States
    I know what you mean. I mean, it's fine every once in a while when it's important to the plot, but other than that it feels like it's overused and necessary.
    I like fanfics more where the lead female character is tough and feisty, it seems to add more zest to the story.
    November 3rd, 2013 at 05:16pm