What should I do..? - Comments

  • @ Baka-San

    thank you(: Yeah, we're going to talk about it tonight. All the benefits, the plus side, the cons side, all that good stuff. I have and I will keep telling him that if this is something he wants to do, he can go for it. I am not going to make him stay if this isn't what he wants. We still have phones and skype and stuff, so if he does go that road we always have a way to communicate.
    November 7th, 2013 at 05:00pm
  • It's selfish, but You're not the only one, don't worry, it's only normal to think about this in a "selfish" way. Maybe you can work something out with your boyfriend...? like video chat with him or something? I bope things work out :)
    November 7th, 2013 at 08:23am
  • @ glasswings

    Thank you. And yeah, I don't want their to be a rift between us or anything. If it's something he wants to do, he can do it. I told him that when we talked about it today, if it's something he is dead set on doing, if it's even an option, then he should do it.

    It really is hard to cope with, but I hope everything will get sorted out eventually.. I really do love him and want him around for as long as he'll have me. I feel incredibly selfish that I wish he wasn't considering going, but.. what can I do? I may be his girlfriend, and maybe wife someday, but I can't boss him around and expect him to change his life plans for me because I'm upset.
    November 7th, 2013 at 12:59am
  • What an awful situation Sad I really feel for you. My best friend's dad is a captain in the Australian Navy, and it's been hard on their family, especially when he has had to go away for six months or more with a ship. I think this is something that a lot of military families have to go through, and it's not a position I envy.

    As far as what you should do goes, obviously I can't tell you exactly that because I don't know the whole situation or the dynamic of your relationship, but honestly I feel that if this is what he really wants to do, I don't think you will stop him anyway. If he wanted this three years ago and still does, then it's obviously something he is serious about.

    As to whether you should stop him or not, I think it's important that you express how you feel about it and how much you care about him, but I don't think stopping him will help. It will probably just create a bit of a rift between you, which is obviously not what you want. The best practical advice I can give is just to talk to him about it and let him know how you feel, but make it clear that if he is absolutely set on following this path then you will support his decision. It's probably a hard decision for both of you, but you can only support each other now. Besides, there's no guarantee that he will definitely get in at this stage either!

    Just coming from a fellow human being, though, I'm so sorry again Sad what a shitty situation. I hope you both find a way around this, and I wish you every happiness in your relationship. It sounds like you guys care about each other very much. There needs to be more love like that in this world Very Happy
    November 7th, 2013 at 12:47am