Do I Really Look That Old? - Comments

  • lonely girl.

    lonely girl. (250)

    @ kitsch
    Thanks for the confirmation. But hey, at least you'll age well.

    The actual waxing didn't hurt, it was more the stinging sensation afterwards. And my underarms started bleeding too, but apparently that's normal.
    I cower in terror in the presence of girls who wax their Brazilian and bikini line though. That must hurt even worse.

    @ EmptySighsAndWine
    That's the thing though, my facial features aren't very defined. It's hilarious watching people's reactions when you tell them your actual age.

    I only shaved my underarms, but its now at the stage when I have to do it everyday, which sucks. With summer coming in, I want those days where I don't have to bother.
    November 11th, 2013 at 09:09pm
  • EmptySighsAndWine

    EmptySighsAndWine (100)

    United States
    You do look a lot older than your age. Don't worry, I get it a lot also. I know I went out for dinner the other day and for some reason our waitress was trying to guess my age. She thought I was 17, but when I told her that I was actually 15 she was pretty surprised. It's strange how that happens. It must be the facial features and the way you act. XD

    Also, uh, I hate waxing. It's a pain and I'm not one to deal with pain too nicely. I'd much prefer shaving than anything else, but you know, you sometime have those days where it's better to put hot wax on yourself and rip it off than deal with a razor.
    November 11th, 2013 at 04:33pm
  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    Yes, yes you do.
    /this is coming straight from someone who looks about 15/16 on a good day, yo.

    And ouch, my friend got hers waxed and she said it wasn't that bad but I'm like uhhhh are you serious no.
    November 11th, 2013 at 01:04pm