Things I Don't Like in Stories (Part Two!!!) - Comments

  • number five
    number frickin' five
    i love you bub
    i love you so much
    come here
    it's huggin' time
    November 15th, 2013 at 05:36am
  • Personally, I don't care whether or not a story has insight, so long as it's good. It seems to be a mainly american thing. You see it with contrast to tv shows aswell. Usually with american shows, they have an ending where you take something away from that episode, and learn something from it. Over here, it's just for the sake of telling a story, nobody leanrs anything, they make the same mistakes and such. I like both ways. I kind of like it when my characters don't learn their lessons and get burnt ;)
    November 15th, 2013 at 02:50am
  • We're taught it mostly in middle school and then it gets thrown out the window for the next four years. That, and because none of my English teachers ever stressed it in high school, it kind of made people think they didn't need to know it. Importance just wasn't stressed.
    November 14th, 2013 at 11:16pm
  • @ ptvjaime
    We learned very minor things about grammar until we were freshman. I taught myself.
    November 14th, 2013 at 11:12pm
  • I sexualized self-harm in one story, but then it's not a byproduct of depression for my character. Depending on your genre, your characters might be forced to be attractive. I tend to call it the Mainstream Romance Publishing world. And of course, a lot of people in school aren't learning grammar and the educational system isn't doing much about it.
    November 14th, 2013 at 11:01pm