Rape Porn Illegal in the UK - Comments

  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    @ MORANG
    I told you to get off my blog. So take your shitty victim-blaming, slut-shaming views off my blog because I would rather be punched in the face than read another word of what you have to say.
    November 20th, 2013 at 01:16am
  • lady_enygma

    lady_enygma (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ MORANG
    And before you reply please just don't, just leave me alone. We've both had a say lets leave it there
    November 20th, 2013 at 12:12am
  • lady_enygma

    lady_enygma (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ MORANG
    Someone I went to school was forced into it and my ex tried to force me into it! Don't you dare accuse me of stating false evidence I've nearly fucking been there!

    As for the studies there was a documentary on not long ago about it and you can look the studies up online.

    Honestly i am reeling and shaking and all sorts over this. I cannot believe you would be like this.
    November 20th, 2013 at 12:11am

    MORANG (100)

    United States
    @ lady_enigma
    would you please link me to a few of this "studies" that show the negative effects of rape in porn? Because i would be quite interested in reading them. However, simply saying something is true, does not make it so. Until i see some actual reports of this, then i must assume that you are simply repeating something that you have heard.

    Once more, big name porn labels will not show videos of sex trafficking. One sight estimated that 90% of porn viewed is online. No one really buys this stuff in stores, what you are worried about is the black market stuff, which will continue even after this law passes.

    Also, where are you getting your ideas that large amounts of women from first world countries are being sold into these situations? Once more, i have to assume that your statement is false as it lacks any evidence.
    November 19th, 2013 at 11:57pm
  • lady_enygma

    lady_enygma (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ MORANG
    I'll give you a situation in a first world country where somebody is in porn jnwillingly. Sex trafficking. More people than I can even imagine are trafficked for sex, they are often filmed being raped and it does appear on the internet, being promoted as porn. That label of porn, automatically makes the viewer believe it was consensual.

    As for this child porn thing, how on warth can you even be saying that? It is against the law, in all forms. It is abuse, it is sickening. How can you say the things you say about it?

    Take it from somebody who HAS been sexually abused, TWICE, reading what you said, I am actually crying. I can't believe the things you said, I honestly can't.

    And there are plenty of studies to prove of rhe negative effects of extreme porn, I can't, I honestly, I just, I can't believe you think its okay.
    November 19th, 2013 at 11:14pm
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    @ MORANG
    Get off my blog. Don't comment on it again.
    November 19th, 2013 at 04:28am

    MORANG (100)

    United States
    @ sobre mi cadaver
    I said, having access to pre-existing child pornography. Not that they were going out and making it themselves.

    Im not saying everyone exaggerates them, but many do.

    And yes, if you could have easily prevented the situation, but you still walk down that path, then it is partly your fault for whatever may happen to you.

    Give me a situation that arises in a first world country where a person is in porn unwillingly. Yeah, facebook may be a dick and not remove things such as that, but thats not what i am trying to discuss. And, only doing porn for money, is still consensual.
    November 19th, 2013 at 04:26am
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    Maybe my final argument did move a bit in another direction, but I still pose the questions. Many, many people involved in this movement (which in the name itself is sexist) are in it simply because it feels good to victimize yourself. You begin to believe that because you are "the victim" you deserve something special, when really you are fabricating or exaggerating any sort of abuse on your part.
    Yep, I feel so special when people like you victim blame and tell people they're lying. So very, very special. Now, get off my blog, don't reply to me, don't comment on any of my things and please stay away from me.
    November 19th, 2013 at 04:25am
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    @ MORANG
    Your source is almost four years out of date so I'm guessing your figures aren't going to be accurate. here is a more recent article about the problems with rape porn, here is the most recent statistics on rape in the UK, here is the statistics of rape in the US. Here, here and here are some information on rape culture and how society normalizes sexual violence. Read over those, study the impact of rape culture and then tell me it's "just" porn.

    "Having access to child pornography has been shown to decrease the levels of child abuse" - I'm sorry, what? Child pornography IS child abuse. It's child abuse filmed and distributed for people to use as their own sexual fantasy.

    And you seem to be fixated on women fantasising about being raped, ignoring that my entire journal was about people fantasising about raping others. There is a huge difference. There's also a huge difference between violence on television and sexual violence in pornography so please don't derail my journal into a totally other subject. I'm quite tired of people again and again trying to counter my arguments by claiming I don't care about other subjects. I do care about those other subjects but I'm not talking about them right now so they have literally no relevance.

    " in most cases " - key word here being 'most'. Here is a video documentary about women who were raped while filming porn. Here are some first-hand quotes from multiple porn actresses who experienced rape and abuse while filming. Here is a link to a book written by an actress who was raped and abused while filming porn. Here is an article discussing the physical and mental abuse faced my sex workers and strippers.
    November 19th, 2013 at 04:23am
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    @ MORANG
    Child pornography entails underage children being abused and placed in sexual situations. That in itself is abuse.

    ... Are you seriously placing blame on the victims? Because if so I'm going to politely ask you to not reply to me again because I refuse to even go in that route with anybody; I risk getting banned for bashing Cute

    There are porn actresses who enjoy their job, yes, but that doesn't take away the damage that such type of pornography can cause not only on porn actresses who happen to not enjoy their jobs and who are there because of a variety of reasons that are not only "because I like sex".

    Lol, the videos are never removed; threads after threads, facebook pages after facebook pages, women put forth reports, they get ignored. This is nothing new and not tied in only with the porn industry. Pictures of women in yoga pants that men post on facebook? The victim of sexual harassment (because that IS sexual harassment) reports it, they get a big ol' fuck you on part of facebook, it is not removed, and then she gets shit from people on the page for reporting it.

    Oh yes, it feels great to victimize myself and place myself in situations where I encounter sexist assholes who think my body is a commodity and I should have no control over it. Yep, I do it on my own free will because I deserve something special and I'm obviously fabricating and exaggerating the years after years of sexual harassment that I have gone through.
    November 19th, 2013 at 04:21am

    MORANG (100)

    United States
    @ sobre mi cadaver
    I said, having access to pre-existing child pornography. Not that they were going out and making it themselves.

    Many, many women are happy doing porn. Have you ever heard of Sasha Grey? Just because a few people came in and were unprepared for what was going to happen doesnt mean that all women are. And it is not like someone cannot leave if they did not want too.

    All im trying to say with these, is that rape fantasies are not uncommon, they are natural, and that it is ludicrous to attempt to say that watching a consenting women do something should be illegal. And yes, if the woman was raped, then she can file her claim and the videos will be removed. Not much real rape exists on mainstream websites.

    Maybe my final argument did move a bit in another direction, but I still pose the questions. Many, many people involved in this movement (which in the name itself is sexist) are in it simply because it feels good to victimize yourself. You begin to believe that because you are "the victim" you deserve something special, when really you are fabricating or exaggerating any sort of abuse on your part.

    Yes, i would like to see the links if you could find them.
    November 19th, 2013 at 04:08am
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    @ MORANG
    Child pornography is in its essence ABUSE. Your statement is contradictory and lacks any logic to it.

    Are you aware of the big time porn corps in which they did some try-outs for a gangbang and they ended up shaming and raping the actresses? Yep, it happend; it was all over facebook and feminist blogs were posting about them in order to take down the site; let me find the links for them if they still exist, but that it is part of a big porn corp does not mean that abuse does not happen.

    Finally, your last statement is just derailing. If you want to talk about whatever men are affected by, by all means, I'll be happy to comment and engage in it, but do not bring forth those arguments on a discussion ABOUT WOMEN ISSUES. And to answer to your question you posted to Amy, mass medium, all of them, make us furious with the lack of female representations, the blatant violence and abuse against women, and the constant objectification and sexualization. That this presents ONE issue does not mean that we are ignoring the rest of them.
    November 19th, 2013 at 03:57am

    MORANG (100)

    United States
    @ little motorkitty;
    it is very common. Read the first source i gave you.

    52% of women have had a fantasy where a man overpowered them, and when the term "rape" was used 32% still said they had them.

    On the other hand, because of this double-standard people have perpetuated where men are all deviants, it becomes quite hard for me to find any sort of statistics within the males part.

    And in response to your child porn argument:
    Having access to child pornography has been shown to decrease the levels of child abuse. And yes, in most cases you can be certain that it is consenting because they are on big-name pornography cooperation's websites. I would gladly provide you with some names of the big-boys in that field, but since i lack that fetish i cannot provide it to you.

    If it trivializes women's rape, then shouldn't you be angry at the women consenting to do the videos instead of the people they are marketed for? Or the women themselves who have that fantasy?

    Also, if you are worried about people being desensitized to violence then you should be quite furious with the media and how it just slaps violence and war and drugs across everything, especially all the violent video games that are being marketed towards younger and younger kids? Or are you just worried about people being desensitized towards violence against women. If the latter is the case, then you might want to step back and re-evaluate why you care about these things. Is it for equality, of self-entitlement?
    November 19th, 2013 at 03:47am
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    @ MORANG
    I don't see why anyone would need the right to watch a woman being raped. Do you know 100% for a fact that the woman is consenting? And if you want to use your logic well then let's let people watch snuff films, because that doesn't mean they actually want to kill someone. And let them have child porn because that doesn't mean they actually want to molest children. I honestly don't see why there is any need to have videos depicting a woman being raped. Do you honestly think your life will be empty without those videos? "These images normalise sexual violence against women" - Did you miss that part of the blog?

    " porn commonly serves as a way for people to live out their fantasies healthily" I don't see anything healthy about fantasising about raping someone.

    Porn featuring rape trivializes and sexualizes a traumatic experience that thousands of men and woman have experienced. The thought that people would find that sexy in any shape or form literally turns my stomach.
    November 19th, 2013 at 03:25am

    MORANG (100)

    United States
    Ergh, this infuriates me. There is a big difference between finding rape hot, and lacking the proper moral capabilities not to do it. Plenty of women themselves have rape fantasies (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/all-about-sex/201001/womens-rape-fantasies-how-common-what-do-they-mean), though they themselves would never want to be raped. Not to mention, porn commonly serves as a way for people to live out their fantasies healthily without having to actually do them.

    Banning things like this takes away from your freedom as your people, much like how in Australia porn stars with A cups are now illegal in porn as they could "encourage pedophilia" (http://boingboing.net/2010/01/28/australian-censor-bo.html). It may only seem like a small instance now, but if people show kindness and approval to laws such as these it leads way to much more rights being taken away (but by that time you will be so conditioned to it you wont even care).

    This boils down to an argument of rights. Is it really any of your business what a person views in the privacy of his home?
    November 19th, 2013 at 02:51am
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    I agree with you 100% and I liked that you made a distinction between consensual sex (even on the BDSM area) and graphic depictions of women being raped (be it acted or real). Any sort of violence normalizes said violence, so I think this is a great step toward de-normalizing rape culture.
    November 19th, 2013 at 02:12am
  • notrelevant

    notrelevant (150)

    Hong Kong
    100% agree. c:
    November 19th, 2013 at 12:46am