Debate - Comments

  • midnight sunshine x

    midnight sunshine x (300)

    United Kingdom
    That's absolutely terrible, I don't understand people's logic when they kill people because of their sexuality, it's just insane.

    There is too much prejudice against the LGBT community, and I witnessed some just 10 minutes ago, sadly. My mum put on the film Shakespeare in Love for few minutes and there was a kissing scene between Gwyenth Paltrow dressed as a girl dressed as a man (?) and another man. My brother, being ten years old and immature went EW! Now he complains when anybody kisses and men take their tops off in films, so I was expecting it. Anyway, so I explained that it was a girl dressed as a man, and before I could finish, my mum cut in and said: "even if it was a man and a man there's nothing wrong with that." Which was exactly what I was about to say.

    Then my Dad gives me the look. And said: "Did you seriously just say that!"

    I challenged him on this, asking him why he reacted in this way. And he didn't answer me, just told me to go away. I'm sorry, you might be my dad but how I can respect you when you say things like that?

    People shouldn't be afraid of who they are, that is the saddest thing of all and no one should stop someone from being themselves.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 11:26pm
  • YOUxMEx5

    YOUxMEx5 (100)

    United States
    It's fine.
    Honestly I don't care about how the universe was created. I mean, the more I think about it, I start to go insane. So I leave that topic alone.
    And I agree on the prejudices against LBGT peoples. But it still scares a LOT of people. Last month, a girl was shot in public for making out with another girl in Texas. It scares me that happened just the next town over from me. Some people live in terror of Christians because of that.
    It scares me a bit because my boyfriend, or me, or one of my best gay friends could be killed at any moment. One of my friends had seen his boyfriend killed and is horrified of any religious person now.
    Now, I don't hate Christians because of that, or hate them at all. I don't believe in the big band theory either. I just like to live for now. Cause you can't spend your life looking for answers you'll only question yourself for
    November 21st, 2013 at 10:41pm
  • midnight sunshine x

    midnight sunshine x (300)

    United Kingdom
    @ YOUxMEx5
    Prejudices against members of the LGBT community is disgusting in my opinion. It's just awful. I would not describe homosexuality as a sin, for it is love. God doesn't have a negative opinion about anyone, he loves us all. And people who kill aren't Christians. They may call themselves Christians and that they are doing the right thing or whatever rubbish that they come out with. "Treat others as you would like to be treated" is the greatest commandment according to Jesus. They certainly aren't following this.

    As Christians we believe that man was inspired by God to write the gospel and in early times God described it in a way they could understand. It is man who has enforced the no gay marriage rule, not God. The idea of no sex for recreation probably stems from the of no wealth and pleasures and people automatically assume that because God described Creation as the story of Adam and Eve (so early Christians could understand) it was a man and a woman, maybe they decided that marriage was only to be between a man and a woman? I don't know, it seems insane to be prejudiced against someone because of who they love.

    Though Christianity has it faults, it is important as it gives moral guidance who knows where we would be without religion. The idea of something god like has been around for centuries and I think that kind of shows that it is something almost natural to humans.

    This is just a question, how do you believe the universe was created? I always love to hear everyone's perspective on this question! Mr. Green

    I'm not sure why, but I wasn't alerted when you replied to my comment ::shify: bit strange!
    November 21st, 2013 at 10:30pm
  • YOUxMEx5

    YOUxMEx5 (100)

    United States
    *****not offended sorry. I had just typed "I" instead. I'm NOT offended
    November 20th, 2013 at 11:04pm
  • YOUxMEx5

    YOUxMEx5 (100)

    United States
    @midnight sunshine x
    Now I totally understand. I'm gay so I'm I offended lol. Now religion is just something I just can't believe in. Now I get that being gay is a sin, but sin is sin. its not like being a homo is any different than a murderer. And god forgives murderers. Now you see, I don't have anything against Christians. I'm down and cool if they believe in god. Now I hate when some people get homophobic and decide to hurt a member of the LBGT community. Did you know that killings against the LBGT community have increased in a America since 1999? And we use to kill gays for being who they were? I don't get it. We don't kill murderers for their sin, so why is it only gays. When someone becomes a killer, we eventually forgive them. But if someone is gay, then it's the end of the world. And I feel mostly like this is the generation where everything's more accepted. So I just pray that things change soon.
    November 20th, 2013 at 11:03pm
  • midnight sunshine x

    midnight sunshine x (300)

    United Kingdom
    @ YOUxMEx5
    Don't worry, I didn't take your comment offensively at all, by addressing it was just a perfect way to start my first point. I think it would be a bit odd if someone found a harmless opinion offensive, though things do blow up on here Cool

    The whole idea about 'being gay is a sin' sprung from the 'rule' that sex should only be for reproduction and not for recreation. As same sex couples can't have children through sex, it is a 'sin'. Therefore, contraceptions can't be used either. This is just an abomination, I'm sorry if anyone really disagrees with this. There are people dying of HIV/AIDs all over the world, because they believe it is a sin to wear a condom or use the pill. People are being discriminated because of their sexuality and are being told that they will end up in hell. I'm sorry, but are you a good Christian if you're saying that??? Thank goodness they've finally started to loosen this rule about contraception, but it's far too late in my opinion.

    But, I don't think Christianity should make gay marriage legal. I would love it to, the whole basis of Christianity is loving your neighbour as you do yourself, but senior members of the church would not like this agreement one bit and I fear that might cause resentment and conflict. Sad when the idea of making gay marriage legal was hot topic in British parliament, the archbishop made a statement for every church to read. I felt physically sick. It was fancy language for: "homosexuality is not natural, sinful, is forbidden and always will be."
    These men are the reason that Christians are seen as homophobic, because (don't hurt me) some are! And these people are in the public eye. And you know who is considering making gay marriage accepted in the Catholic Church? The Pope!!! The new pope is just amazing, he has lived a life of poverty all his life and he randomly escapes his bodyguards to greet people and bless them lmfao

    It just annoys me why people can overlook some rules but be so forceful on others. The cardinals (which are the second highest in the catholic faith, second only to the pope) are vastly wealthy. Jesus teaches that it is: "harder for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god," on this basis, none of these cardinals will go to heaven. And the archbishop I mentioned above, is also vastly wealthy.

    (I'm studying RE and I will probably add in loads of bible quotes because I want to make the fact I have to memorise an entire gospel worth it!)

    Teach religion to children as a moral guideline, don't force it on them, I hope this isn't offensive to your friends and family, but I think making people feel bad because of their sexuality is so so wrong.

    I just love debates Very Happy
    November 20th, 2013 at 10:30pm
  • YOUxMEx5

    YOUxMEx5 (100)

    United States
    @ midnight sunshine x
    I'm sorry I was the one who said that ^^" I didn't mean anything harmful I promise.
    Knowing that there is a god does make things comforting, but I don't know if there is a god. I've read the bible (by force. Thanks parents) now I hate the idea of forcing a bible on a child. It's sickening to me. I also hate when I say that I'm not a Christian, my friends and family say, "Oh, it's because your gay and committing a sin. That's why you aren't a Christian"
    That's utterly wrong! Not all gays hate god because their gay! I personally hate when people point that out to me! It's rude in my opinion to point that out. It's resentful. Especially since I know lots of gays who believe in god and go to church out of the closet. I mean, my boyfriend's religious.
    Don't worry, you're not pushing your beliefs on to anyone. Trust me, you're much less forceful than my parents.
    And I know right! Lately when you read debates on the internet they are uncivilized and start getting nasty at each other with cuss words. Now I cuss, but not when I'm proving a point to someone. This is a nice clean debate, so don't worry. If things get out of hand, I'm deleting this blog entry :) so hopefully no one will get angry.
    Thanks for your comment :) you are the second person and that makes me happy<3 welcome to the debate ;)
    November 20th, 2013 at 09:20pm
  • midnight sunshine x

    midnight sunshine x (300)

    United Kingdom
    Christianity for me is a way of life, morals set out. I find the idea of God and heaven comforting. The person below me said about Jesus performing miracles, the thing that made me REALLY believe that Jesus was divine, was 11 men died, martyred for what they believed. These were all of Jesus's disciples (except for the one who betrayed him and then killed himself) . Just to make it clear before I go on, I'm not trying to impose my beliefs on you, just making a debate statement :-)

    The Old Testament says some pretty odd stuff. God sent a flood and killed everyone? A metaphor for Karma, bad stuff will happen to those who do bad. I'm a catholic and I don't take the Bible literally, I believe it is open to interpretation.

    Jesus is the Son of God to Christians as that is what he taught his disciples. To the high priests of Judaism at the time and Romans he was a threat whose ideas contradicted those of their faith. He was a prophet, but those close to him knew him as something much more. And his closest disciple became the first Pope who was martyred for his beliefs. Surely if it was all a facade, one disciple would have said: "no thanks I don't want to die, it was all a trick, just leave me alone!!!!"

    I've never done a proper debate on Mibba, 'debates' on here are never civilised, or at least not the ones I have seen! So I'm looking forward to doing this Wink
    November 20th, 2013 at 06:49pm
  • YOUxMEx5

    YOUxMEx5 (100)

    United States
    Agreed. I doubt almost everything that's in the bible. I don't really believe that he turned water into wine. I mean, WHO CANNDO THAT?! They must be making A LOT of money if they can O.o
    November 20th, 2013 at 02:11pm
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    Haha it's no trouble. I'm exactly the same, I always have doubts about everything. I just feel it's logical (for me anyway) to believe in nature, after all, who apart from man kills the most people? Nature. I would rather fear nature than someone who was nailed to a cross. :/
    November 20th, 2013 at 06:59am
  • YOUxMEx5

    YOUxMEx5 (100)

    United States
    @ Tholomew Plague
    I did not go to a Christian school, but I do live in a Christian home where my parents force me to go to church. But I hate that religion has to affect everything. Especially life style. I also don't believe in logic, I just believe what I want to. If you start a debate with me, I'll give you every reason against what you're saying. Just because I believe in something. I just like debating things that no one is sure about. Or about something that doesn't seem right in my mind. Like when the school had a debate about dress code. I won and we now have an honor dress code.
    Thank you for your comment :) especially for being the first one to<3
    November 20th, 2013 at 04:31am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    I personally ignore all christian's if they try and preach to me, I don't want to hear it. I went to a christian school and found massive holes in their faith, and I got yelled at for questioning. If god is real, in my opinion, christian's should be able to defend him without freaking out and suspending you. Obviously, the christian's I encountered must not have had much faith. I come from a christian family, but I am a wicca. It's a religion that make's logical sense to me. That's all I care about: Logic.
    November 20th, 2013 at 04:12am