What does your first love mean to you? - Comments

  • Rockabella

    Rockabella (200)

    My first boyfriend was physically and sexually abusive, I got put of the relationship quickly but damage was done and I can't even think of him without hatred and regret sinking into my heart. He said he loved me but he never did and I am certain I never loved him, but he will forever be a part of me.
    November 23rd, 2013 at 10:52am
  • River Young;

    River Young; (100)

    Mine's extremely complicated. He was a player and my best friend. We never dated. He dated girls who were nothing like me and when he dumped them, he didn't care. He lied to me on numerous occasions, stole from me, and yet I still loved him. It was weird for me, being in love with someone in general, especially someone who caused me so much heartache. Its even sadder that we never actually dated.

    I just wanted to look out for him and keep him out of as much trouble as possible because he was sworn to get into it. I cried in front of him during our high school graduation because I had to tell him to be careful. I told him I loved him, but I think he thought it was the way I wanted it to be from the start. Like brother and sister. He hugged me and promised he would stay out of trouble, though he lied about that too.

    He got engaged to his girlfriend of three years and I bawled my eyes out. However, like less than a month later they completely broke up and he had a new girlfriend in a very short time span.
    Its a ridiculous situation really, but I still love him because we had a very close connection. So he has a very special place in my heart. There's days I want to find him and punch him the face, but really I couldn't.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 05:01pm
  • cosmic pixel

    cosmic pixel (100)

    United States
    Mine's going to have a place in my heart but only because he was a crappy guy. I loved him way more than he deserved, and that sounds harsh but considering the things he did to me I feel like I have the right to say that.
    I think just about everyone's first love was pretty miserable, you're usually a teenager when it happens and teenagers are basically controlled by hormones. Something terrible is always going to be bound to happen out of that.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 04:32pm
  • vickyptv

    vickyptv (100)

    United Kingdom
    I remember mine. But not good memories. My first one was abusive. Possessive to say the least. I loved him with every ounce I had. He tore me from friends and family. I lost so many friends. I wasnt allowed to go anywhere, talk to anyone etc etc. He beat me, constantly accused me of cheating, verbally abused me along with emotional and mental abuse.

    Turned out he was cheating on me with two other girls. One of the girls being my best friend at the time. He broke up with me via a text message, while I was in his house. It didn't end there unfortunately but now all I hold is nothing but pain and regret with hatred towards him. So its not a special place I hold for him.

    I guess everyone is different but sometimes your first is the most special. In some cases, it's not.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 01:33pm
  • Queen Obscene

    Queen Obscene (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I was friends with mine from about 15, then I was 18 when we got together for about 10 miserable, unhealthy months. Then we broke up when I told him I wanted some level of commitment or I was done.
    About 6 months later I became best friends with one of the girls he was seeing behind my back (neither of us had any idea).
    We both argued with him on and off for a couple of years depending on how miserable he was being, and how much of a dick he was being about the men in our lives.

    Now him and his boyfriend rent a room off my best friend and her fiance, and we're all perfectly happy with the arrangement.

    I'm glad he's happy (at least in part because it makes him less annoying), we're friends again and I'm pretty sure his drinking is going to kill him one day but I hope I'm wrong.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 12:38pm
  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    It depends on what you mean when you say first love. Because there are many types of first loves.
    a) your first innocent love - the one where for the first time you felt attracted to another person but you were too young
    b) the first love were you weren't sure if it wasn't love because it was the first time experiencing that kind of thing
    and the list goes on.

    I am going to tell you that the first person I liked (my innocent love as I like to call it) was a fat boy when I was seven years old.

    Then, I met a guy who I hated when I first met him. He was living in Greece but his parents were from US and a friend of mine was his best friend. We used to fight everyday for the next one month till somehow we warmed up to each other and became really close, enough for me to love him and get excited every tile I had to see him. It's what we call in Greece - keravnovolos erwtas.

    Then, a year later I met the bad boy type which I fell in love on the first sight. He used to be a thief back then but I loved him to no end. The first time I broke up with him was when I was 11 years old because he two-timed me, then I saw him again after three years and even though I knew he'd break my heart - I still went out with him. At that time he had turned to a junkie of some sorts. Weed on every chance he had. He broke up with me and went out with a girl I considered my friend. I'm not talking with that friend now. Three years later, he asked me out again and once again I accepted. That was the worst relationship I ever had cause he was abusive, he drunk, he was taking cocaine and weed, even pills - all kinds of thme. One time he tried to strangle me and another time he threatened me that he'd turn me to a whore on the streets. We are not friends now, but if we see each other on the road we'll say ''Hi'' but that's it.

    The first man I fell in love seriously is my current boyfriend. We've been together for seven years now and he's the only man I can picture myself in order to build a family. He's the one I want to have a future with.

    My rant is done. It was good actually writing all this here.

    On another note - I hopd all these relationship in my heart. I won't say a special place because there is no special place for relationships in my opinion. They are just memories - good and bad, and we'll keep remembering everything for as long as we live.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 12:07pm
  • n. josten

    n. josten (1270)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    I had recently turned fifteen when I met her and I was seventeen when she dumped me on my ass, after two years together. It was coming for a long time and I knew it. She started British "college" (which is really just the last two years of high school there) and she made new friends and basically became someone that I didn't know nor care to know. She wasn't the girl I fell in love with and I hated it because I felt like I needed to change to stay with her. I love her still because she was my first love but really, when I think about her, I think I'm indifferent. I don't hurt anymore and I'm not bitter but I don't have any positive feelings towards her. I'm disappointed with how she turned into someone she swore she would never be, honestly.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 08:50am
  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    First things, first...how dare a male ever do that to a woman/girl like you. Just hell no. Wow! I'm so glad you're away from that pile of no good!

    I'm pretty much on the same boat you're on. The difference is I flat out hate my first love so much that I don't even consider him my first love. He'll never hold a special place in my heart, and I'm so glad he and I never talk anymore.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 06:07am
  • HerNameIsAlice

    HerNameIsAlice (100)

    United States
    What a douche.

    My first love was when I was 14. I never had a boyfriend up until him. He was 17. He was my first kiss. We had an on/off thing. And I feel like something between us might happen soon. I've been having weird dreams involving him. The last time we spoke was when I was 15 and asked if him if he felt like he was a relationship. He said no and told me he was falling for someone else. He said sorry and i just said whatever.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 06:03am
  • SlimesAndSnails

    SlimesAndSnails (100)

    United States
    @ Join the Masquerade
    For me, they were the same person.

    @ Tholomew Plague
    I'm sorry to hear that. :(

    @ The Warden's Wife
    I wish everyone's story of their first love was positive. Sadly, a lot of them aren't.

    @ hannahdollx
    My current boyfriend has an ex who texts him every year around Halloween, because that's when they had started dating. No matter how many times he's told her to essentially "fuck off", she keeps texting him.

    @ Makani
    Yes, he was a bit of a prick, lol. Gosh, I wish that were the case for me. My ex has a very distinct...look. Like a carrot with a beard in skinny jeans that are too small for him, lol. He lives in another state now, but I could honestly spot him from a mile away because of how bright his hair is.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 05:53am
  • deletemyaccountpls

    deletemyaccountpls (115)

    Wow, what an absolute prick.

    The first thing that come to my mind when I think of my first love is irrelevant. I actually ran into him the other day when I was having lunch. I saw him and he looked familiar and it took me decent amount of time to actually realise who he was.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 05:42am
  • Hannahdoll

    Hannahdoll (100)

    United States
    Mine was awful. He was never physically abusive, but I was called names and I apparently was always cheating on him. He tried to keep me away from family and friends....if I wasn't with him I was always doing something wrong. But that's been over for three years now. The girl he got with right after we broke up prank called me for almost a year....and I'm pretty sure those two were made for each other.

    It took a really long time for me to heal after that because we were together for almost two years and almost got married. He was too chicken to marry me and I thank God for that....I'm now with the most amazing person I could be with and he's my world.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 05:40am
  • The Warden's Wife

    The Warden's Wife (100)

    United States
    Well, when I think of my first love, I think of the first person I ever actually felt true love for, not the first person I dated or anything.
    My first love was a guy that I was with for 3 and a half years, and we got engaged and everything, but he was long distance, and he went to college and changed when he met people there, slowly stopped calling and then we broke up. Come to find out he was discovering he was gay. But I will always love him and think about him more than any of my other friends. He helped me find who I really am, so. My story is good.

    Sorry to hear about what happened to you, I have had a similar experience, not so bad, but my loss of virginity was wasted on a person that wasn't worth it, and that I would regret if I didn't have my daughter.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 05:38am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    I don't even think about my first love. Was the absolute worst.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 05:31am
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    My first love and the first person I told them I loved them are two different people.

    My first love will always be special to me and appreciated and in my heart because I don't think that kind of love goes away.
    The first person I said "I love you" to, I couldn't care less about. He was a jerk, in hindsight, and we lost contact years ago.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 05:23am
  • ptvjaime

    ptvjaime (1600)

    United States
    Pain, bitterness, and regret.
    November 22nd, 2013 at 05:18am