This makes me sad to be honest. - Comments

  • kyojin;

    kyojin; (100)

    United States
    That's because Americans tend to be self-righteous pricks. I mean, even I do this sometimes. "It's the American way, so it's the right way!" First world probs. File We're pricks. Believe me, we hate each other just as much so if anyone from the States gets offended by this, they'd basically be a hypocrite. Am I going to get banned for this? I don't mean it to be bashing, I just mean that we can be very uppity and cocky. Shifty Don't hurt me admins. I'm totally gonna get it, aren't I?
    November 25th, 2013 at 08:08am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    Indeed. I have always had issue's getting along with American's. A lot of them are nice and wonderful and don't even mention your different spelling's or the way you talk. But the majority of one's I personally have met, in real life and online, are really...idk how to describe it. A lot of them are rude, over opinionated, to the point where if they think you are wrong, they go over top and say thing's that aren't true just to make you look bad. But that's only a small amount, most of them are really wonderful.
    November 24th, 2013 at 09:20am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    Honestly .... I think you may have just come in contact with people who give America a bad name. We aren't all like that. There are good and bad people in any country to be quite honest. I love talking to people from different countries. Me and this guy from Australia used to talk about the different foods we have and what they were called. We had some great conversations lol . But obviously we were both mature enough to respect each other's differences and sadly that's not the case with everyone . I don't blame you though for not wanting to buddy up to Americans though after the experiences you've had.
    November 23rd, 2013 at 08:54pm
  • ptvjaime

    ptvjaime (1600)

    United States
    This I understand- Trying to make friends with French people has always been a disaster. I'm not going to say I'm embarrassed to be an American, we're just people like anyone else, but I am embarrassed by people who give our country a bad name. We're not all like the movies make us look or some people make us sound and only grandma's apple pie what his this cheesecake and pumpkin pie are obviously superior.
    November 23rd, 2013 at 08:20pm
  • The Real Mitt Romney

    The Real Mitt Romney (250)

    Hong Kong
    I suppose I do agree with you say we're different. I've only talked to a few people from the UK on Omegle and such, but I feel like we live in two different worlds sometimes.
    November 23rd, 2013 at 07:49pm
  • cosmic pixel

    cosmic pixel (100)

    United States
    You know what, I'm American but I found myself agreeing with this. Not totally sure what that says about my patriotism but clearly there's not much to be patriotic about. I literally want to move to Canada so that I don't have to say I'm American. It's almost an embarrassing title to have now because of all the people who are so loud, obnoxious, and arrogant about it. Not to mention all the stupid people we make famous. Ugh.
    But yeah, dude, you have every right to feel that way because even as an American I do too. That says something. lmfao
    November 23rd, 2013 at 07:33pm