• @ Tholomew Plague
    I know, I am raising twins at the moment so I get it! It is super hard!!
    November 26th, 2013 at 01:23pm
  • Exactly, I always thought it was because I have a selfish streak, but actually; I have realised that it litterally is just chick's whinging about the most trivial things. I mean, what did they thin was gonna happen when their baby pooped!? That they gotta sit in it? NO YOU HAVE TO CHANGE IT, AND IT SMELLS AND YOU HAVE TO DO THAT AWKWARD RUN WITH IT TO THE BIN. Haha. It's late, I have too much energy. Haha
    November 26th, 2013 at 01:20pm
  • @ Tholomew Plague
    When your daughter daughter grows up and sees the sacrifices you made for her, she will definitely appreciate it. I certainly do, my mum gave up so much for her kids and she is the most amazing person ever. Single mums deserve so much credit!
    Mother clubs are shitty though, I personally would NEVER go to one, I don't care about their baby dramas hahaha.

    @ whimsy.
    It is! It is so creepy and at the same time beyond awesome!
    I love them, they are great!! :P
    November 26th, 2013 at 11:25am
  • Meh, I don't call myself a brilliant young mum, made my fair share of bad decision's whilst having her, but I'm doing my best :) I still got custody so I must be doing something right? Haha. Yeah IDK, I feel weird saying I'm a good mum, just because I don't do all the 'social norm' things with my daughter. I got told I was a bad mum because I didn't wanna go to a teen coffee club. First of all, I hate talking to people in real life, I'm awkward, and second of all, it'd be more fun playing with the kids and the blocks than listening to other mother's whinge about nappy changes. LOL. I'm a bad person ;)
    November 26th, 2013 at 09:38am
  • @ Rockabella
    I know, right? It's kind of disturbing when you think about it but at the same time, it's really cool. Life is the weirdest thing. Weird

    lmfao I cannot express how much I love cheesy little rhymes like that. Fucking HIGH-larious!
    November 26th, 2013 at 08:34am
  • @ Tholomew Plague
    I just don't think that they are at all prepared for raising kids, I don't think they understand the sacrifice to their lives and such. All they do is party and date new guys every week so I just worry about the impact that will have on their kids. I totally get that teen pregnancy happens - happened to my mum - but I just think that these people should take more steps to avoid it because they have more than enough money to buy condoms, I just think they think a baby would be a cool new accessory. And in my area you can get free condoms so I just don't think they were all that fussed, I hope they step up and do a great job like many other young mums do - including you I'm sure :)

    @ whimsy.
    They are kinda cute! Hahaha, I just find it freaking insane that those little swimming things turn into babies, like we were once a sperm tadpole :P
    This one is my favorite: If you aint gonna sack, go home and whack it. Mr. Green
    November 26th, 2013 at 06:23am
  • I think another thing to consider, is if the person is poor...They can't afford condom's and such. I don't know about your healthcare systems, but the majority of thing;s you have to pay for, or get government subsidy, alot of the time they won't pay for it. Of course they shouldn't have sex if they can't afford to have a child in the first place, first indication of that would be not being able to afford to buy condoms, but yeah.
    November 26th, 2013 at 05:31am
  • Is it weird that I find both tadpoles and sperm incredibly cute because of the awkward way they swim? Facepalm I am a disturbing creature.

    "cover your stump before you hump" lmfao brb, dying.
    November 25th, 2013 at 06:17pm
  • @ cola frank.
    Dam my school was so excited when for the first time in it's like 50 year exsistance it reached 600 kids, we had a huge assembly and shit it was such a proud day for everyone hahahaha. I know a girl who is just poppin out kids - all to different dads - she was such a skank in primary school as well. We never had anyone get pregnant in primary school - that I know of :P
    My high schools school sport was unprotected sex I think.
    It just seems like this year everyone is like fuck condoms, lets just fuck!
    It must be!
    November 25th, 2013 at 04:24pm
  • I live in a shitty small area as well and just my freshmen year there were at least 30 girls who had just had a baby or were pregnant. And we only had 900-1000 kids in our school. So. :/ And then there's been plenty of cases where they get pregnant IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. some had the baby and some got abortions. Like this one chick had a baby in like the 6th grade. Now she's 17 and having her second child. With a different guy.

    It's like contraceptives are unheard of in small towns or something.
    November 25th, 2013 at 04:15pm
  • @ Makani
    Damn we got one per pair, but we had to go around the community circle - weird circle we always had to sit in for god only knows why - and watch everyone try and do it, I just kept making bad condom references like don't be silly protect your willy. Very Happy
    November 25th, 2013 at 04:00pm
  • It was one "banana" per table and we had to share it around so everyone on the table was watching one another and we were just judging like "nup, you fucked it, pregnant, next!" :')
    November 25th, 2013 at 03:57pm
  • @ Tholomew Plague
    I have no problem with it, I just never realised how common it was :P Never really happened in my town till this year haha.
    November 25th, 2013 at 03:39pm
  • Nah, heaps of people get pregnant early in NZ, I was one of 'em. In all honesty, I find nothing wrong with it. Even in history girls were getting pregnant at the age of 15, it's always been around.. haha
    November 25th, 2013 at 03:07pm
  • @ Makani
    We just threw them at each other and played with the condoms, I was suprisingly good at getting it on, still proud of that to this day ;) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! The lady who was in charge was so disappointed that we couldn't be more mature, and I just like held up the banana penis and said 'what do you expect, look at this thing!' Greatest sex ed class ever!
    That would have been amazing.
    November 25th, 2013 at 02:56pm
  • @ Rockabella
    We did that too and oh my gosh it was the funniest thing. We were all about 14 and it was just a big joke. I remember I put it on inside out and I broke it and I was like "OH GOD, MAYDAY MAYDAY, THE CONDOM HAS BROKE, ABORT MISSION," lmfao

    My friend wanted to dress up as a gorilla on the last day of school and steal the box of banana penises and climb up on the roof and throw them at people :')
    November 25th, 2013 at 02:21pm
  • @ Makani
    We got free condoms at school once but we had to practice putting them on banana penis' - seriously it is a banana and the outside comes off to show a detailed penis! Best thing ever. - and I am sure a few people pocketed them, lols.
    Hahahaha, jeez! Be proud she's getting the D AND that she is using protection! Doesn't seem like many people use it these days haha.
    November 25th, 2013 at 02:09pm
  • @ Rockabella
    We had some sexual health organization talk at our school and the first question asked was "are you gonna give us free condoms?" they were all disapointed when she told them they had to go down to the clinic to get them.

    Speaking of condoms, reminds me of when my friends got me a box for my birthday (u think ur so funny dont u) a few months went by and I didn't notice them go missing. I found the key to my sisters jewelry box and so I opened it because I thought she had some of my jewelry. I took out the flase bottom and what do I find? CONDOMS EVERYWHERE, including the ones given to me. Do I be concerned shes probably getting the D or happy she's using protection...I'm conflicted.
    November 25th, 2013 at 02:03pm
  • @ whimsy.
    Hahahah exactly! They make pretty big condoms these days boys so no excuses! Hahahaha deffs go get that shit checked, it aint right!
    They are exacty like tadpoles, that what I thought they were when I saw them on the Simpsons as a kid, lol, oh childhood innocence.
    I could not agree more! Cover that stump before you hump!! Wink

    @ Makani
    So sad.
    In Australia if you go down to a free health care clinic they WILL hand you a bunch of FREE condoms! And there is like three located in my area so really it shouldn't be so difficult getting a condom! Hahaha, that's so funny Smile
    November 25th, 2013 at 01:39pm
  • *when I lived with her brother
    November 25th, 2013 at 01:01pm