I need new friends. - Comments

  • @ sheepcat;
    Exactly! I get really random ideas that do not correlate to the story I need t work on so I end up starting a new story and neglecting the one I really should be focusing on :P It's a vicious cycle!
    A forensic psychologist is a psychologist that works with criminals. They assess the mental stability or insanity of a prisoner and work with rehabilitation. They often testify in courts, they just work in the criminal justice department.
    Oh I love learning mental disorders!! My favorite part of Psych.
    Oh that sounds SO awesome! I have never done anything like that, super jealous!!
    It has the best psych department which is why I chose it. Psych staff is the best of the best, thankfully I got in from my atar :) Yeah, you don't have to worry about that yet, enjoy while you can!!
    December 6th, 2013 at 01:39pm
  • Yet the absolute pain is I'm having all these other ideas for other stories, when really I should be finishing what I started.

    What does a forensic psychologist do, exactly? I've heard of a forensics department in crime, but doesn't psychology work with the brain and neuron patterns and such? Whereas forensics in crime look at fingerprints and stuff? Either way, it sounds highly interesting. I've done a bit of psychology in my health and science classes this year, and my favourite topic, by far, to study were the mental disorders. We just did stuff like depression, bipolar, anorexia nervosa, etc. but apparently next year (since I've chose the elective) we study mass murderers brains so that we can see the brain's activity.

    I'll remember that for in a few years time when it comes to me choosing a university. It may not be a deal breaker, but I'll remember it.
    December 5th, 2013 at 08:34pm
  • @ sheepcat;
    I have that too for one of my stories and have just left it for so long. It's awful, I need to write more but nothing comes out right.
    Psych is my love, ever since I was in high school it's been my career choice. I am studying to be a forensic psychologist - dealing with criminals - so it's super awesome stuff to learn. Deakin is an amazing university. I love it! Staff is amaze and the classes are awesome! I deffs recommend it. Mr. Green
    December 5th, 2013 at 01:42pm
  • I also happened upon a terrible writer's block. I didn't update any of my stories (and still haven't). Sad

    How was it? I'm looking into psychology courses myself, as a future potential career field. Well, that or something music related. Shifty Deakin is a nice university too. I don't mean to sound creepy / stalkerish or anything, either. I went there with my school at the start of this year for something or other. I'm not sure. We had to make friends. Think I didn't do well in that department.
    December 5th, 2013 at 12:39pm
  • @ sheepcat;
    It was my first year taking it and I didn't think I'd finish it but I had literally nothing else to do but write.
    I'm taking a bachelor of Psychology at Deakin, just finished my first year Mr. Green
    Yeah this is the first time the time difference has annoyed me :P

    @ prayers.
    I start in March and first trimester finishes July and then have a second trimester from August-October/November depending on exams. :)
    December 5th, 2013 at 12:33pm
  • @ Rockabella
    It starts in September and first semester ends in December. Second semester starts in February and ends in June, however we have a mini-break at the end of March, Ester break in April and we have two days off for holidays on 1st and 2nd May aha c:
    December 5th, 2013 at 11:12am
  • Gee, that's lucky. I still have a week left of school. Grmml What course did you take?
    Well done on completing it! I tried, but failed at just under 7K. Exams and schoolwork were already scraping my nose to the bone.
    Sometimes the time differences is good! We get (some) albums and movies earlier!
    December 5th, 2013 at 11:07am
  • @ prayers.
    Hopefully. I finished in October! You have a super long school year, when does it start?
    December 5th, 2013 at 11:07am
  • @ Rockabella
    Cute nicknames are the best aha > v <
    It's a virus, it should pass by Monday. Until then I'm being kinda useless and just wasting time away OTL
    December is a bit packed for me because the school ends around 27th OTL
    December 5th, 2013 at 11:00am
  • @ sheepcat;
    He, :) Apart from that pretty good, finished uni for the year so have heaps of free time :D
    I did nano this year and waiting for the prizes is driving me insane. They come out tomorrow because Australia is a day ahead, so I got all excited this morning and then realised.

    @ prayers.
    Well my full name is Maddison :P But I just go by Maddie or Madds.
    Awh, that's not good! I just got over a cold, being sick is the worst! I hope you get better soon! haha, December is a pretty breezy month for me :)
    December 5th, 2013 at 10:56am
  • Well I hope he / she gets better. Aside from that?
    December 5th, 2013 at 09:02am
  • @ Rockabella
    Thank you c:
    It's actually a nickname given to me that has little to do with my real name, but Varvara is such a mouthful to most people aha :)
    I love Maddie too, but I have to admit it's because I love short names ahaha.

    Well currently I've got lots of time on my hands because I'm a bit sick, but then I start thinking how December will be busy and start despairing xD
    December 5th, 2013 at 08:33am
  • I know how you feel I only have two friends who I'm really close to and other then that people tend to leave me alone. I'm Acota, feel free to message me if you want. I'd love to be friends. :)
    December 5th, 2013 at 08:11am
  • @ sheepcat;
    Pretty crappy, I'm babysitting my baby cousins and one is sick :(( That always happens to me!! Tongue
    December 5th, 2013 at 07:55am
  • I'm okay. How has your Thursday been? Mine was rather disappointing as I woke up and thought it was Friday. Sad
    December 5th, 2013 at 07:49am
  • @ sindie synclayre
    Love Alex and All time low to death!!

    @ prayers.
    Hi! I LOVE the name Evy, one of my favs!
    I'm Maddie :) I'm good thanks, how are you??

    @ Harleen.
    He's the best!
    I certainly will :)

    @ sheepcat;
    Hahaha, I'm Maddie, I'm good thanks! How are you?? :)
    December 5th, 2013 at 07:06am
  • I feel you, I've lost so many friends and I really only have the few people I talk to on here...and we only really talk because we're collaborating on stories.

    I'm sindie! Cute I'll be your friend.

    Also I stared at alex for like five minutes no shame.
    December 4th, 2013 at 10:22pm
  • Hello! c:

    I am Evy it's very nice to meet you!
    How are you?
    December 4th, 2013 at 10:03pm
  • Hello! I swear fa gawd I wasn't staring at Alex and that I did read your blog.

    The names Stormy but you can call me Tom/Tomy. I'm on here like everyday so message me or something. I'm pretty cool if I say so mahself.

    December 4th, 2013 at 04:41pm
  • Since you used Alex Gaskarth how could I refuse? Hello, I'm Jacqui. How are you?
    December 4th, 2013 at 12:25pm