What is this thing called 'Love' you speak of? - Comments

  • You'reJustASadSong

    You'reJustASadSong (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ the blissfully dead
    You're so welcome. I'm glad we can make you feel better, even for a little while =D

    But yeah, don't worry. You'll figure it out. You have your whole life to figure it out =)

    I'm at least you're thinking about it that way, staying more positive because that's the best way to go tbh

    You deserve everything fantastic and more, honey.

    December 11th, 2013 at 12:47am
  • You'reJustASadSong

    You'reJustASadSong (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ lizzicleromance
    Now there is a great story.

    I'm so so sorry you were involved with some horrible people! D=

    Man, you're fucking awesome for getting though that. Despite the smoking, you still did and I totally admire you for that.

    Justin sounds wonderful and I'm so happy for you!
    December 11th, 2013 at 12:41am
  • the blissfully dead

    the blissfully dead (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ lizzicleromance @You'reJustASadSong

    Guys. I seriously don't know where I'd be without you. Thank you sosososososososo much for all that amazing advice, I really couldn't ask for two better people to make me feel better. Both of you make me smile and laugh when I read what you have to say and it makes things a little bit ok again.

    It all kind of sucks at the moment, but I'm determined not to let it get to me. Because honestly, I know they're not worth it and in a way I'm glad it happened because now I know how much better off without them I am, even if it meant I did get hurt along the way.

    But really, you couldn't be more amazing and supportive and just ugh, you're perfect, ok?

    December 11th, 2013 at 12:18am
  • lizzicleromance

    lizzicleromance (100)

    United States
    @ You'reJustASadSong
    *high fives*

    YES!! Sometimes you have to deal with really shitty things to get to the awesome things. Believe it or not, it DOES make you stronger, and it will take some time... a lot of time, maybe... but that's what we have each other, and fanfic for. <3 Gerard and Frank will always be here for us. Fanfic and their music is literally what saved my life, back in 2008. I had a horrible boyfriend named Brent who basically kept me captive, wouldn't let me see my family or friends, didn't allow me to have friends, said I would amount to nothing... etc etc and so on. He made me miserable. I hated him. I even wrote a little story called "You've Got This Silly Way of Keeping Me on the Edge of My Seat" as a form of therapy. I am re-writing it actually and posting the new edited version over on AO3, it's the only story I ever finished.

    Basically! The end of that relationship was the best thing that ever happened to me. I got brave, and I left. Seven years behind me. If we would have stayed together I'd be fat, have three bastard stuck-up kids, and a divorce under my belt. Luckily I had the courage to live my life for me, and chose to be happy instead. Two years later I met Shane, the second greatest love of my life. He ruined me. I loved him with my whole entire heart, but it was unrequited. He broke the news that he was leaving me the day after we celebrated our anniversary. The anniversary was perfect, too. Like, romantic, blissful, gorgeous. I was so blindsided. I was crushed, literally heartbroken and just, empty. I hadn't returned to fanfic at that point... I started smoking, it was bad. The girl he left me for is a watered down version of me. I found out just a few weeks ago that they are going to have a baby. I have to admit, I am over him now, finally, but man, that hurt just a little bit.

    It took nearly two years to forget about Shane and what he put me through. I cried a significant amount, I got down to 92 pounds because I didn't have an appetite, I did join a gym and got super sexy to make him come crawling back and it worked... he cheated on her for the first five months of their relationship with me. Douchebag. Then one day I had had enough. I was tired of crying, tired of being empty after going back to him, tired of the heartache and lonliness.

    I focused on Lizzy, on getting myself better. Improving myself. I left a shitty job behind, and that's how I met my current boyfriend, Justin. He is so sweet, and so caring, and so wonderful. I would marry him right this second if I had the chance to. He has green eyes and plays guitar and his the most gorgeous hair in the entire world, I just, my heart really does stop when I think of him or see his face. He is so pretty. I love him with my whole heart, and after a really, REALLY long time, I realize that I finally found someone worth giving my entire soul and body to. I hope he never gives me up. <3

    Point is! I think that whatever shitty situation you go through, that's just a test to see that you are really worthy of giving someone so special and wonderful to. God sent me Justin right when I was on the verge of giving up, when things were so wrong and terrible and awful. He made everything right. I didn't find him overnight, but the moral of the story is, I did eventually find him. I know you will find yours also, but it takes patience and extreme amounts of willpower to make it through until you do. That's where we come in, to help along the way!
    December 11th, 2013 at 12:00am
  • You'reJustASadSong

    You'reJustASadSong (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    First off, *hugs and hugs and hugs*
    Second off, FRERARD HUGS.


    Love is a super tricky thing. It can literally blind you and make you see things a certain way, because that one person (both, in this case) can be so convincing... they make you believe this sort of thing could never happen, because of how they make you feel, you don't need to focus or worry about anything else.

    You had every right to trust both of them, because as the guy that you're on the verge of being in a relationship with, he was nothing more than a little weasel that felt the need to two-time you. WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND NO LESS. Picture this: I'd like for you to consider yourself LUCKY. You're free of his fuckery, you're free of a douchebag that had nerve to fuck around with your best friend behind your back before you became an official couple.

    And even better: you no longer have a douchebag asshole for a best friend! You were able to see them for who they really are, and it's sort of a blessing in disguise before they could hurt you any further. I know that it sucks because you trusted them and loved them... they fucking deserve each other. And you deserve way the fuck better <3.

    Dude, write a fucking story about this. For real. :'D

    I'm always here if you need advice or to vent. Keep your head up, don't be afraid to trust new people, because right when you least expect it, you'll have them replaced with a real best friend and a real BOYFRIEND before you know it. You'll never get those things if you're caught up on the douchebags. <3
    I couldn't have worded what Lizzie said better than she did at all.

    She's absolutely right. You deserve sosososososo much better, and I'm so sorry you had to go through that shit.

    Yeah, most of the time love sucks ass. It sucks fat donkey ass (ew) but there is a small part which doesn't, and that is the cheesy romantic shit you see in the movies. But It's real. And sometimes not even cheesy. So that's what you've got to look forward to, and try not to dwell on the sucky past.

    Similar stuff has happened to me, but probably not to that extent. I do know what you're going through though, believe it or not, and I know that It's the fucking worst.

    You've got us to talk to if you need to or want to, and *hugssofuckingtight* you'll get through it better than you think and make new, better, awesome friends, meet another person you'll fall head over heels for, get married, have lots of babies and grow old and this is not from Titanic I swear.

    This is just a bump. A suckish bump, and you'll hopefully get over it. =)

    December 10th, 2013 at 11:35pm
  • lizzicleromance

    lizzicleromance (100)

    United States
    First off, *hugs and hugs and hugs*
    Second off, FRERARD HUGS.


    Love is a super tricky thing. It can literally blind you and make you see things a certain way, because that one person (both, in this case) can be so convincing... they make you believe this sort of thing could never happen, because of how they make you feel, you don't need to focus or worry about anything else.

    You had every right to trust both of them, because as the guy that you're on the verge of being in a relationship with, he was nothing more than a little weasel that felt the need to two-time you. WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND NO LESS. Picture this: I'd like for you to consider yourself LUCKY. You're free of his fuckery, you're free of a douchebag that had nerve to fuck around with your best friend behind your back before you became an official couple.

    And even better: you no longer have a douchebag asshole for a best friend! You were able to see them for who they really are, and it's sort of a blessing in disguise before they could hurt you any further. I know that it sucks because you trusted them and loved them... they fucking deserve each other. And you deserve way the fuck better <3.

    Dude, write a fucking story about this. For real. :'D

    I'm always here if you need advice or to vent. Keep your head up, don't be afraid to trust new people, because right when you least expect it, you'll have them replaced with a real best friend and a real BOYFRIEND before you know it. You'll never get those things if you're caught up on the douchebags. <3
    December 10th, 2013 at 09:49pm