Weight Part Deux - Comments

  • fangirl1999

    fangirl1999 (100)

    United States
    Do you have anyone who could go to the gym with you to help motivate you? Also, you could try something less intense, like walking or yoga or pilates if you detest working out hard and getting sweaty and don't feel good after more intense exercise.

    If you can't seem to make yourself exercise, maybe you could try changing your diet. I'm really bad about exercising myself but I followed this diet called The Plan for a while this summer. I don't follow it strictly anymore but I learned a lot about which foods are good and bad for my body, so I try to only eat the good foods now to avoid reactions (which beyond the obvious symptoms can also cause you to gain or not lose weight). I lost about 15 lbs so far with efforts to eat less before I started the Plan, and now eating different foods after doing the Plan. I would love to lose about 15 more lbs but I think that will only happen if I go back on the diet strictly or start exercising.

    Good luck, it's very hard! I agree with the poster waves below who said it's about making a lifestyle change.
    December 11th, 2013 at 09:23am
  • serendipity;

    serendipity; (200)

    United States
    Do you pay for your gym membership? If so, maybe you could use that as a motivation. Think of the money you won't be using if you continue to abandon your membership (that kind of monetary guilt trip worked for me). You could set persistent alerts on your phone, look up work out/inspirational videos, or even follow fitness blogs! Most fitness blog owners are very motivational to look up to- sometimes seeing their drive makes you want that kind of a drive for yourself! :)

    Something that also worked for me, was shedding the number value. WHen I had a certain number in mind, sometimes I would feel dejected if I wasn't losing pounds as quickly as I wanted. Thus, resulting in me skipping the gym out of bitterness altogether. Just striving toward overall good feelings and good health could be a good starting point.

    (Also (Sorry I keep adding so much) certain foods before a work out can promote a better work out, such as grapefruit)
    December 11th, 2013 at 03:42am
  • Matt Murray

    Matt Murray (100)

    United States
    I hate exercising. I never feel good afterwards. I feel tired and gross actually, lol. I would love a personal trainer but I don't have the money for it. Music wise, I watch music videos to help the time go by. I dread the gym so much. I don't how to make myself excited to go.
    December 11th, 2013 at 03:22am
  • slumflower

    slumflower (100)

    United States
    Well, I think just "thinking" is the greatest thing you can do, and it's mostly not just exercise but changing your lifestyle. I personally have found that weight is just a number and if you just attempt to get into shape by changing your lifestyle to fit the "healthy" lifestyle, then you can change the way you think about yourself.

    I find that the times I'm most energized is when I wake up and I want to run or eat something healthy. It's just about feeling good and being the best you can do. I'm also so jealous! I really want a gym membership but I can't really find time to do it. You should try blogilates or look up some fitness things online, they usually motivate me - especially the fitfams on twitter and tumblr and stuff :) I know there was a thread on here for getting fit but I'm not sure how many people stuck to that htread (certainly not I), but yeah. It's just a matter of getting pumped. Also try listening to some pump up music! If you feel good while exercising, maybe you'll look forward to it more often and find yourself looking forward to it.

    It's a stress reliever for me and I love exercising when I'm not forced to do it by a coach or something :P

    Hope this really long ramble wasn't pointless lol. Good luck!
    December 11th, 2013 at 02:57am