Selena Gomez, mediocre German speaking skills and a question - Comments

  • @ swell
    Oh whoops, forgot to reply.
    Also, the worst dream I've had us were I was making out with my best friend. I couldn't look her in the eye the next time we met. /awkward
    December 13th, 2013 at 09:58am
  • Yeah. Not a pretty sight.

    Just finished nine. I'm now "technically" year ten. woo hoo double digits
    Nah, they'll stay good. I have mini crushes on two, they're 17 and 19, and I like to ogle at another 17 year old. But his ego is sky high, so it's a no. And there's a 16 year old who is drop dead gorgeous, but wouldn't look twice at me.
    Stop calling yourself bad, you can't control your dreams! As awkward as they may get at times.
    December 13th, 2013 at 09:57am
  • Ours were so picky with jewellery as well. Like, only one piercing per ear and no facial bling at all. But damn! Lucky! I hate when I see girls with uber short skirts, because when they bend down I can see all of Africa and um, no. Just no. File

    Agree completely yes.
    We basically have our pick of the bunch XD
    I'll just say that it is very nice being legal tehe I only see the attractive white boys around uni, or in the city. Or sometimes when the train goes past the Monash campuses and the white boys get on and it's like woah baby.
    I feel your pain. When I was 14 and swimming as well (are you finishing year nine or ten?) there were these delicious boys who were eighteen - twenty and ugh, the dreams I used to have about them. Bad Alex.
    Funny because I looked up one of the guys I used to have a crush on and he totally lost his looks XD He was sixteen at the time when I was crushing on him, though XD
    December 13th, 2013 at 09:03am
  • @ swell
    As long as you've got your uniform on, it's accepted. Facial piercings, makeup, jewelry, you name it. Skirts that barely leave stuff to the imagination. Ties that aren't done properly (but are present). It's ridiculous. You'd have a detention at my old school.

    He pulled it off, believe you me.
    Subtle, yes, and V-necks are lovely.
    Can I just say Australia as whole in attractiveness > the world. As you said, we have such diversity. It's basically a free for all.
    But I don't know of many attractive white boys my age. Like, just a couple. All the ones I find attractive are legally adults. Like the older guys at my swimming. /mid-teenage years girl problems
    December 13th, 2013 at 08:57am
  • Ours is like, if we wear make up that doesn't look natural then we'd have to take it off. Coloured nail polish is a huge hell to the no but clear is okay, as long as it isn't sparkly or anything. There's always those girls that literally wear cakes on their face and I'm like, um what? How are you getting away with this?

    oh god plaid
    not all boys can feel off the plaid I feel but the boys who do deserve crowns or something because hi hello me you now
    oh, not the obnoxious printed ones but the subtle printed ones?? tight fitting shirts are the best
    or when guys wear white v-necks
    or black
    but generally white with black jeans and vans and i'm thinking 'alex DOWN GIRL' lmfao
    I mean, we can complain that we don't have many good looking boys but I think as a whole australia has some fine fine ass just sayin'
    and melbourne ain't bad either like we have the whole wog community that are generally attractive although I'm not really into wogs but there are some decent white boys out there and Happy face
    December 13th, 2013 at 08:50am
  • @ swell
    Stupid public schools. At my old one I would have been slaughtered just for wearing mascara (as I did today.)

    Someone who I can sympathize / die inside with! There was also this one guy who was wearing a plaid button down and oh my lord. Happy face Gorgeous. Like, I never find guys in my class attractive but damn.
    AND YES THAT LOOK. But some printed tops are a little bit what the heck? And tight fitting shirts are pretty good too. Wink
    December 13th, 2013 at 08:42am

    can't say I'm a fan of harem pants, whatever floats their boats though I guess ~
    man your school is lax, if we wore belly showing things we'd be in so much shit haha

    I love the look where guys wear chinos with those printed short sleeved shirts and vans and I just Happy face the guys I work with dress like that and I'm like 'I normally don't find you attractive but dayumn boy'
    I'm feeling this on so many levels HAHA
    December 13th, 2013 at 08:31am
  • @ swell
    Oh, not at all. We have to wear ties and blazers too; I think it's a requirement at all schools now, except those ones, you know?

    I don't have an emblem. It's just like interwoven lines. /boring
    It is pretty cool though. tehe But the girls' school has a castle or something for their emblem (something you would expect of a boys' school) and I really like how they've defied the gender stereotypes with it.

    It was, and they could barely walk in them. This girl also wore harem pants (idk apparently that's what they're called) and it looked so funny. She paired it with a shirt that showed her belly. Silly girls. There weren't many onesies from my earlier prediction though.

    So would I. And all the guys looked so nice. They had button down shirts and jeans and just, let me look a little bit, I don't care if you're my best friend you're looking good today. And then there were guys with ultra skinny legs and hoodies. Lick
    December 13th, 2013 at 08:10am
  • The boys didn't wear much magenta, it was only used for the ties or trimming on the blazers, I think. (Sorry. This makes me sound snobbish and I don't mean to).

    Oh yeah, there's this school near me that has a unicorn as its emblem. It's cool as! I don't even know what our emblem is, it's like a castle on top of a hill with ribbons???? HAHAHAHA I don't know Facepalm

    High heels at school? wow things have changed since I went to school aka a year ago
    how impractical and annoying and stupid?????

    I'd rather wear what you wore a million times over than one day in high heels. Ugh.
    December 13th, 2013 at 08:03am
  • @ swell
    It's disgusting. Yak My others were blue and white, which aren't too bad.

    Magenta? Woah. Pretty snazzy. (The boys must have been extremely happy.) There's a school in the city (Melbourne Boys' Grammar) and their school icon is a unicorn, and the colours are black, green and purple.

    Oh, those. I don't know them as Windsor Smith, just sandals. Not very many of them at school today, I'm afraid. There were lots of Vans and high heels. /rolls eyes

    I wore black skinnies, black socks and Vans, and a band tee. Haute Couture, I'm telling you.
    December 13th, 2013 at 07:58am
  • woah okay orange and grey
    not nice
    at all

    my uniform i'll admit was nicer than other schools in the sense that I actually liked it - we had magenta and black and white although white isn't considered part of the school colours but it was in the uniform and looked pretty fresh so

    Windsor Smith is a shoe store, like Zu or Betts? Except pricier and the shoes there aren't to everyone's taste but I think they're lovely. You may have seen these or these around?

    What did you end up wearing, just out of curiosity?
    December 13th, 2013 at 07:52am
  • @ kitsch
    No! Even if I had ten years' worth. (I'm trying to say you are just an out of this world amazing singer.)

    If you say so.

    @ swell
    Uniforms suck. I have this horrible grey and orange mix. I didn't mind my old ones, but this is just silly. The dress is made of a really heavy fabric and paired with no air con in the school, term one is dreadful. Too hot.
    I wore trackies all the time in primary school, though I'm trying to actually not look like a slob this time around.

    I feel my fabulousness. 80% of the girls at my school are Asian, and they wear onesies and those shorts and shirts that leave nothing to the imagination, so yeah. That was a great guess. Except I have no idea what Windsor Smith are. /ignorant in fashion
    December 12th, 2013 at 09:01pm
    idk it makes me feel so aus'n yknow bc poor us we have uniforms
    actually i liked having uniforms in school it's so much easier not having to worry about what to wear everyday than being judged on free dress day based on what you wear yknow
    although it was only in y12 where i felt comfortable enough to wear trackies to school lols so i stopped caring by then

    i'm going to assume all the gals will wear some shorts a tank and those windsor smith lillies yknow the ones
    i actually have both pairs myself except i got them on sale and both aren't from windsor smith but yknow lols
    idk wear whatever floats your boat and who cares about everyone else if you feel fabulous you will be fabulous u feel
    December 12th, 2013 at 01:12pm
  • YOU'VE HAD 10 YEARS OF SINGING LESSONS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! Swoon Oh my.
    & you cannot say that, you haven't heard the banshee cry. /aka me.

    Well neither can I but ya know what you have talents. Whistle
    December 12th, 2013 at 12:19pm
  • @ kitsch
    Yeah right they are "mediocre singing abilities". You could probably sing better than me even if I had ten years' worth of singing lessons under my belt.

    And what are you talking about with that? Also, I cannot for the life of me juggle.
    December 12th, 2013 at 11:51am
  • @ Ada.
    That must suck, I'm sorry.

    Oh, I don't have a style. I was going to go with that, but yeah. I don't wear free dress very often. Once a term, actually. Depending on if we have any sports days and whatnot.
    December 12th, 2013 at 11:50am
  • Selena Gomez makes me feel better about my mediocre singing abilities. In Love

    & is there anything you aren't fantastic at, sheepy?
    December 12th, 2013 at 11:49am
  • Teaching someone another language is hard but it's ten times harder when you have a speech impediment Facepalm a friend wanted me to teach him and everytime he'd say something he'd ask "did I say it right?" No, not at all, and it's my fault.

    I don't know how much of a help I can be seeing as I have no idea how you dress but I'll try. Jeans or shorts and a top you like?
    December 12th, 2013 at 11:36am