Christmas Gifts, anyone? & a question for you (to quench my curiosity.) - Comments


    Yeah, I'll be fine with my iPod and something to write with haha that's what I used to do on vacation if the place we were
    staying at didn't have WiFi. Now I'm like "must. HAVE. WIFI. Must. MOD. On. MIBBA." Crazy

    It's gorgeous. Swoon And I went during the spring so the trees and flowers were in bloom and I don't
    get spring fever or allergies so we pretty much stopped by the side of the road to pick flowers. It was lovely.
    December 21st, 2013 at 01:22pm
  • @ Apex
    I was unaware of your stories. I'll check them out tomorrow. (As its just past 11pm.)

    I don't understand how to play cricket. Not proper cricket, anyway. I just whack the ball and run. There were heaps of parties, but I wasn't invited to any. BBQ's were the main thing, and swimming. But I also explored basically the whole Murray river area. It was beautiful.

    @ kitsch
    Thanks for the tip; I'll exercise it when I get back to school (maybe).

    It was quite easy, to tell you the truth. Like, I had my iPod so I had stories saved on it to read, and my music, but that was the only electronic (besides phone) that I used. I've never seen proper woods before. Mainly because we don't have any (that I'm aware of). The countryside/woods is so much prettier than the city, don't you agree? Less pollution, too.
    December 21st, 2013 at 01:19pm
  • When I learn how to boy, I'll let you know. Really though, all YOU need to do is flip your luscious hair. OMFG

    And I would go to the countryside. I sort of got close when I visited my aunt, as she lives verrrry far from the city and there are woods as her backyard. But she has neighbors so not quite. And that was before I was immersed in the Internet so I pretty much didn't use anything electronic at all. I'd do it just to see how I'd fare. XD
    December 21st, 2013 at 12:30pm
  • I've only got three, just sayin'. Two have less than 500 words. Just sayin'.

    Yeah, it just depends on where you are. We played cricket and played on the railroad tracks. And with all the animals and stuff, and threw parties but I doubt it's like that there.
    December 21st, 2013 at 11:53am
  • @ Apex
    Stories to comment on would be nice. Just saying.

    That does sound beautiful. And rough at the same time. Oh well.
    December 21st, 2013 at 11:48am
  • Merry holidays.
    Give me comments. File

    Hah, yeah I'd go on that trip. In Jamaica where I usually stay with my grandfather, he has no wifi and literally lives in the farthest place from the city. It's all country and we've got no working toilet or shower it's rough, we pick/grow our own fruits for juice and to eat and usually we have to walk far ways up the road or get a ride to go to a store to get some food. It's really heavenly though. I don't mind being without wifi there because it's too beautiful and calming and there's so much to do and see. Depends on the place though.
    December 21st, 2013 at 11:44am
  • I would love to have my siggy made by you! :)

    And yes, definitely. Thumb up
    December 21st, 2013 at 11:21am
    also yes i would do the thing i like nature
    December 21st, 2013 at 11:06am