Dating a drug addict and information on drugs - Comments

  • No offense to XXXataktoulaXXX but you can't really be a shisha addict. My boyfriend and I own three hookahs and plenty of shisha and supplies, and we aren't addicts. It's hard to get 'addicted' to pure tobacco that has nothing but natural flavors, honey, and molasses in it. If you know someone who says they are addicted to shisha, they are buying the totally wrong product and need help and also need to make sure what they are buying really is shisha.
    January 7th, 2014 at 10:22pm
  • Part.
    December 27th, 2013 at 02:33pm
  • I applaud u on your goals. My mom is an ex herion addict who currently got into crystal meth. Along with my sister, aunts, cousins. I've given up on them long ago. Been through the withdraws and o.d.s and I honestly don't care anymore. Wish I did though but its mainly a defence thing on my
    December 27th, 2013 at 02:33pm
  • My mom is a weed addict, my younger brother as well - my older brother is an heroin/shisha addict. I know how it feels, plus two of my previous boyfriends were cocaine addicts.
    December 27th, 2013 at 12:49pm
  • I know exactly how you feel with this. It's tough but you seem to really love him to be able to help him through this or at least stand by his side. Many people end up walking away from it, but you've given me faith in humanity again for sticking by him.

    My best friend/on/off boyfriend is an addict and dealer and I hate it, like so much because of all the dangers that come with it but like yourself I won't give up on him at all.

    I hope things work out for you and I hope you manage to help him get away from the stuff! Good luck! :)
    December 27th, 2013 at 02:56am