i've reached a bump in my school career || ramblings and e.c.t - Comments

  • No problem!
    Also, that's alright, haha.
    January 10th, 2014 at 03:15am
  • @ targaryen.
    Well if you're looking at going abroad, I'd suggest starting to look into it now. Most British unis offer a semester abroad in the second year, so you might be interested in that. And that's a lot of courses. They'll all ask for different subjects so I'd suggest narrowing it down to two or three different courses so that you can get the subjects required.
    January 10th, 2014 at 12:39am
  • @ castiel's vessel
    thank you for the advice and good luck with your own application!

    I would love to go to uni but I'm edging towards a uni aboard perhaps but I dunno, I've got so many in mind! I would love to take a course which is either technology-related, media-related, history-related or costume design-ish or film production lmfao I haven't even ruled out things like marine biology or medical lmfao I'm so lost
    January 10th, 2014 at 12:32am
  • @ targaryen.
    I absolutely understand. We didn't get much help, never even in the shape of the careers advisor, so I wouldn't know that some subjects require English Language A-Level, which wasn't on offer for me, or will only take joint Lit+Lang. Thankfully, I didn't want to take any of those courses, but still. Do you have an idea of whether you'd want to go to uni, and if so, which course? I'm really UCAS/course savvy because in December I sent off my UCAS application and have a conditional place at a university so I'll be able to help if you need it!

    No one in my year really cared about the mocks because y'know, just mocks, but that's a really bad mindset and I do not encourage it. XD
    January 9th, 2014 at 11:15pm
  • @ castiel's vessel
    gosh thank you for the UCAS hint because I have NO idea and school is pressuring Cry
    Wow, I guess mocks are always worse than the real things! I know exactly what you mean, languages are just... nope.
    January 9th, 2014 at 11:05pm
  • You have to choose your A-Level choices by Feb? I only had to give a rough guesstimate of what I might take in year 11, and it was only when year 12 started that I actually made my choice.

    Do you have any idea if you want to go to university? If so, any idea what course you'd like to do? Most of them require a certain subject at A-Level that had to be taken, so if you look courses up on UCAS even though they're for this September's entry, it'll give you a rough idea of what to take.

    I remember my mock GCSEs. I got a G (worse than an F - ha!) in Welsh and three Es in Science because I just didn't care for them. In the real exams, I got Cs in Science (highest I could get - sat foundation tier) and a D in Welsh which wasn't bad considering I fail at languages.
    January 9th, 2014 at 10:31pm
  • @ dyke
    and yup, tbh I don't know what they mean universally or whether they change depending where you live Facepalm
    January 9th, 2014 at 10:29pm
  • Ohh I love game of thrones and your username! Also, are the letters the marks you received or what?
    January 9th, 2014 at 10:14pm