Does anyone else: know what it's like dealing with a schizophrenic family member? - Comments

  • Her0ofTime

    Her0ofTime (100)

    There isn't really anything you can do. To her the delusions are real, and until she is being treated and properly medicated you will most likely not be able to get through to her. I suggest going to a doctor yourself and asking them what you can do to help her.

    I work in a field were I deal with this kind of stuff hands on. If you need any advice you can pm me.
    January 11th, 2014 at 04:55pm
  • dombelova

    dombelova (125)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Yes, I was actually diagnosd(I spelt that wrong) with a form of it. I have a very bad type of depression called Post Psychotic Depression Disorder Of Schizophrenia (At least I think that's what they call it)
    It's hard for me to deal with real life situations, and I am very parnoid (I spelt that wrong) I take Depreshion meds and a medication that helps with me hearing voices.

    *If You Have Any Questions, I'll answer them the best I can*

    **Oh Sorry About My Spelling **
    January 11th, 2014 at 08:42am