Ugh Friends are So Dramatic (Rant-ish) - Comments

  • @January Rose
    :( Thank you! Hug
    January 21st, 2014 at 03:45pm
  • I think that you should stand up for yourself, or accept that people are going to push you around. When you are an easy target, bullies and immature friends see that and pick on you, and they don't care if you are getting hurt.
    Your friend Glimmer is quite a bully and you shouldn't have to put up with it. You should tell her how you feel and see how she reacts. If it is positive (she feels bad, apologizes...) then give her a second chance. Everyone deserves one. If she reacts negatively (gets really defensive, blames you) just leave. People who don't respect you with the respect you know you deserve, shouldn't be your friends.

    Hope this helps. Sorry this is happening to you. Hug
    January 21st, 2014 at 07:13am
  • @hannahdollx
    Thanks for reading that whole thing, first of all, and thanks for commenting, too! I really don't like being in this "friendship" but it's kinda forced because our parents are besties. I'll try to take your advice, though. Thanks again! :)
    January 21st, 2014 at 05:45am
  • I think she needs help and you should get away fast because that's such a toxic friendship. And you do need stand up for yourself....I was the quiet push-over friend for a long time, so I know exact what you're going through.
    January 21st, 2014 at 05:37am