So I told my family I used to self harm. (Part two) - Comments

  • :((( I'm sorry it isn't going well for you. As the other commenter said, you'll just have to wait till they reach a point where you can reason with them — I guess it's all a bit fresh in their minds right now. Hope it gets better, it should do! You're probably sick of hearing it but time will help! You can always message me on here if you need someone to talk to, I come on here nearly every day :)
    January 24th, 2014 at 06:20pm
  • @ Rachel-Marie @ iggy.
    I haven't been diagnosed with depression but I fit the 'criteria' for it. My parents (well whole family) ripped to shreds my cousin when he was diagnosed with depression so meh. They're still not talking to me so I'll see what happens I guess. Thank you both! Very Happy
    January 23rd, 2014 at 09:50pm
  • I am so sorry, doll! I really do hope that things would have worked out better for you. Parents and family do not always understand. My family didn't, they still judge me for it. Which is why I have to move out as soon as I can. But I hope that is different for you and that they will find love in their hearts and begin to understand what you have gone through. And about the truth behind suicide and self-harm. Try to educate them as much as you can. When they reach a point where they can be more open-minded. That time will come. You may have to wait out the storm, but there will be calmer seas ahead.

    Much love, doll! You can talk to me about anything whenever you want. I'll be here for you. Arms
    January 23rd, 2014 at 05:39pm
  • I'm sorry! :( When I was going through depression, my parents would laugh at me and tell me I was just doing it so people would feel bad for me. I can understand, to a point, what you're going through. If you need to talk at all or need some extra support, feel free to message me!
    January 23rd, 2014 at 05:07pm