Other Writing Sites? - Comments

  • I just remembered WattPad too, I was on that for a little while, but I just got bored of it. It's pretty dead, and I couldn't get used to the way stories were uploaded.

    But anyway xD
    I think I've mentioned a few sites that you may wanna try for yourself.
    February 10th, 2014 at 07:55am
  • I have heard of other sites. Like I said, I have a deviantART, it can be good, just a lot of people don't really leave reviews.
    I don't post much now any more anyway because of my work load. But, I always post on dA last unless I'm posting for group contests...
    February 10th, 2014 at 07:54am
  • I'd recommend AO3. It's really the only other site I enjoy using...I do have a deviantART too, but because I write slash, it's hard to post there sometimes since quite a lot of people are against it.

    There is a waiting process with AO3, but it's also shorter than what they say (at least mine was, I got my invite a couple of weeks before I was supposed to). I think it's a great site, I've gotten feedback I wanted, and being kinda new on there, that's a lovely feeling for me.

    Even when I post on dA now, no-one seems to care, they just fave and run. But on AO3 the 'favourite' option (called 'Kudos' on AO3) is right next to the comment section, at the bottom of stories, even chaptered ones which can be viewed fully or in separate chapters.

    I just absolutely love AO3, and I never expected to like it as much as I do. It's easy to upload stories, three types of tags can be added: fandom (you can type 'original' for your own stories, all tags come up as you type), pairings, and additional tags (anything that may help potential readers find your story).

    This was quite long which I hadn't intended xD But AO3 is great, and it's all I can think of.
    February 10th, 2014 at 07:54am
  • There's Scribophile, which has a few published and popular authors on there (I'm pretty sure Richelle Mead has an account), and it's very likely that you would receive critiques on your stories due to how the site is set out (You earn 'karma' for writing a critique of a certain length on other stories, then you post a chapter when you have enough points). There is both a paid and free version, and with the free one you can only have three chapters up at a time, which sucks, and fan-fiction is not popular (I'm not sure if fan-fiction is even allowed). Otherwise, it's a pretty good site and most critiques tend to be informative and helpful.
    February 9th, 2014 at 09:35am
  • hmm, I started using Quotev a few years ago. That's where I've been writing my stories lately. Only problem is who would read the stories. I was writing stories for tv/movie fandoms which was getting more reads than on Mibba. I have an account on fanfiction but never posted stories on there. there are stories about band members and actors/actress' but you have to search for them. i've also seen stories on polyvore and tumblr, but i don't think those are the best sites for stories
    February 9th, 2014 at 06:56am
  • That's odd that your mibba feed is slow but perhaps we just like different things/have different friends and such. My Mibba feed is as active as it's ever been!

    There's nothing I like more than Mibs, so I can't help you out there.
    February 9th, 2014 at 02:30am
  • AO3 is really good, I love it, but it's way more geared towards slash writers of fandoms or people who have inner fandom pairings. There's not really much for OCs on there, but I figure that can change. There are a lot of things that I really like about AO3 and you don't need an invite to get in, you can have them send you one automatically you just have to put in your email address.
    February 9th, 2014 at 02:11am
  • The only other writing website that I do use is Wattpad. Unfortunately, like house of cards said, Wattpad is a fairly large popularity contest. Unless you're a popular user, don't expect your stories to get much attention. I've grown to like Wattpad because the fandom I write for has a small fanbase on Wattpad, which is nice. I'm happy with our small community but if you want a wildly popular story with thousands of reads, you're probably out of luck. I'm not sure of what the Avenged Sevenfold fandom is like over there, or if they even have one, though.

    FF.net I know doesn't allow bandfics for, I think, copyright reasons. It's also the reason they don't allow fanfics based on certain books like the ones by Anne Rice, for copyright reasons. So if you're looking for a place to post your Avenged Sevenfold fanfics, FF.net is probably not where you want to go. It's mainly for TV, video game, and anime fanfics.

    AO3 is supposed to be good but I think you need an invite to join that site, so you'd have to track someone down in order to give you one. I've never used it because I have no desire to try that hard to find an invite to a writing site that I don't even know is good or not.
    February 8th, 2014 at 10:14pm
  • I have an account on AO3, but I haven't gotten into it the way that I'm into Mibba. But, I still like Mibba better. I've tried other sites too, but they're just not worth mentioning because they aren't as decent as Mibba. I've noticed a huge change on this site in terms of community, but I'm hoping that eventually (maybe in the summer, when people are less busy?) things will turn around.
    February 8th, 2014 at 09:35pm
  • I've used a lot of different sites including Wattpad, Movellas, and Figment. But Mibba is still my favorite. It's so much easier to use and you get more feedback from readers here. Wattpad focuses on generating votes and ultimately winning the "Watty Awards." Fan fiction does well there but not nearly as well as original. In fact I don't think I've ever seen a fanfic win a Watty Award. Also, a lot of your readership depends on how pretty your cover is.

    I don't recommend Movellas at all because 90% of the site is One Direction fics and it takes a lot of work to get noticed above them. I did manage to make it onto their "hidden gems" list once, and while that was very uplifting the site just isn't really worth it. You get barely any feedback and it's difficult to use. However, I really like that it tells you how long it will take to read a story.

    Figment is actually pretty decent so far. I haven't been using it very long but I really like that you get badges for things. And not difficult to accomplish things either. You get a badge for posting so many chapter or stories and generating hearts. Even just for posting your first story. There isnt as much of a community feel as Mibba but the heart button makes up for it because if someone can't think of what to say they can at least still show you they like it. Although, they do require pretty covers and a lot of the feedback you do get is self promotion. I haven't given up on it yet though.

    So I hope that helps. I've joined other sites too but these are the only ones that stick out.
    February 8th, 2014 at 08:57pm
  • AO3 is in my opinion hands down better than Mibba, and I'm already considering moving permanently. They focus on the writing. I like that. Their search features are much, much easier to use, the overall quality of the writing is better. If you need an invite, I have invite codes that'd get you in ASAP. One of my friends who used to be on here left because of the community and now writing didn't seem to be the main focus.
    February 8th, 2014 at 07:09pm
  • I use Ao3 too. So far I'd only posted one story, though. ^_^

    I usually go there to read because it's so much easier to browse through the fandom that I want.
    February 8th, 2014 at 06:00pm
  • I have joined almost all the writing sites you can think of and the only one which is good is mibba.
    And you know me, I'm always active on here- daily.
    February 8th, 2014 at 05:59pm
  • I sometimes use Quotev. It's a writing site where you can post your stories or quizzes. I don't have an online account, but their stories are pretty good and it's the only writng site I have found that allows you to post and respond to quizzes. But I have to say I like Mibba much better. It has that family feel and you can customize stories, blogs, poems, ect. On Quotev you have to stick with a white background, but you can post in pictures. Here is the link.
    February 8th, 2014 at 05:42pm
  • Yeah you could try ao3, I'm on there but I don't post. Just read really.
    February 8th, 2014 at 05:41pm
  • I tried using Wattpad but I found it was really difficult to get your writing out on the site, it just seems to be a massive popularity contest from what I could see. Fanfiction.net would be amazing if it wasn't for the fact that you can't write about real people (so no bandfiction or actor / actress fiction, which sucks). The only other one I know of is Archive of Our Own or something like that, but I've never used it and I think you need to be invited there by a member? Not too sure. I haven't found any exceptional writing sites for a while, which is why I stopped cross-posting all of my stuff. I'd like to find another site to cross-post on too, so if you find one that's good, let me know!
    February 8th, 2014 at 05:37pm