I'm living in Antarctica! - Comments

  • @ little man;
    I wish I could skate. I've tried countless times for years, thinking "OH HEY I WATCH PEOPLE SKATE ALL THE TIME AND I USED TO DANCE THIS SHOULD BE EASY. I SHOULD HAVE BALANCE."

    So I just have to live vicariously through the insanely talented.
    February 10th, 2014 at 04:50pm
  • @ serendipity;
    That is why I love man hockey so much, cause I actually know who they are c:

    I also just love everything related to skating Mr. Green
    February 9th, 2014 at 02:57am
  • @ little man;
    Ugh, yes! I actually just watched women's hockey for the first time (normally I don't get into it) and those women are just so badass! I can't wait for the men's hockey though, since I actually know the players so I can really get into it. tehe

    @ domi823

    Bobsledding looks fun!! I also watched skiing today, I'm not sure what it's called but they were skiing at nearly 80 mph. It looked so exhilarating just watching!!
    And same here. There's a pile in front of my house that's over five feet tall easily, it's insane! You stay warm too. I'm ready for this winter to come to an end!
    February 9th, 2014 at 02:48am
  • It's antartica over here as well, but I too is completely into the olympics madness, expecially those hockey games, god I can't wait till it starts.
    February 9th, 2014 at 12:24am
  • I love watching the hockey games! :D And for whatever reason I like bobsledding too. I want to bobsled one day :3

    It's Antarctica over by me as well. In past winters it would snow and then melt in week's time. Then it would snow again after maybe a few weeks, and then just melt right away. Lately we've been getting snow and more snow and it has never melted yet. No one knows where to put the snow anymore while shoveling!

    Stay warm!
    February 8th, 2014 at 10:26pm