Horror Movies I Don't Like But Everyone Else Does - Comments

  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ Airi.
    Psychological horrors are better cause they show and explore the human mind and show how dark and twisted it can be. Haven't seen a good one in a while either. I feel like they're scarier cause that's something that's possible and can actually happen. Slasher I don't mind what genre it is I just hate it's the same old story again and again. Nowadays they make the characters so dim witted or unlikable you don't care what happens to them
    February 18th, 2014 at 10:53am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    @ weirdogirl1236
    Not as far I know unfortunately. I've got the DVDs to Ju-on (The Grudge) and if I'm remembering correctly, they didn't have a language setting other than English. I don't think Ringu (The Ring) had a language setting either. I don't really look though to be honest, I prefer watching movies in their original languages. Most Asian horrors won't come with an English dub actually. Off the top of my head, One Missed Call (Chakushin Ari) is the only one I can recall having an English language setting. Mhm I understand why you wouldn't like it, I've heard that same thing from a lot of people and it's understandable why. ^^' Although, I can't lie, it does make me a bit sad. It just makes me feel like people are missing out on some excellent movies simply because they're not in English. XD If you're ever in the mood and want to give it a try, there are a lot of excellent Japanese, Korean, and Thai films out there. Shutter is an amazing Thai one. Scared the hell out of me the first time I watched it.... Still kind of does scare me even after all this time lol. :P

    Psychological horrors are the best (in my opinion). Good ones are able to get under your skin and even use your own feelings against you. A Tale of Two Sisters is an excellent movie, it's one of the first psychological horrors I watched and it really is amazing. It's Korean though so yeah. xD To me, things like psychological horror are true horror, not slasher films. I feel like I'm in the minority but I honestly feel like slasher should be a genre apart from horror.
    February 18th, 2014 at 07:49am
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ Airi.
    There hasn't been a good slasher film in ages. Then when one comes out its the same slice and dice and characters are so stupid to stay at whatever location they're at even when they notice large numbers of their comrades/friends are missing. I know a good number of the cast of Poltergiest died but still I don't find them scary but I do believe the fact they used real skeletons in the first film may have attributed to the deaths and that is scary. As for The Grudge I can't seem to ever find the original in stores and I'm not gonna lie I'm not a fan of movies being in different languages and me having to read the subtitles. So is the original Grudge dubbed in English? And I now know the rating doesn't matter and it's not always about blood there's psychological films that can get ya. And remember I put Hostel and Saw on here so obviously I don't think you need blood to have a good horror film all that gore after a while kinda overrides the plot to me
    February 18th, 2014 at 01:34am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I agree with most of your list. Many of the ones you listed are slasher films, and that's personally my least favorite sub-genre of horror. Slasher just...isn't scary. A person (or group) going around and senselessly killing simply isn't scary in my opinion.

    My mother won't allow me to watch The Poltergeist. XD Sh'e s a very superstitious person and honestly believes the rumors that the movie is haunted.... I dunno. She also won't let me watch The Omen for that reason. I had to watch both of them at a friend's house because they're not allowed in mine. The Omen was boring to me but The Poltergeist was interesting. Not scary but it was still pretty interesting in the end. I think this is why most people see The Poltergeist as scary. A lot of people are superstitious and believe the movie is haunted because the little girl actor died in real life and all that. So the terror doesn't come from the movie necessarily but probably more so from the thoughts that, what if it's real?

    I have to say though, The Grudge scares the hell out of me. XD The original Japanese movies are even scarier than the American remakes. I think for me, it's mainly the noise Kayako makes and the way she moves. I can't stand the noise she makes. >.< I don't know if you've watched them, but if you haven't seen the Japanese versions of The Grudge and The Ring, you should give them a chance. They're better than the remakes. Although, I'm not sure how much you'll like them since the movies endings are a bit confusing and require thinking pretty in-depth about it. I personally like horror movies that make you think like that but I know not every horror fan likes that. ^^'

    With that said, a PG-13 horror film or a PG horror film can be scary. You don't need excessive blood and violence to make a horror film, which is pretty much the only thing that makes a horror film get boosted to an R rating. This is probably why I prefer Asian horror to Western horror. Asian horror doesn't focus so much on the violence and blood as it does on the real scares and terror.
    February 18th, 2014 at 12:39am
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ house of cards.
    I thought Insidious looked cheesy at first but it's pretty decent and they did something I haven't seen in a horror film yet. Honestly after both Amanda and Jigsaw were killed even though they were featured in flashbacks I really didn't have any interest to see the others. I agree with the time laspe it made me confused and my head ache. And Pinhead did have an attractive facial structure...

    His pins!
    February 17th, 2014 at 11:28pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I've never actually seen Insidious, it just looked quite cheesy to me so I never bothered. Maybe I'll have to watch it. tehe

    The Saw movies don't make sense after the third one to me either. The second and third movies were the best ones, there's no denying that, although the sixth one was pretty cool as well (see previous comment: Hoffman goes full-on badass in six and I adored that). The thing that irritated me was the time-lapses between movies and the fact that half of the traps were executed at the same time but were in different films (รก la 3 and 4). It just seemed a little to over-complicated and I wish they had missed four and five our and just skipped straight to six.

    There was something about Pinhead. He had an attractive facial structure. tehe
    February 17th, 2014 at 11:14pm
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ house of cards.
    I do agree now that the rating of it has nothing to do with the scariness I'll admit the red faces demin from Insidious had me looking at the corner of the ceiling of my bed that night. Alot of people say Poltergiest is the scariest movie ever I don't understand why I guess I just think it's kinda overrated and overly praised when there's better movies out there. The Saw movies don't really make sense to me but I liked the 2nd and 3rd ones. As for the crush thing I had a crush on Pinhead when I was young.
    February 17th, 2014 at 10:46pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I remember falling asleep before the end of the first Paranormal Activity. Colour me bored as hell, that movie just didn't cut it for me. I didn't find The Human Centipede scary or good either. It was just batshit crazy and confused me. I prefer psychological thrillers to the usual "OH SOMETHING JUMPED AT ME OOOOH" kind of horrors.

    I don't think the rating has any bearing on the scariness though. I've watched some pretty weird and messed-up PG-13 films(I assume that'd be equal to a 12-rated Brit film) in my time. I honestly think that most movies are rated on violence, language and sexual stuff. I would pick an 18-rated film over a lesser rated film though, I can't even lie.

    I must admit though, I'm a sucker for the Saw films, mainly because when I was younger I had the hugest crush on Costas Mandylor for some incredibly unusual reason and by extension I thought Hoffman was the biggest badass in the world. I only really watched the films for him, which is probably why I like the first one the least out of the lot of them.
    February 17th, 2014 at 09:50pm
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ estrellas.
    I can't even remember when I was excited for a horror movie to come out
    February 17th, 2014 at 09:27pm
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ Total Nightmare
    I don't understand the hype about it at all. Unfortunately they're supposedly making a sequel
    February 17th, 2014 at 09:26pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Ugh, I've got to agree with you on most of those movies! I only disagree with you on Poltergeist, Evil Dead, the Blair Witch Project and Jaws. I really enjoyed those.
    But god, some of the movies you listed were awful! Especially Human Centipede. And Final Destination. And Paranormal Activity... and Sinister, too. It was a terrible movie, even though many of my friends said it was great :/
    February 17th, 2014 at 09:22pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    @ weirdogirl1236
    Yeah, I see what you're saying.
    February 17th, 2014 at 09:07pm
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ estrellas.
    Sinister was just so slow in pace for me it made me sleep and everything is so cliche and overdone I don't get my hopes up when I hear a new horror movie is coming out.
    February 17th, 2014 at 08:48pm
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ estrellas.
    Sinister was just so slow in pace for me it made me sleep and everything is so cliche and overdone I don't get my hopes up when I hear a new horror movie is coming out.
    February 17th, 2014 at 08:47pm
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ estrellas.
    Sinister was just so slow in pace for me it made me sleep and everything is so cliche and overdone I don't get my hopes up when I hear a new horror movie is coming out.
    February 17th, 2014 at 08:47pm
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ estrellas.
    Sinister was just so slow in pace for me it made me sleep and everything is so cliche and overdone I don't get my hopes up when I hear a new horror movie is coming out.
    February 17th, 2014 at 08:46pm
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ estrellas.
    Sinister was just so slow in pace for me it made me sleep and everything is so cliche and overdone I don't get my hopes up when I hear a new horror movie is coming out.
    February 17th, 2014 at 08:45pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Omg how could you not like Sinister? *dies* I agree with most of these, though. Horror movies don't scare me, so I expect to at least enjoy them, but recently, all of the ones coming out are just terrible.
    February 17th, 2014 at 08:40pm
  • weirdogirl1236

    weirdogirl1236 (100)

    United States
    @ Deus Ex Machina
    I did still don't like it
    February 17th, 2014 at 08:38pm
  • GGGG.

    GGGG. (150)

    United States
    American Psycho isn't supposed to scare you. It's a satire of how shallow the world has become, and that people are so disconnected from one another that someone like Patrick can go around slaughtering them and no one cares. In the end, his confession is meaningless, because no one will ever catch him because no one cares. It's a great movie if you can take the time to contemplate it.
    February 17th, 2014 at 08:10pm