What now? - Comments

  • BelovedSyn

    BelovedSyn (100)

    United States
    @ HerNameIsAlice
    But how can you do that? I am so afraid of hurting people. But I want more than anything to sit down and just tell her everything. Thanks, by the way :). Means a lot haha.

    On to my sister: I'm scared to reach out and fix our relationship. I'm scared of my family turning against me. I understand exactly what you mean about feeling alone. I am dying everyday. She has a tendency to take things the wrong way, though, and I don't want to send the wrong message to her. But I need her back in my life. She's literally the only person who has been there, and she's been through it all with me. But what if you're just that scared, for the purpose of your family? Should you risk that? Does it make sense?

    Arms: thanks :)
    February 21st, 2014 at 11:41pm
  • HerNameIsAlice

    HerNameIsAlice (100)

    United States
    Get rid of her. Sit down. Explain why you can't be friends anymore. Take what you wrote in this blog and exhale it to her. Do not stop to listen what she has to say. Then walk away. Any shit that comes after that from her, ignore it. She's just jelly cuz you're an awesome person. XD

    As for your sister, reach out to her. There will be a day where she might be gone and what you said will haunt you. I remember when I was 16, me and my older sister got into and verbal then physical fight. We went months without talking. And I felt alone. She's my best friend. And without her, I died every single day. I texted her and apologized. For everything. That's what you need to do. Arms
    February 21st, 2014 at 10:49pm
  • BelovedSyn

    BelovedSyn (100)

    United States
    @ Matt Sanders;
    I know. And I'm desperately trying. Thanks, hun. It means a lot <3
    February 21st, 2014 at 10:19pm
  • Matt Sanders;

    Matt Sanders; (455)

    United States
    Well you need to drop her because look at what it is doing to you. That isn't a healthy friendship at all and she is just a conniving parasite that is only looking out for herself. That isn't a true best friend. A true best friend would help you and encourage you to go after that guy that you like, that guy you want to be with. Not put you down like that or say mean things! I know it's hard and it's stupid!

    You can always come to me, my inbox is open and I will help you as much as I can!
    February 21st, 2014 at 09:49pm